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In the Shadow of the Raven

Walkthrough by Tally Ho

The cursor has three modes: Action, Look, and Take. Use the right mouse button to toggle the modes.

Severin wakes up in the forest after the introduction. Look at everything. Exit the area to the right. Inspect the tree and take the Bark. He says, "Could it be the Skin of the Oldest Sib?" That's a clue. remember it. Continue to the village, and talk with the guard. Take the Nail from the right-hand wall. Return to the forest. Look at the old woman, then talk to her. Is she funny, or what? She gives Severin a recipe, which appears in inventory, if you need to review it. Go north, to the river. Pick up a Stone, and take the Branch high-up on the tree. Return to the large tree where you took the bark, and use the branch on the stone. It breaks into stick and needles. Return to the forest, and use the stick to take some Resin. Open inventory. Combine the Bark, Resin, and Needles. You have the Salve the keeper needs. Give it to him, and he is incapacitated, but still won't let you in. Go to the Hill and combine the stone and scarf in your inventory. Use the Sling to dispatch the Keeper. Enter the village. Take the Rake on the way in.

Talk to the goat if you like. Talk to the woman. She wants a bucket of water, but there is no crank on the well. The Blacksmith is no help. You are not welcome in the Tavern; too young-looking. You are just barely welcome in the Shop. Look at everything. When you exit the shop, a Horseman speeds through, and drops an Artifact. Pick it up.

Go between the pink house and the shop, and find an old building. Use the Nail to dislodge the Coin from the Wall. Go behind that building and talk to the Farmer. His old nag refuses to plow the field. Return to the Village. Enter the shop and use the coin to buy the Horse Mask. Leave the shop, and enter the Pink House, and take the Makeup. (There are multiple direction-arrows here, use the one that points to the right.) Combine the makeup with the horse mask. Cute! Go to the farmer, and use the mask with the horse. Hee-Haw!! After you stop laughing, take the Bean Soup. Examine the (rake) pitchfork in the dung-heap. Gee, it's a brand-name Pitchfork. Try to take it. "Even Rambo couldn't do it." A Horsefly comes in and breaks the handle for you. A "Thorn" is revealed.Take it and return to the Village. Go to the Blacksmith shop. Give him the Rake and ask for it too be forged into a Crank. The Bellows aren't working. Borrow the hammer from the hook on the wall. Now, replace the hammer. Use the Bean Soup on Severin. He "fans the flames" and the Crank appears in the inventory. Go to the well and use the crank (winch) to raise the bucket. Give the water to the woman. She tells you she lives in the Pink House. Enter the Pink House. Talk with the woman, Take the Pink Ribbon hanging on the left side of the Cabinet. In inventory, combine the ribbon with the Artifact. Wear it around your neck as a talisman.

Exit the house. Important: Pick up the small stone just right of the well. There is another exit to the far left. Take it to the mill. Take some fragrant hay. There is a path to the left, but nothing to do there. There is a path to the right; a Lookout. You can see the forest, dark and deep. The bridge is demolished. The tower looks fascinating, also the sea is visible. Oh, Pirates, maybe! Return to the village. Go between the Tavern and the Pink House. Take the Rope. Give some hay to the horse to distract her. Take her Tail. Yikes! Don't try that at home. Exit the scene to the right. Return to the Marketplace, and look down the Well. The Raven appears - "nevermore" a good sign.

Yaaaaaahh! Severin falls in the well. Follow the corridor, and enter a room where Severin takes a short nap After the dream the Raven appears again. Upon wakening, the chair collapses. Pick up all four legs. The ladder is missing a rung. Repair it with a leg from the chair. Overhead, you find a Sail, and a Hutch. (By the way, you are inside the old building where you found the coin in the wall.)

Use a chair leg to dislodge the chest (hutch.) It only works if you have the stone in your possession. The chest flies out the window, and a Dagger falls to the floor below. Retrieve the dagger, and exit to the village. Talk to the old man, Greybeard. Take his cane. Go to the farmhouse (where you found the rope) and see the Fakir charming a snake. Use the Artifact to hypnotize the snake. Pick up the large basket, and take the Fakir's glasses. He is chased away by the snake, and drops his pipe. Take it. Why, I'm not sure. It never gets used.

Go back to the Village, and go left, up the hill to the mill. Talk with the Miller, and get permission to go inside. Climb the ladder, and repair the wheel with a chair leg. Pull the lever to start the machine. See an object fall from the vane. Go outside and find the Chest (Hutch.) Open it with the Dagger. Look in the chest to take the fabric.

