STANDARD STATS Rank Additional Stats
Driving Distance 278.9 170th Tot. Dist. - 2,231 Tot. Drvs. - 8
Driving Accuracy Percentage 57.14% 172nd Fwys Hit - 32 Poss. Fwys - 56
Greens in Regulation Percentage 55.56% 198th Greens Hit - 40 # Holes - 72
Putting Average 1.875 197th GIR Putts - 75 Greens Hit - 40
Eagles (Holes per) 72.0 1st # Holes - 72 # Eagles - 1
Birdie Average 2.25 198th # Birdies - 9 Tot. Rnds. - 4
Scoring Average 75.36 197th Tot. Strks - 300 Tot. Adj. - 1.445
Sand Save Percentage 44.44% 155th # Saves - 4 # Bunkers - 9
Total Driving 1,998 197th Total rank from stats 1 & 2
Par Breakers 13.89% 198th #Bird/Eagl - 10 #Holes - 72
Putts Per Round 30.25 191st Tot. Putts - 121 Tot. Rnds. - 4
GIR Pct. - Fairway Bunker .0% 198th - -
Player did not meet the minimum number of rounds requirement to be officially ranked. The rank indicated is the position the player would be ranked if the minimum had been met.
Nationwide Tour
STANDARD STATS Rank Additional Stats
Driving Distance 270.4 -- Tot. Dist. - 14,603 Tot. Drvs. - 54
Driving Accuracy Percentage 63.64% -- Fwys Hit - 238 Poss. Fwys - 374
Greens in Regulation Percentage 66.26% -- Greens Hit - 322 # Holes - 486
Putting Average 1.845 -- GIR Putts - 594 Greens Hit - 322
Eagles (Holes per) 162.0 -- # Holes - 486 # Eagles - 3
Birdie Average 2.81 -- # Birdies - 76 Tot. Rnds. - 27
Scoring Average (Actual) 73.96 -- Tot. strks - 1,997 Tot. Rnds. - 27
Sand Save Percentage 20.69% -- # Saves - 6 # Bunkers - 29
Total Driving 1,998 -- Total rank from stats 1 & 2
Money Leaders $1,883 -- - -
Par Breakers 16.26% -- #Bird/Eagl - 79 #Holes - 486
Putts Per Round 31.07 -- Tot. Putts - 839 Tot. Rnds. - 27
Player did not meet the minimum number of rounds requirement to be officially ranked. The rank indicated is the position the player would be ranked if the minimum had been met.

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