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Modeling Invasive Plant, Insect, and Pathogen Species

Authored By: P. B. Woodbury, D. A. Weinstein

Probabilistic regional risk assessment methodologies were reviewed to identify the methods that are currently in use and are capable of estimating threats to ecosystems from fire and fuels, invasive species, and their interactions with stressors. In a companion section, methods useful for evaluating risks from fire are highlighted. In this chapter, methods useful for evaluating risks from invasive species are highlighted.

The issue of invasive species is large and complex because there are thousands of potential invasive species, and constant movement of new and established plants, plant material, pests, and pathogens. Adequate data are not always available to support rigorous quantitative modeling of the different stages of invasion. However, even a semiquantitative rule-based approach can help to identify locations that contain host species susceptible to specific pathogens or insect pests, and where propagules are more likely to enter based on the current locations of the invasive species, ports of entry, and methods of spread. Predicting long-distance movement is much more difficult, as such events are rare, often poorly understood, and are often influenced by human behavior. Even so, published methods to make probabilistic predictions of pest establishment could be expanded to provide quantitative estimates of spread beyond an initial port of entry. Many invasive species are transported along roads, and so road networks provide some information about the likelihood of introduction into a new region.

Models based on fundamental biological and physical processes, such as population demographics and movement of organisms, can be more robust than purely statistical approaches. Process-based models may better support extrapolation beyond the range of available or historical data because they use predictor variables that represent physical and biological processes. However, even simple correlative approaches may be useful to quantify the overlap in spatial distribution of stressors and ecological receptors as a screening-level analysis. Furthermore, if predictors are chosen carefully, they may represent important processes. For example, data on non-indigenous species may be quite useful for predicting the occurrence of much rarer invasive species because the correlation is based on the key processes of human-influenced transport, establishment, reproduction, and dispersal of propagules. Ecological niche-modeling approaches are useful because they can use data from museum collections in other countries to make estimates of potential new range areas in the United States. Other spatial data such as road networks may also be useful to predict the number of nonindigenous species or presence of a particular species. Such relationships may also support extrapolation to future conditions if there will be more roads or a higher traffic volume.

As for any regional stressor, the use of multiple models and a weight of evidence approach would help to increase confidence in predictions of ecological risks from invasive species. Two approaches to predicting the risk of Asian long-horned beetle throughout United States forests make quite different predictions because they focus on different stages in the process of establishment and spread, thus combining such approaches should result in more robust predictions. Invasive species management should be addressed at multiple spatial scales, including reducing importation of new species at border crossings and ports, national and regional mapping of locations of invasive species, methods to reduce long distance transport, and methods to reduce local movement.

To further review modeling invasive species, consider reading the following Environmental Threats Case Studies:

Modeling Potential Movements of the Emerald Ash Borer: the Model Framework

Subsections found in Modeling Invasive Plant, Insect, and Pathogen Species
  • Introduction : Invasive nonindigenous species are a serious and increasing threat to many ecosystems throughout the United States.
  • Stages of Invasion and Risk Assessment Frameworks : This section provides an overview of the stages of the invasion process, key factors that affect these stages, and different frameworks that can be used to assess risks due to invasive species.
  • Transport to the United States and within United States Regions : Most exotic plant species have been introduced to the United States intentionally, whereas most insects and pathogens have entered the United States unintentionally.
  • Existing National Invasive Management Programs : A number of international, national, and regional efforts are underway to attempt to reduce the risks posed by invasive species.
  • Availability of Spatial Data : Many kinds of regional data may be useful for developing regional probabilistic risk assessments, including land cover and land use data, transportation networks, (e.g., roads and trails), hydrography, climate, digital elevation models, etc.
  • Review of Selected Methodologies : This section reviews selected modeling approaches relevant to the goals listed above in the Introduction section.
  • Discussion : The issue of invasive species is large and complex because there are thousands of potential invasive species and constant movement of plants, plant material, pests and pathogens, in addition to established invasive species.

Encyclopedia ID: p3228

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