
You have three options how to get Opera Mini on your phone. The recommended option is the quick download.

Quick download

Downloading Opera Mini directly to your phone is simple.

  • Visit the web address mini.opera.com using your phone’s default Web browser.
  • Follow simple on-screen download instructions.
  • After the download, locate Opera Mini on your phone among other Java applications and start enjoying the blazing-fast mobile Web.

To fully access the internet with Opera Mini, a Data Plan from your mobile service provider might be required. Please contact your service provider for more information.

SMS link

Submit an SMS request from this page. You will receive a download link for Opera Mini directly to your phone.

PC download

Download Opera Mini to your PC, then tranfer it to your mobile phone. Use the wizard below to select your phone model, so we can provide you with the correct download instructions. You can also see all officially supported devices in an alphabetical list. Cannot find your phone model? Try the Opera Mini generic version.