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Part 1--Segue I: Opening Movie
Part 2--Scene 1: The Cockpit
Part 3--Scene 2: The Ready Room
Part 4--Scene 4: The Lower Shaft
Part 5--Scene 5: The Mainbay
Part 6--Scene 6: The Cydonia Landscape
Part 7--Scene 7: The Tholus Alcove
Part 8--Scene 8: The Tholus Underdome
Part 9--Scene 9: The Face on Mars (Main Chamber)
Part 10--Scene 11: The Pentapyramid (Great Hall)
Part 11--Scene 12: The Laborer Trial
Part 12--Scene 13: The Merchant Trial
Part 13--Scene 14: The Scholar Trial
Part 14--Scene 15: The Warrior Trial
Part 15--Scene 16: The Judge Trial
Part 16--Scene 10: The Face on Mars (UVG Assembler Area, revisited)
Part 17--Scene 11: The Pentapyramid Great Hall (revisited)
Part 18--Scene 17: The Capstone Timeship
Part 19--Segue II: Journey Through Time
Part 20--Scene 18: Past Mars (The Capstone Landing Pad)
Part 21--Scene 19: The Whalesong Chamber
Part 22--Segue III: The Underwater Journey
Part 23--Scene 20: The Subsurface Cavern
Part 24--Scene 21: The Shaft Spire
Part 25--Scene 22: The Garden Spire
Map of the Garden
Part 26--The Endgame
Multiple Endings



In the cockpit of the crashed lander the Player will encounter the first set of situational puzzles. These puzzles are important as failure will result in either the Player's death or the death of the Prometheus crew. The Player may continue with the game if the crew dies, but will not have the satisfaction of saving the crew once the lifeboat is finally ejected safely into orbit in the endgame.

The Player must complete the following situational puzzles within the cockpit:

1. Computer Access
2. Fuel Dump

1. Computer Access:

  • Gain access to the main computer which has been knocked off-line

1. Locate the uplink access point labeled "Auxiliary Computer Uplink". It is on the ship's control panel on the side wall near the Player's seat in the cockpit.
2. Use the cable in inventory to connect to the main computer.
3. Use your suit computer (represented by the helmet in your inventory box) to assess the status of the crashed lander.

2. Fuel Dump:

  • Dump the remaining fuel in the lander's leaking tanks
  • The Player has 5 minutes to complete this task before the lander blows up
  • The timer starts as soon as the Player begins the game

Steps (cont'd):
4. Once the suit computer is activated, select the "Lander Uplink" icon.
5. Click on the button labeled "Engines" in your suit computer.
6. Dump the fuel in all 3 tanks.
7. Click "close" to return to the main menu of your suit computer, and then choose "Quit".


The following situational puzzles involves the Player returning to the Cockpit scene:

1. Face Plate Crack
2. Commander's Pinned Leg

1. Face Plate Crack:


  • Apply a pressure patch to the leaking face shield of the unconscious crew member (the engineer)
  • The Player has 15 minutes from the beginning of the game before the engineer's oxygen runs out

1. Exit the doors to the Ready Room.
2. Locate the pressure patches in a cabinet labeled "COMPA1" in BIN2B. The cabinet is on the left wall as you exit the Control Door of the cockpit.
3. Go back to the cockpit.
4. Take the pressure patch from inventory and apply it to the cracked face plate of the Engineer.

2. Commander's Pinned Leg:


  • Free the commander's leg from beneath the fallen bulkhead

1. Locate the laser torch in the Ready Room. It is in a cabinet on the wall, to the left of the outer door.
2. Go back to the cockpit.
3. Take the torch from inventory and cut through the pipe pinning the Commander's leg.


