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V-Moda Bass Freq earphones (black)

Product summary

CNET Editors' ChoiceOct 06

The goodThe good: The V-Moda Bass Freq earphones are available in several stylish colors and are competitively priced at $50; they're louder than other earbuds and offer great sound quality.

The badThe bad: Music coming from the V-Moda Bass Freq earphones may be too bass-heavy for audio purists; thin cable tangles easily and may not hold up in the long run.

The bottom lineThe bottom line: V-Moda's Bass Freq earphones are the perfect accessory for bass-loving Creative Zen Micro owners who are on a budget. If you prefer less low end, look elsewhere.

Specifications: Product type: Headphones ; Design: Ear-bud ; Color: Bling bling black ; See full specs

Price range: $22.51 - $49.99

See all products in the V-Moda Bass Freq series

CNET editors' review

  • Reviewed on: 10/03/2006

These ears get to hear a lot of great- (and horrible-) sounding headphones, but the style of these musical monitors rarely changes: black and white synthetics are the norm, with an occasional chrome accent. V-Moda aims to change look of our ear wear with two lines of fashion-forward earphones, the Bass Freq and the Remix M-class, both competitively priced at $50 a pair. The Bass Freq, a brightly colored bass-enhancing model, is the subject of this review.

The Bass Freq earphones' main style point is the brightly colored earbuds and cable. You can choose from eight colors: black, blue, camo, green, orange, pink, red, and white. The camo version features an olive cable and orange earbuds with olive accents, but the rest of the styles are uniform in color but for a bit of chrome accenting. The result is a fashion-forward design that can blend with your favorite outfit. And though I didn't expect the stylishness to make much of a difference in practice, it did: the colorful cord is much more jewelrylike--and thus looked significantly more stylish running down the front of me--than the thick white cord of my Shure E4cs. Also, though the 46.5-inch cable is insufficient for most at-home use (with your computer or stereo, for example), I found it to be the perfect length for on-the-go use.

The Bass Freq matches the Creative Zen Micro series of MP3 players quite nicely.

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V-Moda Bass Freq earphones (black)

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Where to buy

V-Moda Bass Freq earphones (black): $22.51 - $49.99
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$49.99 Yes 5.0 star rating

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Where to buy V-Moda Bass Freq earphones (black)

Price range: $22.51 - $49.99

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