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Top 10 Wired Animal Photos, Decided by You

By Photo Department Write to the Author   

Our animal photo contest saw more quality photos than any other contest so far. It's definitely worth looking through the submissions to see all the ones that didn't make it. But our readers have spoken, and here are their choices for the top 10. A woman who goes by "Urban Menagerie" on Flickr takes home the gold with her photo "Monifa Takes a Bath" at left. Urban Menagerie will receive a subscription to Wired magazine and a digital picture frame for her desk.

Since we had so many great photos that we thought should've received more votes, and because we love to anger readers with our own selections, we've also compiled a Editor's Choice Animal Photo Gallery.

Our next twice-monthly photo contest is Shadows. We want you to get in touch with your dark side. Check out the contest page for more information.


Monifa Takes a Bath
Submitted by Urban Menagerie

Photographer's comment:

"This is Monifa. She is a rare pygmy hippo born at Taronga Zoo in Sydney, Australia. This is her being given a bath by her keeper Renee. In this photo she is close to 2 months old. Photo was taken using a Nikon D80 with an 18-200mm Nikon lens."

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