The following situational puzzle also involves the Ready Room scene:

1. Lower Shaft Fire:


  • Extinguish the electrical fire in the lower shaft

1. Locate the fire extinguisher in a cabinet in the Ready Room. The cabinet is on the right wall as you exit the Control Door.
2. Proceed to the ladder going down into the portal.
3. This will lead the Player to a portal that takes you to the lower level of the lander. Click on the door lock.
4. Once the door closes behind you, continue to descend the ladder.
5. Here you will encounter a fuse box on fire.
6. Use the fire extinguisher in inventory to put out the fire.


Once the Player has completed these situational puzzles within the lander, they may proceed to the Mainbay where the hovercraft is docked. The puzzles do not have to be completed in a particular order, but the Player must keep in mind the time restraints on the Fuel Dump and Face Plate Crack puzzles.


  • Launch the hovercraft so the Player can explore the Cydonia landscape

1. In the lower shaft, find the door to the Mainbay.
2. On the hovercraft, look for the door marked "Automatic Door". It is located at the rear of the vehicle.
3. Click on the door. This will automatically take you to the interior of the hovercraft.
4. Find the main control console and click on the button labeled "Engines".
5. Click when the cursor begins to roll forward. You will automatically be taken across the Martian landscape.


From here, the Player may explore the landscape and will encounter the following structures:

  • The Tholus
  • The Pentapyramid
  • The Face on Mars

The Player must use the "Jump-Jets" on the hovercraft control panel to get out of the landing site area.


The Tholus is a huge swirled mound of rock with a plug that seals a long shaft leading to an inner domed chamber.

The Player will encounter the following situational puzzle:

1. The Tholus Plug Puzzle:


  • Open the heavy plug to gain access to the Tholus Underdome

1. Once you see the plug from inside the hovercraft, click on the button for the "remote arm" on the hovercraft control panel. The plug is far too heavy for the Player to lift.
2. Once part of the plug has been broken away, click on the "engines" button. You may now exit the hovercraft and explore the chambers within the Tholus.
3. The Player will notice drawings on the walls of the first chamber. This is a hint to the Discus Puzzle.


The Player will encounter the following puzzle:

1. The Discus Puzzle:


  • Assemble the 9-piece Discus artifact that is used throughout the game as a translating device, key, and an element in other puzzles

1. Click on the rolling cursor to descend into the Tholus Underdome (the lower chamber of the Tholus).
2. Proceed to the object with the dark red sphere on the wall, known as the Triskellion object, situated directly behind you.

Three planets will form a conjunction that will allow the center of the triskellion to open and dispense a piece of the Discus. Hints that describe each planet in simple visual terms, and the aUI symbol that represents that planet, can be found engraved on the walls. The Player will have to use their suit computer to translate the aUI inscriptions on the walls.

1. To set the following 9 combinations, simply click on each of the 3 circular points and a planet will appear.
2. Continue clicking on a single point to select a planet.
3. Once you correctly set one of the combinations one of the pieces to the Discus will be revealed with an aUI symbol on it. Each of the symbols will represent a different planet.
4. Click on the piece to add it to inventory.

Without the Discus, the Player cannot understand spoken aUI or gain entry to the caste trial chambers in the Pentapyramid.

The Discus Object:

The pieces you acquired from the triskellion must now be placed into the Discus. The Discus is on the wall directly across from the triskellion object.

1. Click on the center of the Discus and it will open revealing 9 empty spaces where the pieces must be placed.
2. Each piece must be placed in the Discus according to the size of each planet. An entire wall in this room contains a hint that begins telling the Player that "from greatest to smallest they are to be planted." Therefore, the largest of the 9 planets in our solar system must be placed first, and the smallest placed last.
3. Move the cursor around the Discus. The cursor with a pointing finger will indicate the correct spot for that particular piece.

Once the Player receives the Discus, they may travel to either the Face on Mars or the Pentapyramid.


When you pass over this structure, you will see a bird's-eye-view of the Face. Upon entering the main chamber, the Player is propelled through an anti-gravity field that takes them to a chamber with a giant spiral staircase. The bottom floor of this structure is submerged under water. This is where the Player will encounter the Brainframe, the console to control the force field over Cydonia, and the console for the terraforming system used by the ancient Martian people to create a breathable atmosphere on Mars.

