Graphviz Plugin


The GraphvizPlugin allows for the inline creation of diagrams for abstract graphs and networks using the Graphviz programs.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for GraphvizPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket. Be sure to mention which version of Trac and which version of the plugin you're using. If the version number ends with '', then please also specify the changeset number corresponding to the version you're using.


The programs from


See source:graphvizplugin/0.10/README.txt for details on installing the plugin on Trac 0.10.

See source:graphvizplugin/0.11/README.txt for details on installing the plugin on Trac 0.11.

After installing, don't forget to enable the plugin in your trac.ini, the usual way:

graphviz.* = enabled


Download the zipped source from here. Note that this contains everything regarding the Graphviz plugin including tagged releases and branches. The 0.10 directory contains the latest released version of the code for Trac 0.10 and the 0.11 directory contains the latest code for Trac 0.11.

That version has some trouble with rsvg support for creating anti-aliased images. The upcoming version contains a few related fixes:

If you want to have anti-aliased images, it might be a better option anyway to get/build a recent version of graphviz tools, which support producing anti-aliased images directly (through pangocairo support).


You can check out the source for GraphvizPlugin from Subversion at


digraph G {Hello->World->Graphviz->Rules}

would produce an image like:

Sample outout from the graphviz plugin, produced with graphviz-2.20.3 with pangocairo support

Note that you can insert TracLinks like this:

  digraph G {
    rankdir = "LR"
    GraphvizPlugin [ URL=GraphvizPlugin ]
    Trac [ 
    GraphvizPlugin -> Trac

This produces an image like this, but with the nodes are clickable, unlike here:

second example, this time with colour and TracLinks, also produced with graphviz-2.20.3 on Linux

Recent Changes

[4543] by cboos on 10/20/08 12:05:06

GraphvizPlugin: minor doc enhancement, mention the need to enable the plugin as suggested in #3724.

[4542] by cboos on 10/20/08 11:48:13

GraphvizPlugin: small refactoring of the _find_cmd helper method.

[4541] by cboos on 10/20/08 11:47:53

GraphvizPlugin: more documentation fixes.

Also, the name of the cache_min_count option was mistyped, fixed.

[4540] by cboos on 10/20/08 11:45:55

GraphvizPlugin: clarify documentation for rsvg_path, as suggested in #1998.


Author: pkropf
Contributors: cboos
