Election of authors

From Scholarpedia

Authors of Scholarpedia are either invited by curators or elected by public vote. You are not logged in. Your vote will be assigned to IP address Anybody from the same IP address can change your vote. You need to login to avoid this problem (your vote will remain anonymous). A soft-max (probabilistic) procedure will be used to choose the author based on the number of votes received.

Instructions to initiate election for an article.

List of previously elected authors.

Articles in bold do not have your vote yet.

Articles with open polls:

(voted: 156) Place Cells (voted: 85) Models of Olfactory System (voted: 84) Particle Swarm Optimization
(voted: 162) Electrophysiology (voted: 88) Synaptic Plasticity (voted: 51) Subthreshold Oscillation
(voted: 150) Brain Rhythms (voted: 106) Cell Assemblies (voted: 152) Associative Memory
(voted: 117) Brain-Machine Interface (voted: 107) Chaotic Oscillators (voted: 71) Population Dynamics
(voted: 28) Gait Control (voted: 142) Relaxation Oscillator (voted: 175) Cellular Automata
(voted: 48) Attractor Embedding (voted: 53) Resonance (voted: 62) Pulsed Coupled Neural Networks
(voted: 54) Cellular Neural Network (voted: 40) Chaotic Network (voted: 50) Excitatory-Inhibitory Network
(voted: 56) Neurocomputer (voted: 99) Turing Test (voted: 47) Stochastic Optimization
(voted: 95) Robotics (voted: 43) Animats (voted: 104) Wavelet Analysis
(voted: 48) Machine Vision (voted: 88) Motor Control (voted: 81) Helmholtz Machine
(voted: 80) Biologically Inspired Robotics (voted: 74) VLSI Implementation of Neural Networks (voted: 37) Astrocyte-Neuronal Interaction
(voted: 108) Small-World Network (voted: 75) Pattern Formation (voted: 145) Bayesian Inference
(voted: 82) Actor-Critic Method (voted: 39) Sensorimotor Control (voted: 162) Memory
(voted: 16) Rule Extraction (voted: 29) Gaussian Process Temporal Difference Learning (voted: 49) Morphogenetic Evolvable Hardware
(voted: 69) Visual Attention (voted: 18) Learning ex vivo (voted: 94) Object recognition
(voted: 21) Spine Motility (voted: 76) Principal Component Analysis (voted: 13) Spike Correlation Measures
(voted: 80) Chinese Room Argument (voted: 23) Current Source Density (voted: 38) Short-Term Plasticity
(voted: 39) Lyapunov-Schmidt Reduction (voted: 52) Logistic Map (voted: 131) Wikipedia
(voted: 6) Self-consistent chaos (voted: 14) Autism (voted: 8) Linear multistep method
(voted: 4) Slow Feature Analysis