
Microsoft Xbox 360 Arcade

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Microsoft Xbox 360 Arcade

Product summary

Specifications: Product Description: Xbox 360 Arcade - Game console ; Media Type: DVD-ROM ; Processor: 1 x IBM PowerPC 3 cores 3.2 GHz ; See full specs

Price range: $199.99

CNET editors' take

  • Reviewed on: 12/07/2007

First Take: The Xbox 360 Arcade is the entry-level model in Microsoft's game console lineup. It replaces the original Xbox 360 Core console and features add-ins not found in the Core. Priced at $200, the Arcade comes with a wireless controller, a 256MB memory card, an HDMI output port, and five Xbox LIVE Arcade games. Unlike the step-up Xbox 360 "Pro" (60GB, $300) and Xbox 360 Elite (120GB, $400), no hard drive is included with the Xbox 360 Arcade. As a result, in its default out-of-the-box configuration, the Xbox 360 Arcade's limited storage capacity precludes it from being able to play original Xbox games and download most content (such as demos and videos) from Xbox Live's online Marketplace.

We cannot fully recommend the Xbox 360 Arcade for the fact that it is missing a hard drive--somewhat of a must-have accessory for the console if you're interesting in saving game progress or playing original Xbox games. The 256MB memory card is not what we'd call an ample amount of space as the included five Arcade games will be taking up most of that. While add-on hard drives can be purchased for the Xbox 360 Arcade in 20GB ($100) and 120GB ($180) capacities, the combined price of each brings the overall cost of the Xbox 360 Arcade to be higher than that of the step-up models. Instead, you should just steer clear of the Xbox 360 Arcade, and invest in the Xbox 360 "Pro" model (which includes the 60GB hard drive). Doing so will give you the real Xbox 360 experience you're looking for--not the needlessly stripped-down offering of the Arcade version.

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Where to buy

Microsoft Xbox 360 Arcade: $199.99
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$199.99 Yes 5.0 star rating

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Where to buy Microsoft Xbox 360 Arcade

Price: $199.99

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