The force field console is activated by inputting an aUI code, and the terraforming system requires 8 rings to be placed in the indentations on the console. These are the final puzzles that the Player must solve. The Brainframe computer (the floating inverted pyramid) will give the Player hints on what to do as well as part of the overall storyline. To communicate with the Brainframe, the Player must first solve the Gong Puzzle. The hint to this puzzle is inscribed on the floor at the base of the Brainframe.

1. Gong Puzzle:


  • Strike the gongs on the main floor in a specific sequence to activate the Brainframe computer

1. There are 5 gongs in total hanging on the walls. Click on any one of them. The Player will notice that aUI symbols will appear. The group of symbols in the top-left corner of the gong will match the hint inscribed on the floor at the base of the Brainframe.
2. Use the doorway on the main floor as your reference point. See the following diagram for the sequence the gongs must be clicked.

3. Once the Player has clicked all of the gongs in the correct sequence, they may proceed to the Brainframe.
4. If the Player clicked the gongs in the correct sequence, the Brainframe will rotate flashing 3 different colors (at random) on each of its sides. The Player must take careful note of the sequence of colors.
5. Once the Brainframe has stopped rotating, the Player must consult the spiral aUI control panel below the Brainframe. Here the Player must enter the aUI symbols for each color.
6. Activate the suit computer and select "Decryption".
7. Then select "Dictionary".
8. Look up the aUI symbols representing each color and be sure to take notes.
9. Return to the spiral aUI control panel.
10. Begin entering the aUI symbols for the first color in the given sequence, then press "enter". ("Enter" is the symbol in the center of the spiral control panel.)
11. Enter the aUI symbols for the second color in the given sequence, and press "enter" when completed.
12. Enter the final set of aUI symbols into the control panel and then press "enter".
13. The Brainframe is now activated, and the Player can communicate with it.

The following are the possible colors the Brainframe may flash:

The Player may explore the rest of the Face on Mars structure or proceed to the Pentapyramid.


The Player will encounter stairs on the side of the Pentapyramid. The Player can enter this structure through a large stone portal. A long sloping corridor leads to the Great Hall. The Great Hall is a five-sided room with sloping walls. There are 5 tunnels (each with a stone door) situated around the room. In the center of this room is a circular depression for the construction of the pentagonal lift which takes the Player to the Capstone Timeship.


  • Gain access to each of the 5 caste trial chambers using the Discus artifact

1. Approach one of the 5 doors leading to the caste trial chambers. An aUI character inscribed on the Discus artifact corresponds to a doorway.
2. On the Discus (in inventory) activate one of the aUI characters and then select "Use".
3. Click on the door and it will open.
4. Proceed to the puzzle.

NOTE: If the Player selects the incorrect aUI symbol on the Discus, nothing will happen.


This puzzle consists of a board with 3 concentric rings, divided into 3 sections--red, green, and yellow. There are 6 blocks positioned on the board--2 red, 2 green, and 2 yellow. When 2 blocks glow blue, the Player may click on the board to rotate that ring. The inner and outer rings rotate counter-clockwise, and the middle ring rotates clockwise. The Player may also change the positions of each block sliding them up or down within each quadrant.


  • Align the blocks on the board so the blocks and the section of the board match in color
  • The blocks should be positioned in the middle and outer rings
  • There should be no blocks within the inner ring

1. Rotate the outer ring.
2. Move the green block in the yellow section up one.
3. Move the red block in the yellow section up one.
4. Rotate the middle ring.
5. Move the green block in the green section down one.
6. Move the yellow block in the yellow section down one.
7. Rotate the inner ring.
8. Move the green block in the green section down one.
9. Move the yellow block in the yellow section down one.
10. End

To retrieve the Platonic Solid the Player must open the gold, spherical container at the top of the stairs.


