Ticket #4509 (new enhancement)

Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 1 year ago

Display a list of all broken wiki links (orphaned pages)

Reported by: chris@martin.name Assigned to: anybody
Priority: normal Component: Request-a-Hack
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Trac Release: 0.11


It is common to find that pages have been orphaned (ie: no longer linked). Being able to display a list of Orphaned pages would be of great benefit in ensuring that information is not accidentally lost


Change History

01/25/09 12:46:27 changed by anonymous

09/06/09 09:55:53 changed by rjollos

  • summary changed from Detect an List Orpahed Pages to Display a list of all broken wiki links (orphaned pages).

#5734 was a duplicate taht I opened.

09/11/09 00:37:52 changed by rjollos

Open ticket on Edgewall for this feature: ticket #109.

As noted in that ticket, there is a plugin WantedPagesPlugin.

09/11/09 00:45:49 changed by rjollos

On further inspection, I see that the WantedPagesPlugin is a bit different. We want something similar, such as AbandonedPagesPlugin (as described in t:#108, as was noted earlier).

09/21/09 05:25:37 changed by rjollos

#5846 tagged as a duplicate.

Add/Change #4509 (Display a list of all broken wiki links (orphaned pages))

Change Properties