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Fire Effects on Fauna at Landscape Scales

Authored By: L. J. Lyon, M. H. Huff

Studies of disturbance and succession have been major focus of ecology over the past century (McIntosh 1985). These are studies of temporal pattern. The study of the spatial patterns associated with temporal patterns has blossomed only since about 1990 (Turner 1990). At the landscape scale (25,000 acres, 10,000 ha or more), a complex web of interactions and relationships unfolds. Interactions at this scale are widely accepted as important aspects of ecosystems (see, for example, Agee 1998; Lerzman and others 1998). However, knowledge gained at finer scales of resolution (for example, stand or homogeneous patch) is often difficult to apply at landscape scale (Schmoldt and others 1999). Including landscape considerations in management demands new approaches to planning, analysis, and design (Diaz and Apostol 1992).

Landscapes are spatially heterogeneous, characterized by structure, function, and temporal variation (Forman and Godron 1986). Landscape structure encompasses the spatial characteristics of biotic and abiotic components in an area and is described by the arrangement, size, shape, number, and kind of patches (homogeneous units). Landscape function is defined by interactions among biotic and abiotic components. Temporal variation of landscape is expressed by changes in structure and function over time. Configuration of patches affects the occurrence and spread of subsequent fires, so landscape-level feedback is an important part of fire effects at landscape scales (Agee 1998).

Fire’s most obvious function in landscapes is to create and maintain a mosaic of different kinds of vegetation (Mushinsky and Gibson 1991). This includes size, composition, and structure of patches, as well as connectivity (linkages and flows) among patches. Within large (200 mi2, 500 km2 ) burn in Alaska, Gasaway and DuBois (1985) reported substantial variation in fire severity and many unburned patches, resulting in variation in plant mortality and perpetuation of the mosaic nature of the landscape. Over time, a mixture of few large burns with many small burns and variation within them produces relatively small homogeneous areas. One study in northern Manitoba reported an average stand size of 10 acres (4 ha) (Miller 1976 in Telfer 1993). Stand-replacing fires in boreal forest may skip as much as 15 to 20 percent of the area within their perimeters. The 1988 fires in the Greater Yellowstone Area, well publicized because of their size and severe fire behavior, actually consisted of complex patchwork containing areas burned by crown fire, areas burned by severe surface fire, underburned sites, and unburned areas (Rothermel and others 1994). The majority of severely burned area was within 650 feet (200 m) of unburned or “lightly burned” areas.

Landscape-scale fire effects on fauna include:

  1. changes in availability of habitat patches and heterogeneity within them,
  2. changes in the composition and structure of larger areas, such as watersheds, which provide the spatial context for habitat patches, and
  3. changes in connections among habitat patches.

During the course of postfire succession, all three of these landscape features are in flux.

Fire effects on landscape heterogeneity

Fire changes the proportions and arrangement of habitat patches on the landscape. When fire increases heterogeneity on the landscape, animal species have increased opportunities to select from a variety of habitat conditions and successional stages. Fires often burn with varying severity, increasing heterogeneity. Adjacent unburned areas (which may surround or be embedded in the burn) serve as both sinks and sources for animal populations, and also influence animal emigration and immigration patterns (see Pulliam 1988). Bird diversity after stand-replacing fire may be higher on patchy or small burns than on large, uniform burns because the small areas are accessible to canopy and edge species as well as species that use open areas. A small (300 acre,122 ha) stand-replacing fire in Douglas-fir forest in western Montana left many unburned patches. The burn attracted wood-boring insects, woodpeckers, and warblers. The burn itself was not used by Swainson’s thrushes, but they remained abundant in nearby unburned areas (Lyon and Marzluff 1985).

Two management examples show how understanding of the relationship of individual species to landscape heterogeneity can be applied. The Karner blue butterfly requires wild lupine, forb growing in fire-dependent oak savanna and prairie, to complete its life cycle. The larva itself, however, is very sensitive to fire. To protect the butterfly at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, managers divide the landscape so that every burn area contains patches from which fire is excluded; these patches serve as refugia from which the butterfly can repopulate the burn (Kwilosz and Knutson 1999).

The sage grouse is sensitive to fire effects on the arrangement of habitat components on the landscape. Stand-replacing fire in sagebrush changes the proportions and arrangement of sage grouse habitat components. It is this arrangement that determines whether fire benefits or damages the species. Sage grouse use various successional stages of the sage-brush sere as lekking, nesting, brooding, and wintering grounds. Forb and insect availability are the driving factors in sage grouse productivity (Drut and others 1994). Fires increase openings, which often increases forb production. Fires may also enhance the nutritional value of browse and provide new lekking sites (Benson and others 1991; Martin 1990; Pyle and Crawford 1996). If burns cover large tracts of sagebrush or remove sagebrush from key wintering areas, however, they may damage sage grouse populations (Fischer and others 1996; Gregg and others 1994; Klebenow 1969,1973; Welch and others 1990). Neither extensive dense sagebrush nor extensive open areas constitute optimal habitat for the species. While burning sometimes succeeds in restoring the balance of plant community components in sage grouse habitat, it is accompanied by the risk of increasing cheatgrass productivity, which may cause the area to reburn before sagebrush recovers (Crawford 1999). Researchers in many ecosystems recommend addressing the size and spatial arrangement of patches in planning for specific objectives.