The Player will find a floating cube held in position by an alien anti-gravity field mechanism and 2 trays with 5 gemstones on each of them. The floating cube has different paintings on each side and a lever in each corner. The levers can be shifted into either an upper, middle, or lower position.


  • Shift the levers into the correct positions to open the drawer
  • Distribute the 10 gemstones to mirror the progression of the merchant's career from rags to riches

1. Pick up all 10 gemstones adding it to inventory.
2. The Player may click on the cube to rotate it.
3. Once the Player sets the lever in the correct position a ledge will slide out of the cube providing a place to set the gemstones.

Box Side Lever Positioning Number of Gemstones to Place on Ledge

Merchant with 2 items
Merchant with 4 items
Merchant with 5 items
Merchant with 6 items



To retrieve the Platonic Solid the Player must open the gold, spherical container at the top of the stairs.


This puzzle has one main statue in the center and 7 smaller ones surrounding it. Notice that each of the smaller statues has a colored emblem on its chest and near the base of the statue there are 12 Chakra coins.


  • Arrange the colors in the order of the spectrum (rainbow)

1. Approach the main statue and click on its chest. The statue will sit up.
2. Pick up all 16 Chakra coins, adding them to inventory. The Player will only use 14 of the 16 coins. The other 2 are there to trick them.
3. Place each coin in the hand of the corresponding statue according to color (i.e., green coin in the hands of the statue with the green emblem on its chest). There are 2 coins of the same color per statue.
4. The Player will now notice that different colored Chakra teardrops appear in inventory. "Use" each drop by clicking on a rotating circle on the main statue (i.e., red drop matches with the red circle). The Player will notice that with every drop, the circles begin to illuminate.
5. Now the Player must arrange the colored circles, including the plume at the top of the main statue's head, into the order of the spectrum/rainbow. To change the order, click on the color you want to move, then click on the spot you would like to move it to. The following is the order in which the colors must be placed: (top to bottom) white, violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red.

To retrieve the Platonic Solid the Player must open the gold, spherical container at the top of the stairs.


This puzzle is a small vaulted checkerboard with Martian warriors as game pieces--5 are copper colored and 1 is gold. Moves can only be made by "jumping" over other warrior pieces. The jumped pieces will disappear.


  • The gold warrior must end on the center vault (the tallest one, #11)

To retrieve the Platonic Solid the Player must open the gold, spherical container at the top of the Stairs.


The Player will come across an obelisk with the Tree of Life formation on it, as well as 10 tokens on a round platform at its base.


  • Place the tokens in the correct position on the Tree of Life

1. Pick up all 10 tokens. They will be placed in inventory.
2. Examine each of the tokens in inventory, recognizing their similarities and differences. The Player will notice that different symbols represent a number.

  • 1 token w/1 star
  • 3 tokens w/2 triangles
  • 3 tokens w/3 circles
  • 3 tokens w/4 squares

3. Place the token that represents the number 1 in the top position of the Tree of Life.
4. Place the 3 tokens that represent the number 2 in the next row. (Note the row is V-shaped.)
5. Place the 3 tokens that represent the number 3 in the third row.
6. Place the 3 tokens that represent the number 4 in the last row.

To retrieve the Platonic Solid the Player must open the gold, spherical container at the top of the stairs.


The Player may return to the Face on Mars structure. Here they may complete the following puzzles on the upper floor.

1. The Diorama Puzzle
2. The UVG Assembler

1. The Diorama Puzzle:

This puzzle is a large sprawling model showing the Cydonia city as it was over a million years ago.


  • Obtain the crystal that is required to solve the UVG Assembler puzzle by aligning the correct sequence of aUI symbols engraved on the Pentapyramid model

1. Follow the spiral staircase to the top floor.
2. Click on the panel with the yellow sphere at its center. The panel will flip over revealing the diorama.
3. Locate the Pentapyramid model on the diorama. It has a red top.
4. Click on this structure and notice that the sections rotate.
5. Align the aUI symbols from bottom to top according to the clue engraved at the base of the Pentapyramid model.
6. Click on the capstone (top) of the pyramid. This becomes the red Diorama Crystal.

