Riven walkthrough There is a lot of extra detail in Riven that isn't vital to completing the game, but will add atmosphere to the story. These haven't been included in this walkthrough, but I have tried to include where all the 'clues' are. Temple Island Leave the cell and go up the steps and into the doorway of the gold room. Press the button four times. Go down the other steps and under the locked gate (clicking on the 'beetle' on the gatepost first will give you the beetle 'sound'). Go through the gold room and use the lever to divert steam to the portal outside the cell. Go back to the doorway and push the handle (raises grille by locked door) then push the button twice. Go through the gold room. Turn and push the handle (raises grill by dome ramp) then push the button twice. Go through the gold room, turn and push the button twice. Go through the gold room, over the ramp and into the dome. Follow the cat-walk through the dome and out. Go onto the projection and turn the lever to divert steam to upper ramp. Go all the way along the path to the end and push the lever to divert steam to the upper area. Retrace your steps back through the dome and gold room, go across the bridge into the tunnel and enter the room on the left. Push the lever on the left hand viewer to open the entrance to the pillar room. Out and continue along into the pillar room and then exit through the now open door and down to the cable car. Push the call button to call a cable car. Enter and move the handle to reverse the cable car, then push the switch forward and travel to Jungle Island. Jungle Island Exit the cable car and examine the eye in the rock opposite the tunnel entrance. These eyes relate to some of the wildlife found on Riven. Note the symbol (= 3). Take two 'steps' into the tunnel, turn around and note the 'frog' shape that is the entrance to the tunnel. Turn and continue through the tunnel to the steps. Go down the steps and stop when you see the 'beaked seals' basking on the rock. Continue down the steps one 'step' at a time towards them only when they aren't moving or they swim away. As you get onto the beach one of the 'beaked seals' will 'bark' - note the noise. Go along to the end of the beach, turn and note the 'whale' shape of the rock. Then check the eye on the rock and note the symbol (=5) and also note the noise. Go back and up the steps, cross the bridge and along the path. Take the first left fork and continue along the path, through the tunnels and walkways and up the ladders, over the plank and along the paths and ladders till you reach the mini-sub. Pull the lever to lower the mini-sub. Retrace your steps and just after you leave the 'blue' tunnel, go through the gate on the left and into the building with the dome on top. Take the left fork and continue to the two lamps in front of the idol. Press the top of the lamps (random as to which one opens the mouth) and enter the idol. Click and push up on the right hand lever to go up. Go along the walkway and take the right fork to the view-scope. Look through the viewer (note the yellow symbol on the spinning dome) and press the top button to stop the dome spinning (either when the yellow symbol appears or just keep mouse clicking till it 'clicks'). Go back, and along and past the dome and into the building and take a seat. Pull the left lever to go up, then the right lever to close the top of the 'pagoda' below, then the left lever to go down and exit. Retrace your steps back to the lift/elevator and click and push the lever to the middle. Push the left lever to exit the idol. Go along and take the left fork. Turn right when you reach the big 'dagger' and find the eye. Touch it and note the symbol (= 4) and the noise of the 'beaked seals'. Go back to the path (need to turn) and continue past the big 'dagger', along and through the gate. Take the right fork, then the left fork and go over the bridge and down the steps (ignore the beaked seals), turn right along the path, up the steps, through the tunnel, along and down the ladder to the 'pool'. Turn the valve on the right hand side to note the 'beetle' shape. Touch the eye and note the symbol (= 2). Go past the pool, down the ladders and along the path and down the ladder by the water and open the mini-sub hatch and enter (The right lever moves the mini-sub forward, the circular handle reverses the mini-sub and the bottom sliding lever changes the right/left direction. To exit the sub, screen up and click on the hatch). Reverse the mini-sub then go forward twice and exit. Turn and go up the ladder and into the building. Push all the down levers up (to raise the other pool exits), then go back to the mini-sub. Reverse, forward once, switch left, forward once and exit. Turn and go into the schoolroom. Now use the 'hangman' game to identify how the symbols relate to numbers. Basically they are in groups of five with an empty box being zero. '1' is the vertical line, '2' is the upright semi-circle, '3' is the 'left facing arrow tip and '4' is the small box. For numbers 5 to 9, the '1' symbol is turned 45 degrees anticlockwise and then the symbols for 0 to 4 are added in, for numbers 10 to 14 the '2' symbol is turned 45 degrees anticlockwise and the symbols for 