TinyMce Wiki Plugin


This plugin allows users to edit wiki with the TinyMCE.TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB.

Also, within WYSIWYG text, you still have (it seems) the important Trac WikiFormatting NOT provided by HTML: you still can still do TracLinks, WikiMacros, the Links (? TracLinks?), and WikiProcessors. (MBParker notes: from the screenshot, these are highlighed by red box outline; I would imagine that they don't actually operate until the code is previewed or displayed.)

A screenshot --from the author's (now outdated) original page on the plugin, auto-translated here into English.


The data which it retains is not wiki grammar, is the individual type which includes the Traclink and the Macro et cetera to the HTML. Considerably it becomes difficult to edit the data which it retains with the wiki editor of default.

  • The [[PageOutline]] macro will cease to function if you edit an existing page.


I've patched this plugin to work with 0.10 am will try to get this included in the plugin itself and branch a 0.10 release at some point. See: #744

Patch is available at attachment:ticket:744:tinymcewikiplugin-0.10.patch


  1. You must download the TinyMCE from http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/, and put tinymce directory (not tiny_mce) into share/trac/htdocs.
  2. Copy tinymce_trac.css in this plugin to tinymce folder.
  3. Add the following options to trac.ini:
    trac.wiki.web_ui.WikiModule= disabled
  4. (optional) If you have not modified default_handler, add the following options too:
    default_handler = TinyMceWikiPlugin
  5. Follow the normal install instructions.
  6. Don't forget to restart trac/httpd

To customize the TinyMCE

The TinyMCE-Plugin reads the tinymceconf.cs which is placed on the templates folder of the TracEnv. Reading the document of the TinyMCE, please rewrite this file.

To rewrite to the language of your country

The TinyMCE-Plugin reads the tinymcewiki.cs which is placed on the templates folder of the TracEnv. Please rewrite this file.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for TinyMceWikiPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out TinyMceWikiPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.

Built-in Example

Push the 'Edit/Create this page with WISIWYG' button on wiki page.

Recent Changes

[446] by hirobe on 02/25/06 23:05:22


Check in version 0.1 of the TinyMceWikiPlugin

[445] by hirobe on 02/25/06 22:53:00

New hack TinyMceWikiPlugin, created by hirobe


Author: hirobe
Contributors: JamesMills, MBParker (so far just a few improvements to this page)
