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IMDb > No Place to Hide (1993)
No Place to Hide
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No Place to Hide (1993)

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User Rating: 4.8/10 (212 votes)


Richard Danus
Writer (WGA):
Richard Danus (written by)
Release Date:
16 April 1993 (USA) more
Thriller more
A teenager who's seen too much...and a cop who's seen it all.
Plot Summary:
Detective Joe Garvey is called in to a mysterious case: a ballerina has been slayed on stage during a performance... more
Plot Keywords:
Revenge / Orphan / Dancer / Conspiracy / Murder more
User Comments:
Utterly Forgettable more


 (Cast overview, first billed only)

Illana Diamant ... Joline (as Illana Shoshan)

Kris Kristofferson ... Joe Garvey

Drew Barrymore ... Tinsel Hanley

Martin Landau ... Frank McCoy
O.J. Simpson ... Allie Wheeler

Dey Young ... Karen
Bruce Weitz ... Captain Nelson Silva
Seth Marten ... Harold Rosen
Lydie Denier ... Pamela Hanley
Lilyan Chauvin ... Mother Superior
John Pomposello ... Detective

Michael Franco ... Detective
Debra Ellis ... Social Worker

Greg Safel ... Patrolman
Mike Stone ... Vince (as Michael Stone)
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Additional Details

Also Known As:
Tipperary (USA) (working title)
Argentina:98 min
Finland:K-16 / Iceland:16 / Argentina:13 / USA:R
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1 out of 3 people found the following comment useful:-
Utterly Forgettable, 13 March 2001
Author: great_sphinx_42 from The Poppy Field, OZ 69666

Here we have an example of the sort of movie for which the terms 'run of the mill' and 'formulatic' were invented. I'd believe this was made for TV if not for some nudity at the very beginning, but I can't imagine that it was released in theaters. My guess would be it went straight to video, especially as it was shot at the very beginning of Drew Barrymore's comeback and stars Kris Kristofferson. She is Tinsel, a 14-year-old who the cop played by Kristofferson must protect. Her ballerina sister was murdered, and it looks like she's next. I sort of enjoyed the beginning of the movie, as Tinsel shows some admirable spunk and self-reliance, but it veers quickly into soppy searching-for-family bunk as it is revealed that the cop's wife and daughter were killed in a car accident and the ballerina was Tinsel's last living relative. So of course neither of them has anyone and they bond, culminating in a scene sure to set just about anyone's eyes rolling. There's also some weird, boring, sort-of subplot about the police chief's involvement with some elitist secret society. It's supposed to be a testament to the great humanity of Kristofferson's cop, but the only thing this flick is a testament to is how far Drew Barrymore had fallen, and how far she has come.

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