In Southeastern forests, Dunaway (1976) recommends interspersion of underburned areas in longleaf pine, which have low ground cover and provide successful foraging for northern bobwhite chicks, with unburned areas for escape cover and sheltering broods. In the Western States, Belsky (1996) suggests that mosaic of pinyon-juniper woodland, grassland, and intermediate seral communities would optimize biodiversity in arid Western ecosystems. In the Southwest, Reynolds and others (1992) quantify the proportions of landscape in ponderosa pine forests, characterized in presettlement times by understory fire regimes, that seem desirable for sustaining northern goshawk populations. Recommendations for sustaining habitat and prey for the northern goshawk in Utah and the Rocky Mountains include increasing the predominance of early-seral and midseral species, increasing the numbers of large trees in the landscape, and maintaining connectivity among habitat patches (Graham and others 1997,1999).

Habitat requirements at varying scales

Some animals require habitat that contains different features at different scales. Wright (1996) found many patches of old-growth ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir in western Montana that seemed suitable for occupation by flammulated owls, but the owls occupied fewer than half of them. The explanation lies in the landscape context for the patches of old growth. Occupied patches were embedded in landscape with many grassy openings and some dense thickets of Douglas-fir; unoccupied patches were typically embedded in landscape of closed, mature forest. Understory fire may enhance old growth for nesting, openings for foraging, and the landscape context for nest sites. However, homogeneous underburned landscape without Douglas-fir thickets would reduce the quality of habitat for the owl.

Nesting patterns of the Florida scrub-jay provide a second example of habitat requirements that vary according to scale. Optimum habitat for Florida scrub-jays consists of open oak patches 10 years or more after fire containing openings that often result from more recent fires. Scrub-jays use these openings for caching acorns (Breininger and others 1995). The oak patches preferred for nesting occur within matrix of pine- scrub habitat, which is not used directly by the jay but indirectly serves its needs by providing prey species, enabling jays to see predatory birds from a long distance, and spreading fires into oak-dominated areas, which often burn poorly. Management that favors open oak without considering the more flammable adjacent habitat can result in loss of openings and an increase in shrub height and tree densities, and eventually Florida scrub-jay decline (Breininger and others 1995).

Corridors and connectivity

Corridors and connectivity influence habitat use by migratory fauna such as bison (Campbell and Hinkes 1983) and caribou (Thomas and others 1995), and for many predators, including fisher (Powell and Zielinski 1994), lynx (Koehler and Aubry 1994) and spotted owl (Laymon 1985; Thomas and others 1990). Connectivity is a crucial consideration for aquatic fauna as well (Rieman and others 1997). Although research design considerations may make it difficult to demonstrate conclusively that wildlife corridors benefit fauna (Beier and Noss 1998), some species definitely require landscapes with little fragmentation and high connectivity (Bunnell 1995). Bighorn sheep in Alberta foraged in spruce-pine forest burned 10 years previously by stand-replacing fire significantly more than in unburned areas, probably because the burned sites had a more open structure adjacent to escape areas (Bentz and Woodard 1988). Connectivity accounted in part for the expansion of bison herd in Alaska after fire. Stand-replacing fire in black spruce forest produced extensive sedge-grasslands, a type that bison depend upon for winter range (Campbell and Hinkes 1983). The authors comment that winter range expansion was enhanced because the burned area was contiguous with summer range and areas used for winter range prior to the fire, so access to burned range was relatively easy. Where black spruce and shrublands fragment sedge-grasslands, bison have difficulty accessing their winter range because of deep snowpack. In landscapes that contained a fine-grained mosaic of structures and age classes during presettlement times, native fauna could readily find most kinds of habitat. In contrast, in landscapes where large, stand-replacing fires were common, fauna sometimes traveled great distances in search of habitat. Ecosystems with large, stand-replacing fire regimes and ecosystems that are now highly fragmented probably require more attention to connectivity than areas retaining a fine-grained mosaic. As fire and fire exclusion further alter landscapes, corridors, and entry/exit areas near corridors, fauna that require large, continuous areas of any structure — whether early seral or old growth — may not readily find new habitat.

