Listing modified files per ticket in Trac


TicketModifiedFiles is a plugin that lists the files that have been modified during the resolution of a ticket (i.e. ticket-related modified files).
It also checks if those files have been modified to resolve other tickets, in order to warn the developer about possible conflicting tickets.
Latest version: 1.00 (12/12/2008)

Installing TicketModifiedFilesPlugin

We suppose that you have already installed Trac 0.11 and set up a trac project.

Easy way

If you have a recent version of Setuptools installed, you can just do:



  1. Download TicketModifiedFiles as a zip file or grab the source from SVN.
  2. Build and install an egg from this source.

(Note: Requires Genshi >=0.5. If you have an earlier version, the latest development version should be installed automatically. If not, please install the latest version of Genshi.)

Enabling TicketModifiedFilesPlugin

You have to explicitly enable the plugin. This is done in the [components] section of the configuration file conf/trac.ini, where you need to add:

ticketmodifiedfiles.* = enabled

(Note: You might need to have to create the [components] section if this is the first plugin you're installing)

Then reload/restart your webserver/tracd. That's it.

Extra configuration

This step is optional.
By default, tickets that are in the "closed" state are ignored when looking for conflicting tickets. You can change this behavior in the 'conf/trac.ini' file by creating a new section:

ignored_statuses = closed, documentation

(Note: if you leave the ignored_statuses parameter empty, there will be no ignored status)

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for TicketModifiedFilesPlugin are here (all tickets ever created: here). If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Author: Emilien Klein


You can browse the source with Trac, or visit TicketModifiedFiles's Ohloh page.

Recent Changes

[5005] by e2jk on 12/12/08 06:22:00

TICKET #4206

[5004] by e2jk on 12/12/08 04:14:55

TICKET #4206

[4998] by e2jk on 12/11/08 09:52:14

Update plugin version

[4997] by e2jk on 12/11/08 09:44:17

TICKET #4205