Daily Shopping Picks
Fleece Throws Perfect for Snuggling

No matter how warm your pjs are, it can still get chilly when you curl up on the couch or your favorite oversized chair. These fleece throws will keep you warm and cozy in style -- no matter what your style is. You can pick your favorite college team or a Hello Kitty design, depending on your preferences. Both will keep you warm and most are machine washable. The less expensive ones are... more

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National Geographic Magazine

You just can't stand the frigid winter weather, but you're going a little crazy staring at the same four walls. Obviously you can't change the outdoors, but you can vicariously experience other countries and cultures with the National Geographic Magazine. In the world of blogs, e-zines, and other get-it-now Internet offerings, an actual printed item might seem a little old-fashioned, but we found the top-notch photography and articles found in this monthly magazine to... more

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Sonicare Philips Elite 7300 Toothbrush

There's nothing particularly winter-related about this toothbrush, but we had a friend who lives in Boston and she cancelled her regular dental cleaning because it was too cold to venture out. While we don't recommend skipping this important healthcare appointment, the Sonicare Philips Elite 7300 Toothbrush can help you take care of your teeth between visits. Our favorite feature was the timer, which turns the toothbrush off after the recommended two-minute interval and... more

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Oakley Razrwire Lens Sunglasses

A recent news story told of a Hammond, Indiana, boy who, on a dare, licked a metal pole in freezing winter. Yes, it froze there. Now we know you are all too sensible to try such shenanigans, but it's best to keep as much of yourself covered as possible any time you have to head outside. Keep your hands in your pocket with these clever Oakley Razrwire Lens Sunglasses that have the Motorola wireless... more

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Lasko 1128 4.5 Gallon Humidifier

There's a price to pay for that delicious hot air that's piped throughout your home, and it goes beyond the astonishingly high cost of your utility bill. It's the dry, dry air that makes your sinuses hurt and your skin feel dehydrated. The Lasko 4.5 Gallon Humidifier can help ease the pain by putting moisture back in the air. It won't help your heating bill, but it will make you feel better.

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