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Sony PSP

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CNET Editors' rating explained for Sony PSP

On August 26, CNET launched a substantial redesign of its Web sites. As part of the changes, we've altered the rating system to include numerals (1 through 10 with decimals) and a five-star system, with half stars. Nothing changed regarding how we test products or calculate their ratings. (Read more about this process below.) You can send feedback by clicking on the link at the top of this page.

Reviewed by:
David Carnoy
Edited by:
Rob Dubbin, John P. Falcone, and David Rudden
Reviewed on:
Updated on:
Released on:
Click here to see CNET editors' review for Sony PSP
Overall score:

Editors' rating: Games
The final score for every game we review is generated automatically from the individual scores that our reviewers give it. The final score is not an average of these five scores. Each of these components is weighted differently to come up with the final overall score. GameSpot has consistently applied this same rating formula since its launch in 1996. On the product review page and elsewhere on the Web site, the overall rating is displayed as a series of stars, based on a five-star scale with half stars (see conversion details below).

This includes technical use of graphics, as well as the aesthetic quality of a game's appearance and presentation. Games that look impressive in still images do not automatically earn high graphics scores, because the graphical performance of a game weighs heavily into our consideration of its visuals.

This includes the quality and use of sound effects, voice acting, and music in the game. Any of these may potentially have a significant impact on the overall sound score. For instance, a game with an excellent soundtrack and sound effects may still lose points for sound if the voice acting is of low quality.

This includes everything, from the game's interface to its control to how well balanced it is. Basically, this represents how well a game plays and how enjoyable it is to play. Games very rarely earn a 10 in this category, due to how elusive games with perfect or near-perfect gameplay actually are.

For the most part, a game's value score is an indicator of the game's longevity. It represents how long you'll be able to both play and enjoy the game, and it also signifies how much replay value you'll get out of it. Breadth of gameplay options and overall volume of content both weigh heavily into this score. The retail price of a game can also figure into the value score, as can the presence or lack of similar, competitive products in the market. Finally, the overall quality of the game has some impact on its value, so, for instance, a bad game that's extremely long is still probably not worth playing.

Reviewer's Tilt (Tilt)
This score basically lets a reviewer sway the final score--either higher or lower--based on the reviewer's overall experience with a game. Here's an example: A game might have really good graphics and sound but only mediocre gameplay. As a result, it gets a low tilt score to keep the overall from being boosted too high, since the game ultimately isn't fun. Likewise, a game might have mediocre graphics and sound, but it might include a really good story and a lot of original ideas. As a result, it might get a high tilt to boost the overall score a bit, which suggests to you that you should look beyond the game's production values.

What the numbers mean

9.6 to 10.0 = 5 stars (Spectacular):
This exceedingly rare score is reserved for a product that is as perfect as it could be.

9.0 to 9.5 = 4.5 stars (Outstanding):
A product that receives a rating in this range scores high on all of its rating criteria. It succeeds at meeting all of its intended users' needs and has no meaningful drawbacks.

8.0 to 8.9 = 4 stars (Excellent):
A product that receives a rating in this range is superior in so many ways that its relatively few drawbacks are not very important.

7.0 to 7.9 = 3.5 stars (Very good):
While the strengths of a product scoring in this range certainly outweigh its weaknesses, it has some minor faults that certain users should be aware of.

6.0 to 6.9 = 3 stars (Good):
This range represents a product that is above average. Its strengths slightly outweigh its weaknesses, making it good for most uses but not a standout.

5.0 to 5.9 = 2.5 stars (Average):
A product that scores in this range is functional but unremarkable.

4.0 to 4.9 = 2 stars (Mediocre):
Products in this range are below average. They fall in the middle of the pack for most features, but suffer from a few additional major flaws.

3.0 to 3.9 = 1.5 stars (Poor):
You probably should not consider a product in this range or lower. There may be one or two specialized circumstances, however, that could justify the purchase of this product for a very low price for a specific demand.

2.0 to 2.9 = 1 star (Terrible):
A product that receives a rating in this range scores low on all of its rating criteria. It does not satisfy any of its intended users' needs and has no meaningful strengths.

1.0 to 1.9 = 1/2 star (Abysmal):
A product in this range should never have been produced. This product has no redeeming qualities and worse, may actually harm you or your productivity.

0 - 0.9 = 0 stars

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Sony PSP

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Where to buy

Sony PSP: $169.97
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P.C. Richard & Son
$169.97 No

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Where to buy Sony PSP

Price: $169.97

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around the WebPowered by alaTest

  • mp3.com

    Editors' rating: 87

    Summary: The PSP elevates portable gaming to the next level, but its multimedia functionality falls short of its full potential.

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  • pcanswers.co.uk

    Editors' rating: 80

    Summary: A fine player, but needs removable media

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  • digitalhomemag.com

    Editors' rating: 100

    Summary: Possibly the best-designed mobile console ever, making it the ultimate 'must have' toy of the year.

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  • techradar.com

    Editors' rating: 80

    Summary: It also handles music and photos, and includes a web browser. Given its infamously unimpressive games library, it's turned out to be far better media device than it is a handheld console

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  • stuff.tv

    Editors' rating: 100

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