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Microsoft Xbox 360 (20GB)

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  • 23 out of 31 people found this review helpful

    4.5 stars

    "Looking Good"

    by Heythere on June 1, 2005

    Pros: Sleek design

    Cons: Backwards compatibility is not fully confirmed yet

    Summary: I was impressed by Microsoft's marketing (subtle hinting such as OurColony) and unveiling of it's XBOX 360. I'm glad the design turned out to be what it is. (I'm really unimpressed and rather shocked at the PS3 design). Back to the 360, I'm not sure of the feel yet of the controllers with the new "bumper" (shoulder) buttons since it would seem oour index fingers would naturally fit on the triggers, but I hear they (controllers) feel great. As for the technology vs PS3, I see it as being pretty-much a wash. It will come down to the games and the fun factor. With XBOX Live on X360, Microsoft provides players an experience other game consoles simply cannot. (Sidenote: I have never had an Xbox Live account, but it's clearly made an impact with gamers). One last thing..I own a PS2 and not an Xbox, but I will most certainly be owning an XBOX 360. That's my take.
    Best Online-Service by a landslide (including some free basic service)
    Customizable console face-plate and user-interface
    Apparently very ergonomic controllers
    Wireless controllers (also you can turn the XBOX 360 on and off with the controller -very cool)
    backed by smart people at Microsoft

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  • 5 replies to this review
  • reply by: rodentinua on January 23, 2009

    I'he bought <a href="http://hotestock.com/XBox-360/Xbox-360-Elite-Bundle/">Xbox 360 Elite</a> The graphics are much better than the wii in my opinion and the games are much more worth it and the controller is more comfertable than the ps3 the audio is is 10 times beater then the ps3 and the wii ;-)

  • reply by: strider1105 on January 16, 2006

    What more is there to say? Buy it, Try it, comment.

  • reply by: monkeyof1986 on September 4, 2005

    I also bought a PS2 because everybody i talked to suggested i buy that instead of an xbox because of the large library of games. Large Library of games, MY DONKEY!!! Half the games i came across recently were full of crap. For example, 7 sins, alien hominid, american chopper, cabelas dangerous hunts (was that a game or something to help you commit suicide?). What i'm really saying is that the xbox DOES have good games. Since EA (Electronic Arts) is also owned by microsoft, every EA game will be compatible with atleast microsoft. One of my very recent favorite games was BURNOUT 3, which was created by EA. Also, Need 4 Speed Underground 1/2 (Both EA). Sony Fans out there need to take a look at what Microsoft's upto before criticizing them. Sony's good, but Microsoft is WAYYY ahead. By the way, that cell processor technology said to be in a sony ps3 is a load of crap.

  • reply by: TRock on June 6, 2005

    First off get rid of the PC look to games, get the average non pc gamer or child excited at the game.
    Next take a chapter from Sony's book swamp the market with games (cater to everyone's taste).
    TRY LIKE HELL FOR THE JAPANISE MARKET AND GAME COMPANIES (grease them up, bribe somebody...anybody).

  • reply by: DarkKnight369 on June 2, 2005

    You can turn it on with the controller? That is so sweet. Where did you hear that? Finally they provided an answer to the hassle of getting on and off the couch when you want to turn on the system.

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Microsoft Xbox 360 (20GB): $197.99 - $400.00
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Price range: $197.99 - $400.00

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