CNET Reviews user promise

In a digital world, information only matters if it's timely, relevant, and credible. We promise to do whatever is necessary to get you the information you need when you need it, to make our opinions fair and useful, and to make sure our facts are accurate.

If a popular product is on store shelves, you can count on CNET for immediate commentary and benchmark analysis as soon as possible. We promise to publish credible information we have as soon as we have it, throughout a product's life cycle, from its first public announcement to any potential recall or emergence of a competing device.

CNET reviews go well beyond commodity specifications such as megapixels and megahertz, emphasizing additional important factors such as pricing and style. We'll provide information from readers, and even our rivals, to ensure that you have all the knowledge you need to make an intelligent choice.

How will we know if we're fulfilling our mission? We constantly monitor our competition, user activity, and journalistic awards. We scour and scrutinize blogs, sites, aggregators, RSS feeds, and any other available resources, and editors at all levels of our organization continuously review our coverage.

But you're the final judge. We ask that you inform us whenever you find an error, spot a gap in our coverage, or have any other suggestions for improvement. Readers are part of the CNET family, and the strength of that relationship is the ultimate test of our success.

You can expect CNET reviews to be:

  • Timely. Our users want and expect information now. We're committed to meeting that need by delivering reliable information as soon as it's available and in whatever form makes the most sense, from blogs and slide shows to full reviews backed by hands-on testing.
  • Credible. We'll do everything in our power to ensure that all the information on our site, including CNET Labs test results, is thorough and accurate. Our editors are never directed or influenced by manufacturers, advertisers, or partners; we believe that an honest, opinionated review--positive or negative--is the only way to serve our audience.
  • Compelling. Our reviews will enlighten and entertain, while addressing such practical factors as features, user interfaces, durability, and support. We'll continue to expand the ways we present information, through photos, videos, podcasts, and emerging media. When you read a CNET review, you will know what it's like to hold the product in your hand.

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