0 to 4 are added in. Continue this process up to the symbol for 24. Go back to the mini-sub. Reverse, forward twice and exit. Turn and enter the 'pagoda'. Pull the handle, then click on the 'bar' and go up. Go to the 'cell' and press the button on the right to release the prisoner (who vanishes mysteriously!). Go along the cat-walk and down the ladder at the end. Turn and go all the way along the paths and steps to the main path. Along and take the left fork, the right fork (past the axe) and into the cart. Push the lever on the left and go to Boiler Island. Boiler Island Go down the ladder and along the walkway to the centre of the lake and click and pull the lever to divert steam to the boiler controls. Go to the boiler controls by the side of the boiler. Pull the nearest right hand lever to turn the boiler off, then turn the wheel to drain the water, turn to the left and pull the lever to prevent more water coming in, then push the handle on the wall to raise the mesh flooring. Enter the boiler, go down the hole and along the pipe (just keep going through the darkness) then at the end, screen down and forward to exit. Go left along the cliff path and onto the balcony. Open the doors and enter and go along the catwalk to the end and notice the whirring fan. Go back to just inside the entrance and shut the doors. Go down the newly revealed left passage and enter the 'spinning dome' room. Turn, shut the door and go down the passage, use the viewfinder to note the symbol on the dome, then shut it down. Now go back to the main entrance and go along the right hand passage and along the cat-walk till you come to a lever on the right. Pull it to turn off the fan. Continue along the cat-walk past Ghen's lab, through the tunnel, cross the bridge to Temple island. Temple Island Pull the lever to lower the ramp. Enter the dome, go along the cat-walk and take the first exit. Turn and press the button to raise the platform (and open up the lift/elevator below). Go along the walkway to the end and push the handle to raise the door (to the gold room). Retrace your steps back into the dome, continue left and use the wheel to extend the cat-walk. Cross and go to the next left exit and pull the lever to raise this ramp. Turn and continue left along the cat-walk and out of the dome and along the path to the edge of the tunnel and press the button on the right to go down. Exit and up the steps to the spinning dome. Use the viewfinder to note the symbol on the spinning dome and then shut it down. Go back, use the lift/elevator up, back along the path into the dome and along the cat-walk all the way to the exit bridge back to Boiler island. Boiler Island Go along the walkway past Ghen's lab and into the building to the fan. Enter the duct and go along, push the grille and enter Ghen's lab. Examine the diary for all the dome symbols and note the access codes (changes for each game). Touch the eye for the symbol (= 1) and read the note for the clue about it being a fish. Press the cable car call button by the door leading to the cat-walk then exit via the other door and down to the cable car and go to Plateau island. Plateau Island Exit the cable car and go through the passage, up the steps and along the pathway into the main building. Press the button to go up. Go along the cat-walk to the box on the railing. These denote the various islands shown: Top right = Catherine's prison Top middle = Temple Island Top left = Boiler Island Bottom left = Plateau Island Bottom right = Jungle Island Press the top right button till the 'island' fills with 'gunk'. Turn and go through to the metal building (one 'island' must be 'gunk' filled to be able to access the metal building). Click on the yellow button to see an illustration of the island and the location of the dome (use reference A - E for horizontal, and 1 - 5 for the vertical from the top left hand corner). The dome is on grid B1. Go back to the box and repeat the process for all the other islands. Temple island = A1 (top right square) Boiler island = B4 (top left square) Jungle island = D2 (middle left square) Plateau island = A2 (bottom right square) After checking these, go along the left hand cat-walk and note the symbol on the spinning dome, then go back all the way along the cat-walk and shut down the dome (cannot see symbol - so just keep clicking away). NB don't bother opening any of the domes with the access code, they won't work until you've completed the 'marble' puzzle later and they all go to Ghen's study. Go back to the lift/elevator, press the button, go down and retrace your steps back to the cable car. Enter and reverse the cable car and exit on the other platform. Open the door and along the passage and press the lever on the left to raise the lift/elevator. Enter and press the button to go down. Go along the passage till you see Ghen, then follow him to the cable car. Back and continue along the passage, up the stairs and into the seat. Press the button on the right to view the sea. Pull the right lever and screen down. Here are all the symbols to the spinning domes. By clicking on the button within the red pentogram you see the colour associated with the dome. Clicking on the various 'flanges' bring that symbol to