CoSign single sign-on integration for Trac


This plugin is inspired from TracCasPlugin and AccountLdapPlugin. Adapt to use CoSign single sign-on as the authentication back-end.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for TracCoSignPlugin are here (include Closed).

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out TracCoSignPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


Enable the plugin

To enable the whole plugin:

traccosign.* = enabled
trac.web.auth.LoginModule = disabled

or enable parts of TracCoSign plugin:

traccosign.login.* = enabled
traccosign.accountldap.* = enabled
trac.web.auth.LoginModule = disabled

note: Even if installing locally, you must disable the default LoginModule.

traccosign.login configuration

Configurations of traccosign.login are defined in the [cosign] section.

Options in the [cosign] section:

  • server: **required**

The base URL of the CoSign server.

  • service:

**Requried** if do not use CoSign filter doing redirect.

  • login_path:

Relative path to the login service. Defaults to /cgi-bin/login.

  • logout_path:

Relative path to the logout service. Defaults to /cgi-bin/logout.

traccosign.accountldap configuration

Configurations of traccosign.accountldap are defined in the [ldap] section.

Check AccountLdapPlugin for reference.


An example configuration:

traccosign.* = enabled
trac.web.auth.LoginModule = disabled

server = https://weblogin.localdomain/
service = trac
login_path = /cgi-bin/login
logout_path = /cgi-bin/logout

host = localhost
bind_user = cn=ldapadmin,dc=foo,dc=bar
bind_passwd = secret
basedn = dc=foo,dc=bar
user_rdn =
attempts = 1
user_filter = uid

Recent Changes

[5244] by jiangxin on 02/11/09 16:23:29

Packages using python-central

[5229] by jiangxin on 02/09/09 10:26:30

TracCoSignPlugin: update debian package revision. contains bugfix #4600,4601.

[5228] by jiangxin on 02/09/09 10:16:31

TracCoSignPlugin: Through the referer from header, we can safely narrow down LDAP queries. fixes #4601.

[5226] by jiangxin on 02/09/09 03:37:15

TracCoSignPlugin: Take referer as query_string between trac and cosign sso login/logout process; This hopefully fixes #4600.


Author: jiangxin