Presettlement landscapes

Despite the tendency of natural fire regimes to provide habitat with a variety of structures at variety of successional stages, one cannot assume that landscapes prior to European American settlement were at equilibrium, even at landscape scale (Agee 1998). Ecosystems characterized in past centuries by infrequent large, severe fire are especially unlikely to exhibit a steady-state age structure because large fires have a long-term effect on the distribution of age classes on the landscape. Examples include aspen-black spruce forests in Alberta (Cumming and others 1996) and lodgepole pine in the Greater Yellowstone Area (Turner and others 1994). Presettlement fire regimes are an important part of the context for management. The spatial and temporal variability in these regimes, though difficult to identify and apply, may be a crucial aspect of effective management (Lertzman and others 1998).

Effects of altered fire regimesat the landscape scale

Excluding fire from a landscape, unless it is being intensively managed for fiber production, has two major effects on animal habitat:

  1. It increases the abundance and continuity of late-successional stages.
  2. It changes fuel quantities and fuel arrangement, at least for a time.

Extensive changes in habitat associated with decades of fire exclusion are most evident in areas influenced by frequent fires during presettlement times (Gruell and others 1982). Understory fire regimes in southeastern forests provide one example. Fire exclusion increases dominance by less flammable vegetation, converting pine to hardwood forest (Engstrom and others 1984). Loss of early seral structures on sandy sites contributes to the decline of several reptile species, including sand skinks, six-lined racerunners, mole skinks, and central Florida crowned snakes (Russell and others 1999).

Kirtland’s warbler/jack pine ecology in Michigan provides another example of fire exclusion’s effects at landscape scales. Jack pine forests were characterized in presettlement times by relatively frequent, stand-replacement fire. The Kirtland ’s warbler nests on the ground in dense jack pine regeneration 5 to 24 years after stand-replacing fire or harvesting (Mayfield 1963; Probst and Weinrich 1993). The warbler was nearly extirpated during the 1960s and 1970s because of nest parasitism by the brown-headed cowbird, fire exclusion, and tree regeneration practices in jack pine forests of Michigan (Mayfield 1963, 1993). Extensive use of fire and harvesting to provide breeding habitat have kept the Kirtland’s warbler from extinction, although uncertainty still exists about habitat attributes that actually limit population growth (nest sites, lower branch cover for fledglings, and foliage volume for foraging). Habitat modeling and management planning need to integrate habitat requirements, dynamics of disturbance and succession over large areas, and population dynamics of the warbler itself (Probst and Weinrich 1993).

In many Western ecosystems, landscape changes due to fire exclusion have changed fuel quantities and arrangement, increasing the likelihood of increased fire size and severity (Lehman and Allendorf 1989). In interior ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forest, for example, exclusion of understory fire has led to the development of landscapes with extensive ladder fuels, nearly continuous thickets of dense tree regeneration, and large areas of late successional forest infested with root disease (Mutch and others 1993). These changes not only constitute habitat loss for species that require open old-growth stands and early seral stages; they also may increase the likelihood of large, severe fires in the future. Where fire exclusion has caused a shift in species composition and fuel arrays over large areas, subsequent fires without prior fuel modification are not likely to restore presettlement vegetation and habitat (Agee 1998).

The effects of fire exclusion on fauna that require late-seral and old-growth habitat originally established by fire are largely unknown. Although pileated woodpeckers do not nest in recent stand-replacement burns, they do prefer to nest in western larch, a fire dependent tree, in the Northern Rocky Mountains (McClelland 1977). If altered fire regimes reduce the abundance of large, old western larch, they are likely to impact the woodpecker as well. In presettlement times, the spotted owl occupied landscapes that consisted of large areas of forest at different stages of succession, characterized by Gaines and others (1997) as a “very dynamic” landscape. The owl prefers old-growth forest within this landscape, so fire exclusion has enhanced owl habitat, at least in some parts of the owl’s range (Thomas and others 1990). Large, severe fires now would reduce the species’ habitat and reduce connectivity between remaining old-growth stands (Thomas and others 1990). Protection of the owl may include fuel reduction in areas adjacent to occupied stands to reduce the likelihood of stand-replacement fire.

Several ecosystems in Western North America experience more frequent fire now than they did in the past because of invasive species. Where cheatgrass dominates areas formerly covered by large patches of sage-brush and grassland, for example, fires now occur almost annually and shrub cover is declining. Knick and Rotenberry (1995) report that site selection by sage sparrow, Brewer’s sparrow, and sage thrasher is positively correlated with sagebrush cover. In addition, sage sparrow and sage thrasher prefer large to small patches of shrubs. The sage grouse requires mature sagebrush as part of its habitat, so extensive stand-replacing burns are likely to reduce its populations (Benson and others 1991). Increased fire frequency and cheatgrass cover have increased landscape-level heterogeneity by reducing sagebrush cover and patch size, lowering the value of even remnant sagebrush patches as habitat for native birds (Knick 1999).

See also: Effects of altered fire regimes on animal populations

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