the pentogram. Orange = Plateau Island Green = Temple Island Red = Jungle Island (and also brings a 'whale' that was shown by the rock on the beach). Yellow or Blue can be Catherine's Island Unknown colour = Boiler Island Screen up and pull the right lever, then pull the left lever. Screen down and click on the left button to show Catherine (sometimes takes a few presses) and the right to show the island she's on. Screen up and pull the left lever, then press the button. Go down the stairs, turn right and call the cable car and then go to Jungle Island. Jungle Island Out and along into the lift/elevator. Click and push the lever to go up. Push the left lever to open the mouth and exit. Go along and right at the fork, up the steps and out the gate. Go right till you come to the hanging ladder and climb up and along and enter the cell. Click on the grille and then the water to open the back wall. Enter and go along (in the dark) to the sea view and click on the light on the left. Turn and work your way back turning on the lights as you go. Turn and go back to the door, open and enter and along to the statue room. You now have to push the correct symbols in the correct order. Turn around to the entrance. Press the flatfish (2nd from right), the beetle (2nd from left), turn right and press the frog (2nd complete stone from left). Turn right and press the beaked seal (1st right) and finally the whale (middle stone). When the 'gunk' has cleared touch the linking book to travel to Catherine's island (Moiety Age). Moiety Age Turn and go to the idol (cut scene). Examine the sea view and the door and back to the table (or just faff about till the woman comes). Take the two books and examine the small one for the code to the portal and the symbol (without the outer circle) for the dome (you now know it's the blue symbol). The woman returns when you have finished reading the book and gives you a linking book to take you back to the stone circle on Jungle Island. Touch the book and return. Jungle Island Exit and go back to the cell and pull the handle to exit. Go along the walkway and down the hanging ladder. Turn and go through the paths and tunnels to the main path. Turn right at the fork, over the bridge and turn left halfway down the steps. Go along to the cable car and go to Temple island. Temple Island Exit, go up the steps and open the pillar room door. Enter and turn left and go between the pillars to the exit door. Open and go along the tunnel, over the bridge, through the gold room and up the ramp to the machine. As the only colour not shown in the viewer was purple, that colour must be the colour to Boiler island. Looking at the grid as Large A - E across & Large 1 - 5 down, and using the 'details' from Plataeu Island as the second set of co-ordinates, put the marbles in the grid as follows: Blue = Large E1 - B1 Green = Large D1 - A1 Purple = Large A1 - B4 Red = Large B4 - D2 Orange = Large B5 - A2 Turn, take one step back, turn and push the lever then press the white ball (Makes a 'bang' when correct). Turn and go back down the ramp and through the gold room. Turn and press the button three times. Go through the gold room and take the outside route to the dome entrance. Enter the dome and go left along the cat-walk all the way, then follow the outside path to the edge of the tunnel, turn and press the button to go down. Out and up the steps to the (ex) spinning dome. Enter the access code on the sliders (highest number first) and press the button. Touch the linking book to go to Ghen's study. Ghen's Study Turn round and press the button on the door. Ghen arrives and talks for ages then gets you to touch the 'trapped book' - then he touches it and you're back in the study. Turn right and go to the 'hole' and go down to his bedroom. Examine the silver globe on his bedside table to get the code to Catherine's prison (clicks, whirrs and dings - random for each game). Back up and go to the window with the lever and pull it to lower the cage. Go to the 'circular boiler' and turn it on to power the books. Now open and touch the 'one square' linking book and go to Catherine's prison. Catherine's prison Screen down and press the floor button to exit. Turn and go along the walkway to the lift/elevator cage. Enter the code and pull the lever above the keys to go up (cut sequence). Along, stop the spinning dome and enter it using the code and open and touch the linking book to go back to Ghen's study. Ghen's Study Screen down and touch one of the linking books, move to and open and touch the Temple Island linking book to return to the Temple island spinning dome. Temple Island Screen down and touch the floor button to exit. Turn and go along the walkway to the lift/elevator. Press the button to call the platform, get on and press the button again. Turn right, go along the walkway back through the dome and along the cat-walk to the exit. Pull the lever to lower the ramp and go through the gold room. Go right down the stairs to the portal. Examine the left support and move the pin. Enter the access code from Catherine's book and lift the lid. Screen up and pull the right lever, then keep pressing the button below it till the glass shatters …and watch the ending sequence.