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Apple iPod Touch (first generation, 16GB)

Full user review

  • 13 out of 15 people found this review helpful

    4.5 stars

    "iPod Touch is tops for 16 GB MP3 Models"

    by RonaldJr18 on September 7, 2007

    Pros: Touch Screen, WiFi Store, and all other features of the iPhone without the horrbile phone part!

    Cons: Unknown until shipped!

    Summary: For everyone without an iphone (really if you have an iPhone and want one of these, you really must have a spending problem) and just wanted an MP3 player, then I would get this. Many people on cnet posting their comments are upset about a couple of things. First, the storage (8 or 16 GM FLASH). FLASH is the simplest way to sum it up (it is superior to hard drives; only con SO FAR is storage space). 16 GB is so far the highest capacity available anywhere for FLASH and it has a few advantages over hard drive models. First, no moving parts which makes it 100% skip free unlike hard drive models which have spinning disks. Second, FLASH has faster loading times (overall speed is greater) and with FLASH, you can devices almost any size you want because since FLASH is so small, you can do many things with it (hence the thiness of the iPod Touch). Also, there are less techincal problems with devices that use FLASH over hard drives (you are more likely to experience problems with hard drives than flash memory). Yes, while 16 GB seems small, to many people it may not. Depending on how deep your music library is or depending on how many videos you play to keep on it, 16 GB may be sufficent for many like me. I have over 200 albums (most full) and I'm not hitting 10 GB yet. That goes to show it holds quite alot! At $399... it may seem like alot, but think about the whole product as a whole, and also remember that FLASH techonolgy is expensive; the price is a bargin. Other neat things is that it has blazing fast Wi-Fi (way faster than DSL which is fast enough lol), new iTunes Wi-Fi Store (very convient), and other stuff. Overall this tops the iPod line as the best and over the next couple of years, this is going to be the standard for iPods. Why a rating of 9 out of 10: no products are perfect and thats because (common sense): everything man made always has its flaws (meaning never 100% perfect).

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  • 2 replies to this review
  • reply by: ua_eng on September 10, 2007

    The iPod Touch is a very decent player for the money.

    I say decent because of several reasons. First off, yes, flash storage is kind of expensive, but 16GB isn't $3-400. If SanDisk can come out with a 16GB player for $200, then Apple should hit $300. Tops.

    Now, many mp3 players have at least some R&D money to account for in the cost, but it should have been minimal (after all, it is only slightly smaller iPhone...).

    I think the only reason the touch is priced at the $399 level is to convince people that they could take a cut in capacity and have more features (which many were capable of working without the cellular radio--i.e. adding events to the calendar) for the same price point.

    So yes, many people will probably buy the touch, but for those who demand tactile controls will be looking elsewhere.

  • reply by: mercuryx on September 7, 2007

    Plus, why do you need to keep so many videos on the device at once anyway? songs i can hear over and over, but movies and tv shows, i can only watch a couple times before needing a break for awile, so having those permenatly stored on my PC and not an Ipod touch seems fine with me. just sync them to the Touch when i am ready to watch them on the go sometime.

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Where to buy

Apple iPod Touch (first generation, 16GB): $265.99 - $299.90
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Apple iPod Touch (first generation, 16GB)

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Where to buy Apple iPod Touch (first generation, 16GB)

Price range: $265.99 - $299.90

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