

Example screenshot

Teamtrac is a tool to correlate different sources of information regarding the software engineering process. It is used by companies to monitor their own software development process, and by outsourcing companies to provide on-the-fly information to their customers. It can provide the glue between tools like a source repository (like CVS or Subversion), a ticketing system like Trac or Bugzilla, and a time tracking tool like Tutos, Kimai or, if you're unlucky, some simple spreadsheets. It can be used to provide statistics and evaluations across the boundaries of each of these tools.

More information can be found on the Teamtrac Website.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for TeamtracIntegration are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the zipped source from here.

Recent Changes

[2563] by roman on 08/11/07 02:17:20

New hack TeamtracIntegration, created by roman


Author: roman