Return to the village and talk to Greybeard. Oops, ashes to ashes. Ah, well. Return to the forest, where you saw the Old Woman. Use the stick to take some more Resin.

Go into the Tavern. Combine the Resin with the Horse's tail, and use the beard on Severin. Use the Glasses to complete the disguise. Look at all the patrons, and talk to the Bartender to buy a beer. Talk to the Seer standing in the doorway. Automatic scene takes you through the night and another dream.

Now, the small house left of the well is opened. Visit the Tailor, talk to him. (Automatically) give him the Cloth and the Thorn. Exit the Tailor's house, and re-enter. Now the cloth is suitable. Combine the rope with the basket and the cloth to create a hot-air balloon. Climb to the lookout point near the Mill. Use the Glasses on the Hay in inventory to start a fire, making hot air. Severin lands in a frog-pond. For fun, catch the frog on the near side. Catch five more for a total of six. (Just for fun; it is not necessary to have any frogs to complete the game.)

Exploring the the area to the right reveals the broken bridge. To the left, however, is a farmhouse and a fisherman. Examine the door to hear someone trapped inside. The fisherman is very unfriendly, and will not loan his boat. Take the piece of driftwood, found at the far bottom left of the screen. Exit behind the barns, and discover a catapult and a cave. Look at the catapult. Next to the skull is a small quantity of grass to take. To create light in the cave, combine the grass with the driftwood. Go back to the fisherman's area and light the torch at the fisherman's cooking fire.

Explore the cave. Find the Rusty Key and the Fishnet. Return to the house. Unlock the door with the key. Talk to the boy. He is hungry. Use the net to catch a fish. Give the fish to the boy. Exit the scene either to the frog-pond or the catapult, and return. Now the boy is asleep. Exit the scene and return again.

The boy is awake and will talk. The boy describes a Medicine Man in the Mountains. Get the boy to help with the catapult and Severin lands in the mountain. Take the mask, and talk to Monika. Ask her about the god of the mountain. Tell her you don't understand. Ask her about the path. Then about the medicine man. Pursue the conversation until she tells of a telescope high up on the cliff. Push the large rock closer to the cliff. Climb the Liana to reach the cliff. The spirit gives you a bunch of philosophy, and a silver key. Pick up the key. Take the Binoculars. Open inventory and look through the binoculars. See the Cannibals coming. Low IQ's and empty stomachs. Eeeek! Climb down and talk to Monika. She asks Severin to warn the villagers. Exit to the left.

Talk to the boy about the cannibals. He has a plan to frighten the fisherman. It works! Go to the small boat. Take a Reed before departing. Use the boat to reach the Pirate Ship. Talk to the Pirate until he jumps in the ocean in despair. Jump overboard yourself, and use the Silver Key to open the Chest. Look in the chest, and you will receive a bottle and the half-Artifact. Return to the ship.

Give the bottle to the drunken pirate. He jumps in. See the four shields hanging on the near side of the ship? Look to the left of the shields to find one hanging on the other side. (It's hard to see.) Take that shield and hang it on the hook. Use the Magnifying Glass, and you are at the controls of a deadly ray. The mouse controls are confusing, because the lens reverses the ray. Want it to act more normal? Turn the mouse 90° to the right (so the buttons are to the right) and it will feel somewhat more natural. Left-right are still reversed, but forward-backward are correct. You need to aim it at the wooden part of a cannibal-boat, and leave it there, no need to click a button. After a few seconds the boat will break up and sink. Sink all three cannibal boats, and Severin will automatically go to the cannibal's island, bound to a stake.


Look at everything. "Use" the stake, and Severin will be free. A long auto-sequence unfolds. You must shoot the Sun Target. Or the beefy cannibal.

Now, my friends, I regret to say I have been unable to finish the game. It is necessary to shoot the big guy, and all my attempts have been unsuccessful. To the best of my knowledge, this is what happens after shooting the large cannibal:

The Chieftain ends up in the water instead of dead in a hole in the ground. Talk to him and say good-bye. Stand on the bridge, go left, and find a bundle of clothing near the bush. Change into the monks habit, then cross the bridge on the right. Go into the bar and talk with the proprietor, then more to the right, finally find a house with a green roof. Enter, and in the passageway, find it blocked with stones. Use the artifact to dislodge the stones, and the way will be open to the Monastery. Severin ends up in the forest where the story began. As I said, I have been unable to play this final part, and produced this information by translating a German walkthrough.