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Whedonesque - a community weblog about Joss Whedon
"Oh, I'm gonna go to the special hell."
7740 members | you are not logged in | 21 February 2009

February 21

Christian Kane talks to IGN TV. Discusses "Leverage", Lindsey and the fans of Angel.
(SPOILER) Discuss the second episode of Dollhouse. How was it for you? Also, Eliza is in the new Hulu commercial.
The Dollhouse BitTorrent download numbers are posted. Dollhouse is straight in at number 10 in the top ten torrent downloads list for last week, TorrentFreak reports. More...

February 20

Cedric from the Bedlam Bards to be auctioned off. Well kinda. If you win the bidding, he'll perform at your local Can't Stop The Serenity screening.
(SPOILER) A taste of "The Target". If you can’t wait for tonight’s episode of Dollhouse, has a couple of sneaks peaks and trailers to satisfy your Dollhouse appetite for the time being.
Sigourney Weaver on Joss Whedon's (other?) Alien movie script. Turns out it didn't interest her that much.
Happy Birthday to Anthony Head! Our favorite watcher turns 55 today.
(SPOILER) Joss Whedon spills more Dollhouse secrets. And find out if he's really done with network tv. More...
(SPOILER) Dollhouse - Why you shouldn't quit watching (yet). A TWOP pundit casts her eyes over the next few episodes and gives reasons as to why she'll be watching the show. In a similar vein, Zap2it's Korbi says you should watch Dollhouse cause "it is solid enough to warrant a decent trial period".
Hulu Blog Calling All Whedon Fans. Hulu is asking for questions from the fandom for another Q&A; with ... Him. More...

February 19

(SPOILER) What to expect from Buffy #24. Jim Krueger tells Comic Book Resources all about this very special one-shot.
Angel Investigations vs. the Scoobies of Sunnydale. A discussion about a possible crossover comic and who would win in the match-up. Part two is here. More...

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