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Bad Mojo

By Alexander Tait
August 2000

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(Based on the anonymous German walkthrough translated by Alyssa Tait.)

Note: Not all of these things need to be done in this order, although doing them this way will save time and a lot of backtracking. This covers all the essential items of the adventure; there are a great many more things to find that enhance the plot and character development.

The Beginning

You begin in front of an open-air shaft. Move forward and up to exit through a grate. Go forward until you find a matchbox to your right. Turn left here. You see puddles of water forward and behind, which cannot be crossed. Follow the path to the left to an old water pipe. Proceed up the pipe and onto a symbol. This symbol occurs throughout the game and indicates a video sequence that is a source of valuable information. After the sequence, go forward up the rusty pipe and toward the right. Move downward at a junction. You end up on the floor in a previously inaccessible area.

Move upward toward some green, sticky cockroach traps. Be careful not to get caught in them. You will soon find a rat in a trap. Be careful not to go toward the jaws, as he is not as dead as he first seemed. Similarly, avoid the tail, because it will strike you and knock you backwards. Move along the trap toward the right of the screen to encounter a large web with a dangerous looking spider.

To get past the spider, you must kill it. Next to the spider lies a glowing cigarette butt. Quickly push the glowing part of the cigarette toward the spider. It will attempt to capture you but will land on the butt, thereby being killed. Keep away from the glowing section or you will die also. When you have dealt with the spider, move downwards to a mouse skeleton. Clamber over the skeleton to the "Cockroach Corral," a cockroach bait trap.

The "Cockroach Corral" consists of three green compartments (safe) and pink dividing sections (dangerous). The pink sections can only be passed by climbing over the corpses of dead cockroaches. Proceed this way to the third section. In this section, there is no safe way to cross over the pink divider. There is a maggot that you must push over to bridge the pink area where there is a dead cockroach halfway across. The maggot will be secured automatically when you find the right spot. Walk over the bodies and out the other side of the "Corral."

Outside the "Corral" there is a table leg. Climb up the leg and end up on the top of a table. Proceed to another symbol and watch the video sequence. Follow the table edge until you meet the wall. Note two black cables. Follow the cables to the right where they terminate in a plug lying in front of an electrical socket. Walk across the cables to complete the circuit and start the vacuum cleaner at right. Be careful to avoid the suction. Turn left and walk until you reach the edge of the table.

Move over the edge and down a leg of the table (not the same leg as you initially went up). Turn left when you reach a junction. You will come across a severed black cable hanging over a can of cockroach poison. Climb onto the left part of the cable. Move down carefully to ensure you don't fall in the can. Your weight on the cable causes the cable to land in the poison and short circuit the vacuum cleaner.

Proceed back to the tabletop and back to the socket. Follow the vacuum cleaner nozzle towards the right and climb onto the hose when you can. Walk on the hose until you see a green paint puddle on your left. Climb off the hose and onto a twisty cable. Follow the cable to another table (it is a convoluted route but not difficult to find). Be careful to avoid the red sections.

Continue down until you find a brush. Walk across the paintbrush and enter a hole in the table (near the silver part of the brush). This will take you to the inside of the table. Walk along until you find another hole to exit from. Outside you will find an iron bar underneath a chain. Climb onto this and walk toward the electricity meter.

There are three fuses in the meter, one blue and two red, which flash and click when you walk on them. If you walk upward to the meter itself, you will find four counters with ten digits each. By walking on the fuses and referring back to the meter, you will notice that the first counter does not move. The other counters are altered (by one) by walking over the respective fuses. The counters need to read 7-6-5-8. Walk over the fuses until the meter counters are correct. At this time, you will find the left fuse blows and goes black.

Progress along toward the right until you meet the red broom handle. Walk down the broom back on the floor. Explore the floor until you find an iron construction that turns out to be the leg of a cot bed. Climb up to the underside of the mattress. Follow the mattress to the right until you reach the edge. From there, turn upwards and find the underside of a table. Climb up onto a table that is covered with crumbs. Near the crumbs is an old radio. Go to the radio.

Climb up and over the radio to find the opening on the back. Walk around until you find the silver cathode. Touching the cathode repairs the radio and triggers another video sequence. Exit the radio and climb back on top where there are some sleeping tablets. Pushing the tablet bottle causes a tablet to fall out. Manipulate the sleeping tablet from the container into the drink below. This triggers another video, during which the old man drinks the drugged drink and falls asleep.

Go to the underside of the table and down the table column onto the floor. Head toward the right until you find a cigar box full of coins. Clamber up into the box, crawl across the lid, and into the socket on the wall. This triggers the first Oracle.

The Bathroom

After the Oracle video, you end up in the bathroom on the top of a green hand towel dispenser. On the lower part, there is a hole that allows access into the mechanism. Inside is a metal switch, which when pushed to the left, releases the cogwheel inside and dispenses the paper. The paper rolls out and down to the floor. Go back out and walk down the paper to the bathroom floor. Now, it's time to explore again.

Be careful of the rat hole. If you get too close, the rat will snatch you and eat you. Move very carefully to the left of the hole and climb up on the unpainted section. Finally, at the top, you are standing on a porcelain sink. Be careful not to fall in the sink. Climb up to a broken mirror. Find the point where the glass is completely gone and enter the cabinet behind the mirror. Proceed upwards and go through the slit for discarded razor blades. Walk downward until you find the screw. Push the screw over the edge to knock down the razor blades, thereby killing the rat. Exit and return to the rat hole (now safe). Watch another video sequence of the old man.

