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We welcome reader comments about the content of this web site and STATS' mission - and we especially welcome suggestions on articles and issues that you think we should take a look at. .

Moreover, being human, STATS writers are not infallible. If you believe we have erred in our criticism, please contact us and tell us how. As an organization that serves to point out error, we would like to correct any of our own as quickly as possible.

Although we don't have a letters section on the website, we will consider publishing letters on the site. If you wish to submit a letter for publication, please include a daytime telephone number so that we can verify your submission. We reserve the right to edit any letter for length and content.

Contact us by filling in the form provided. We will try to respond to all sensible communication within seven business days.

Please also use this form to contribute your suggestions for the worst use of numbers or statistics in a news story. Please let us know why you think the story is flawed or misleading.

We would also like to point out that STATS is unable to help with general statistical queries such as "How many people have cell phones in Yemen?"

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