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Apple iPod Touch (first generation, 16GB)

Full user review

  • 11 out of 11 people found this review helpful

    3.0 stars

    "Excellent product, but hear me out for "6" rating, also helpful tip for buying a non defective touch"

    by trx1701 on December 2, 2007

    Pros: Slick UI, Safari, iCal, Slim form factor, beautiful screen<See review

    Cons: Far too many missing features for price

    Summary: First let me say this: I love my touch and it is an excellent product. However I had to to buy and return THREE touches before getting one with a good screen. Tip: When buying a touch there is a way to identify if the item has a good or bad screen by looking at the box. Looking at the serial IGNORE the first THREE characters. Following that will be two numbers. These numbers tell you the week the touch was made. For example if it say "44" the touch was made in the 44th week of 2007. Only buy a touch with a 45 or above. I week 45 the touch shipped with updated firmware and you are guaranteed to get a good screen. (There were known screen issues with touches previous to this one.) Ideally buy the one with the highest number possible.
    Now, the reason for this relatively low rating. When the iPod first came out its purpose was to provide more features than any other competitor product relative to it's price, and succeeded. It is obvious Apple did not use this philosophy when creating the touch. There are far better products for the price. For 400 dollars the features and storage are ridiculous. There are far better products according to a price:feature ratio. Anchos players have far more functionality, however they are quite frankly ugly and I do not like them. The storage capacity of the touch is honestly pathetic. Yes, yes, I know it's due to the flash memory, and flash memory is superior to hard disk based alternatives. But honestly for a PVP 16 gigs is not enough anyway you cut it. Granted a hard disk option would add to the overall thickness of the touch it would be a fabulous trade off. While I understand Apple's decision to not include bluetooth in the touch so as to not allow it to compete with it's iPhone, but it is a poor decision. If Apple hopes to stay competitive bluetooth is essential. If Apple wishes to distinguish its iPhone from the touch there are far better way to do it. Add 50 dollars to the iPhone price or something, but for damnit give us bluetooth and more storage space. I understand Apple leaving out the email, maps, and various other iPhone apps. Keep in mind, it is an mp3 player, not a phone.
    To conclude when you buy a touch you are getting an excellent audio, video, and overall media player. You get seamless integration with itunes. You do not get the ability to carry all your music and videos with you and you don't bluetooth functionality. There are various other more minor features the the touch could have but none are really essential. It would be wise to wait until Apple releases a second gen touch when they will no doubt address most of these issues. However, purchase a touch, and you will no doubt be satisfied.

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Where to buy

Apple iPod Touch (first generation, 16GB): $265.99 - $299.90
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$265.99 Yes 5.0 star rating

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Apple iPod Touch (first generation, 16GB)

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Where to buy Apple iPod Touch (first generation, 16GB)

Price range: $265.99 - $299.90

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