Go through the rat hole. Don't worry about the rat; this one really is dead! Walk across to the left and watch the second Oracle.

The Kitchen

Following the video, you are in a defective cooling system. Explore the paths available until you find the exit through a grate and out onto the top of a fridge. Climb down to the kitchen floor.

When you reach the floor, turn right and walk until you find the handle of a mop leaning against the kitchen cupboards. Climb onto the mop handle and up to the kitchen counter. Head right as far as you can until you reach the knife, a bridge resting precariously between the counter and the stove. Cross the knife bridge to the stove and walk down the piece of bacon and onto the stove.

Turn left and head to the back part of the stove (behind the hotplates). Note the hotplates are on. Head right and turn right to walk between the left and right hotplates. As you pass between, a blob of food lands behind you, effectively blocking your escape route. When you arrive at the bottle cap, manipulate it over the food so you can walk further toward the front of the stove. Go down the front of the stove and enter where the hotplate control is missing.

Walk on the tube pathways until you find the blue gas flame and the open safety valve. Push the valve closed and watch the flame die out. Exit out to the stovetop.

When back on top, turn left and proceed down when able. Note the small cockroach stuck between the food sauce. Maneuver down and over to the right to move as close as possible to where it is stuck. When you are close enough, he will climb onto your back. With him riding on your back, go back to the stove. Cross back over the bottle cap but this time turn right into the gas ring. Move over to the right hand edge of the ring and out so that you can walk to the back of the stove and return to the kitchen counter across the knife. Walk across the counter to the sink.

Go into the sink. You can hear the sink incinerator is on. Walk onto the spoon and onto the knife at left. The weight of you and the cockroach on your back causes the spoon to fall into the drain and stop the sink incinerator. Climb down into the now-safe drain. Watch the third Oracle.

The Bar

You start on a wall above a bar. Proceed down to the countertop. At the bottom, you find yourself on the countertop, which is narrow like a ledge and stores spirit bottles. Walk to the right until you find the baseball bat leading across to the bar. Walk across it, using it like a bridge.

Walk over the bar debris until you reach an upturned peanut shell. Hop onto the shell for a boat ride. Cary on until you find the drink mixture guide. Push the indicator all the way to the right until it reads, "Bad Mojo." Take note of the four spirits listed: order is important. Return to where the spirits are stored. Climb to the top of the specific spirit bottles in the order listed in the mixing guide. The order is Grenadine, Blue Curacao, Brandy, Vodka. Each one will trigger a video. At the final one, you will see the fourth Oracle.

Roger Samms's (Your) Room

You start on the wall of your room. Climb upward until you reach the desk with a fax machine and suitcase. Continue climbing up the shelf. There is paper in an out tray and a fan next to it. The fan has a frayed red and white cable. Walk to the cable to start the fan. This blows the paper into the fax machine. Go down to the fax machine.

Listen to the messages on the fax. Press "copy." This will send the paper through allowing you to access to the lower level. Follow the copied sheets downward as far as you can and then turn left. Walk over to a TV remote control with a cigarette blocking the infrared beam. Move the cigarette and push the power button to switch on the TV. This starts the fifth Oracle.

After watching the video sequence, go toward the edge of the table until you see a pencil with a butterfly sitting on it. Walk onto the butterfly. It will take off and fly you to the experiment area. Enjoy the video!

Experiment Area

Get off the butterfly and head left until you reach the terrarium with cockroaches in it. Go over the ledge where you see another cable. When you walk far enough down, the cat reaches up to get you and brings down the terrarium with a smash. You are fortunately unharmed. The cat leaves the room in fear.

Walk up to the table leg to return to the experiment area. Turn right and walk as far as possible until you reach the wall. Turn upward and walk as far as possible (where the spider web blocks further walking). Turn left and proceed up still higher until you reach another grate. This grate has a fan behind it (which is switched off now because we short circuited the electricity meter earlier--if not go and do it now!). Go through the grate. This triggers Oracle six. At this point, you have one of three endings.

The End

You are back in the airshaft with the multiple exits. Take the exit to the bathroom. Go up and out into the bathroom through the grate. Go back to where the paper towel dispenser is. To the right of it is the urinal, where you saw the old man leave his cigarette butt. Climb up the urinal (what a treat!) to the top and push the butt over the edge so that it falls onto the paper towel, causing fire and smoke. This sets off the fire alarm. You'll see a video of the old man waking, realizing there is a fire, and taking his wife's photo as he escapes. Now it's time to save yourself.

Go back to the main shaft. This time take the exit in front of you. This takes you to your room. Go back through this grate and down the fax machine to the butterfly. Get on the butterfly and fly back to the experiment area. Go down the leg of the table and head down the screen until you reach your mother's amulet (and your unconscious body). Climb on the amulet. This will trigger the best ending: a video of you and your father being reunited and going to Mexico.

If you wait awhile, i.e., do nothing, after a few minutes you will experience the horrible ending. You are blown to smithereens, your father never knows who you were, and he ends up a bum.

There is, apparently, another ending. If you don't do all of the things above, when you come to get on the amulet, you go insane. (However, I couldn't get this one to work.)