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MP3 players: Any Experience with "Ruckus" service and "to go" players

by Bootnrally - 1/2/09 11:06 AM
Post 1 of 5

Any Experience with "Ruckus" service and "to go" players

by Bootnrally - 1/2/09 11:06 AM

Howdy all,

My daughter has a Ruckus membership through her College, and she wants to get the "to-go" service so she can buy songs for her MP3 Player. The Site requires that any player used have the DRM/Windows Vista Certification. Ruckus has a list of recommended players...all costing lots of money.

Question: Will any MP3 Player with WMDRM or Secure WMA format work? I can find a few players that she can afford, but want to get something that will work with the Ruckus download format.

All assistance appreciated.

Post 2 of 5


by fihart - 1/2/09 1:40 PM In reply to: Any Experience with "Ruckus" service and "to go" players by Bootnrally

Certainly some of the models they list are pretty good but, as you say, expensive.

I'm very surpised that the people behind this service imagine it can become popular without being iPod compatible. Further, given that there are so many other legal sources of music, why would anyone bother with one which is so tied into restrictive file formats and has the nerve to tell you which hardware to buy.

Post 3 of 5

Play For Sure/Windows Vista certification

by Bootnrally - 1/5/09 10:02 AM In reply to: Ruckus by fihart

Yeah, I kinda agree about the format restrictions. When she got the Ipod, I tried to explain the file limitations, but it is not possible to make a rational argument with a teen who wants to ride a trend.

I poked about trying to get some info on players that carry the Play For Sure/Windows Vista Certification. Many resources keep sending/linking us seekers to the Large, Cumbersome Website detailing Operating Systems originating from the Pacific Northwest. Don't know if you have ever tried to find specific pieces of info from there, but it is unusually frustrating, and I have yet to find out much.

If a player works with the WMA-DRM format, does that mean it qualifies for the Plays-For-Sure/Vista Certified coding?


Post 4 of 5

DRM !!

by fihart - 1/5/09 12:41 PM In reply to: Play For Sure/Windows Vista certification by Bootnrally

The problem with seeking info on DRM is that the kind of people who take an interest in these things tend to detest DRM on principle and probably even avoid paid-for download sites as bad value. Personally I nevr use them and even turned down some free downloads because they were DRM and I couldn't be bothered to find out how to circumvent it.

I still buy CDs and rip them -- at current prices on sites like Amazon physical albums are often far cheaper than an equivalent download. Perhaps with this comparison so easy to make on Amazon, their new download service seems to offer slightly better than average value.

Post 5 of 5

Ruckus Update

by Bootnrally - 1/5/09 6:46 PM In reply to: DRM !! by fihart

Apparently they heard the complaints. Got the word today that they are planning to shift away from the restrictive DRM format to some far more open thing. Don't yet know what that will be, but it does open up the world for finding a good, decent priced player!

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