The top of the Pentapyramid will glow red. Add the red crystal to inventory.

2. UVG Assembler Puzzle:

The UVG Assembler puzzle is basically a large iron like cage made up of 4 triangular girded spheres inside one another. In the center is a platform where a seat rests and a "pentapod" (a tripod with 5 legs) with a slot for the Diorama Crystal.


  • Align the UVG spheres, which are currently in a scrambled grid mess, using the Sphere Control Panel
  • Place the Platonic Solids (acquired by solving the 5 trials in the Pentapyramid) in their correct positions

1. Locate the Sphere Control Panel. It is eye shaped and has 4 circular indentations in it. When clicked on, it will light up. It is located directly across from the Diorama Puzzle.
2. Rotate all 4 spheres so each triangle is facing forward and the apex is pointing upward.
3. Once completed, the doors will align.
4. Enter the central area within the UVG spheres. Notice the 5 indentations in the flooring.
5. Place each Platonic Solid from inventory, in its corresponding spot. The cursor with the pointing finger will indicate to the Player where each Platonic Solid is placed.
6. Place the red Diorama Crystal in the center of the pentapod located above the chair.
7. Get into the chair.
8. On the circular console inscribed with aUI symbols, enter the aUI translation for the word "open" (verb). This will activate the UVG energy ball (blue) which is the power source for the Capstone Timeship.


The Player may return to the Pentapyramid after they have completed the UVG Assembler puzzle and have obtained the UVG energy ball.


  • Gain access to the Capstone Timeship

1. Locate the pentagonal lift in the center of the hall.
2. The Player will notice that the pieces which make up the platform have been assembled. This automatically occurs when each trial is completed and a Plutonic Solid is acquired.
3. Stand on the pentagonal lift. The Player will be taken to the Capstone Timeship.


The Capstone Timeship is the vehicle that will transport the Player back in time to past Mars as it was over a million years ago. Here they will acquire the necessary items that will deactivate the force field allowing the Player to return to their mothership.


  • Activate the Capstone Timeship

1. The pentagonal lift will take the Player right into the Capstone Timeship.
2. Take the UVG energy ball from inventory and place it on the bowl-shaped stand. This will power the vehicle taking the Player back in time.



Once the Player has traveled back in time to Mars, they will find themselves on the Capstone Landing Pad. The Player will exit from the bottom of the vehicle and can explore this new environment.


After the Player has exited the Capstone vehicle, they may descend into the Whalesong Chamber. Here the Player will find the Whalesong Puzzle.


  • Sound the shells in a particular sequence to summon the Martian whale


Click the shells in the following order: A, B, D, and C.


1. Click on the "opening" (as labeled above) of the chamber. The Player will climb onto the back of the whale.
2. Click on the rolling arrow in front of the whale's head. The Player will be taken on an underwater journey to a subsurface cavern.



  • Unlock the portal to the shaft spire that leads to the Garden Spire

1. Disembark from the whale by following the rolling arrow towards the portal in front of you.
2. Above the portal, the Player will notice a sequence of 3 aUI symbols, as well as a gray cube. This is the solution.

3. The portal is divided into 3 sectors. Click one of the sectors and notice the symbol that appears in the cube.
4. When the sectors are clicked on in the above sequence, the portal will unlock.

Portal Door


The portal leads to the shaft spire which will take the Player to the Garden Spire.


The Player must complete the following puzzles in the Garden Spire:

1. 13 Pieces for Lightbringer Puzzle
2. Bog Stump Jump Puzzle
3. Contrast Puzzle
4. Lightbringer Puzzle

There are clues and items the Player will encounter that will be used in other parts of the game.

1. 13 Pieces for Lightbringer Puzzle:

There are 13 triangular shaped pieces that are purple in color, scattered throughout the Garden. They are denoted by the circled number on the Map of the Garden. Search each area of the thoroughly. Use the map as a general guide to where each piece is located.


