Welcome to issues.ez.no

Please have a look at the HOWTO on the right before filing an issue report. You need to be logged in to file a bugreport.

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Issue Reporting HOWTO

After you login (http://ez.no/bugs/loginurl):

1. Select a project with the tabs at the top of the screen.
2. Click on "Add an issue" on a projects home page.
3. Write in "Summary" a short description of your problem.
4. In "Description" fill in a more elaborate description of your bug.
5. In "Enviroment" fill in more specifics about your installation that
might have effect on your bug report. This could be the PHP version,
which database you use, the version of your database.
6. In "Steps to Reproduce" write in simple steps how to reproduce your problem.
7. If you have an attachment (code snippet, or screenshots or... ) add that in
the Attachment #1 field. (It is possible to add more attachments later)
8. Select the Type of bug in the "Type" drop down menu. Use only "Bug",
"Enhancement" or "Security Bug". In case "Security Bug" is chosen it is
automatically marked as private so that only you and the dev team can see
the report. A mail is also automatically send to the security mailinglist.
9. Select which components of the application the bug has effect on in the
"Components" box.
10. Select which versions of the application are affected. You can select
multiple versions.

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