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IMDb > "ABC Weekend Specials" (1977)

"ABC Weekend Specials" (1977) More at IMDbPro »TV series 1977-1997


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Release Date:
10 September 1977 (USA) more
9 wins & 15 nominations more
User Comments:
Possibly one of the most memorable openings of any Saturday morning show more


 (Series Cast Summary - 5 of 93)
Willie Tyler ... Himself - Host (16 episodes, 1981-1984)

Frank Welker ... Bunjee / ... (12 episodes, 1978-1994)
Janet Waldo ... Mother / ... (8 episodes, 1980-1983)
Hal Smith ... Clamper Carstair / ... (8 episodes, 1982-1988)
Nancy McKeon ... Dolly / ... (7 episodes, 1979-1983)
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60 min


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1 out of 1 people found the following comment useful:-
Possibly one of the most memorable openings of any Saturday morning show, 16 March 2002
Author: billys from Columbus, OH

The Weekend Specials were sometimes good, sometimes crap, and I rarely watched regularly. Generally I'd stick around long enough to see what this week's story would be, and then, washed out and headachey from four or more straight hours of watching jumpy animation on a black and white TV, I'd go off to have breakfast. So the distinctive theme music and animation were my signal that Saturday morning was over...but oh, what great music and animation it was! Like a flourishing coda to a Bach concerto, in fact. Even though it wasn't one of the shows that I stayed around to watch, it was nevertheless probably more ingrained in my memories of Saturday mornings than anything else, except for maybe the Bugs/Roadrunner Show, In The News, and ABC's various between-show thingies (Schoolhouse Rock, the "Bod Squad" segments...)

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