  • Find and collect all 13 pieces required to assemble the pyramid, and acquire one of the 3 colored rings

2. Bog Stump Jump Puzzle:


  • Step on the correct sequence of bog stumps to get to the other side of the garden


See the Map of the Garden. Note that the solution for returning is different.

NOTE: Players should save their game before attempting this puzzle. An incorrect answer leads to the Player's demise.

3. Contrast Puzzle:


  • Reveal all the shapes concealed by the solid black texture and acquire one of the 3 colored rings

1. Click on parts of the object to turn the hidden shapes into white sections that contrast against the black sections. (The initial shape in white that is visible is the clue to the correct contrast series.)
2. Once all the shapes are made visible in black and white, the center ring will glow and become animated.
3. Click on the ring and add it to inventory. There are 2 other colored rings the Player must collect.


4. Lightbringer Puzzle:


  • Assemble the 13 pieces collected into a pyramid, and acquire one of the 3 colored rings

Solution (3 Parts):

Part 1: Assembling the Pyramid

  • There are 4 levels of the pyramid including the capstone
  • 4 identical items make up each level
  • The 13th item will be the capstone
  • Use the cursor to indicate where the items must be placed (pointing finger)
  • Notice that they are placed in a clockwise fashion

Part 2: Decipher the Code

Once the pyramid is assembled it may be rotated. The Player must take note of all of the symbols and use the suit computer dictionary to determine what each symbol represents. This is a clue to the final part of the puzzle which is described in Part 4.

Part 3: Clearing

The Player must use the laser torch from inventory to clear away the vegetation blocking the light from above the flower. Once this is done, they will see the flower become rejuvenated and one of the 3 rings will be dispensed.

The Player can return to the Garden where the colored rocks lie in a spiral pattern. After acquiring 2 of the 3 rings, the Player will encounter an alien life form. Click on the lifework when the cursor says "Talk". It will speak with the Player and give them the third and final ring.

Before leaving the Garden to return to the Capstone vehicle, the Player must take note of the sequence of colors on the rocks in the spiral pattern. This is the solution to one of the endgame puzzles which deactivates the force field over the Cydonia region.

The Player may now return to the Brainframe located in the Face on Mars structure, by travelling forward in time to Present Mars.


The Player must complete the following puzzles/events:

1. The Terraforming Console
2. The Defense Field Console
3. Launching the Life Boat

1. The Terraforming Console:

The Player must place the 3 colored rings into their correct places on the console. This will activate the terraforming mechanism on Mars.

Hint: Place the red ring first.

2. The Defense Field Console:

The Player must refer to the notes they took in the garden pertaining to the sequence of colored rocks. This is the "password" that will deactivate the force field surrounding the planet.

Top Arm (from the center): orange, red, green, purple, blue, yellow
Left Arm (from center): red, blue, yellow, orange, purple, blue
Right Arm (from center): blue, purple, yellow, green, orange, red

3. Launching the Life Boat

1. After completing the Terraforming Console Puzzle and the Defense Field Console, return to the crashed lander.
2. Once inside, proceed to the life boat. The life boat is found at the top of the ladder in the Ready Room.
3. In the life boat the cursor will indicate the seat that the Player must get into.
4. To the right of the seat the Player will find a red button marked "Warning. Launch". This button will launch the life boat.
5. Press the red button and watch the endgame movie.


There are 10 possible endings to the game. For instance, if the Player did not place the pressure patch on the Engineer's helmet, the Engineer would die, and subsequently would not have returned with the rest of the crew to the mothership.

Each ending is a permutation of one of the following 4.

1. You rescued all crew members, terraformed the planet, and deactivated the force field.
2. All crew members perished, you didn't terraform the planet, and you deactivated the force field.
3. All crew members perished, you terraformed the planet, and deactivated the force field.
4. Only saved the Commander, didn't terraform the planet, but deactivated the force field.