
Apple Mac OS X v10.4.6 Tiger

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  • 6 out of 6 people found this review helpful

    4.5 stars

    "Great improvements over already great product"

    by psugrad98 on August 10, 2006

    Pros: Great features, dashboard, native programs

    Cons: No major ones that I could think of

    Summary: A great operating system. I have a G4 "lamp" iMac, and this operating system runs great despite the fact that this desktop is three years old. It even seems to run faster than the day I bought it!

    Installation is a snap, though I suggest erase and install to ensure a clean system.

    Improvements in Mail, iChat, and Safari are spectacular, and the Dashboard widgets are highly useful.

    Very stable, beautiful and easy to use.

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Apple Mac OS X v10.4.6 Tiger

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