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Apple iPhone - 8GB (AT&T;)

Full user review

  • 1.5 stars

    "Cute gadget, poor functionality"

    by CBurtea on August 21, 2008

    Pros: sleek design

    Cons: keyboard hard to use, takes many keystrokes to complete a task

    Summary: As an avid Palm Clie user, I was very dissapointed of the "PDA" functionallity of the iPhone. It only syncs calendar and contacts (if you have Outlook installed, which my workplace does not support), and DOES NOT sync 'to do' lists or 'notes'! There is no Windows desktop software for iPhone (the equivalent of "Palm Desktop for Clie").
    Not a very good phone either. Drops almost every call. If you have a large contacts list it takes a long time and many keystrokes to find the contact and phone number you need to dial. God forbid you want to manually dial a phone number! Takes you several strokes just to get to that function and it is impossible to do it while driving (yeah, I know I am not supposed to do that). By the way...no voice dial either....
    And it is SLOW! It takes five times longer to enter a calendar item compared to the Clie (and about 7-8 extra keystrokes). Very slow web-surfing and email retrieval.
    Would definitelly NOT recommend it for someone curerntly using a Palm PDA.

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Apple iPhone - 8GB (AT&T;)

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