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I have seen a lot about the new dashboard and can't wait 'til it comes, but I've also heard that it might not be coming to the ...


The Xbox 360's new Dashboard will be a worldwide launch, so no need to worry about it not reaching the UK. Altho...MORE

Ezilylost13 says:

"Why don't I like Fallout 3? I just am not getting into it. I'm about 4 hours in and I'm supposed to be looking for a radio station. I am taking my time, doing some exploring and really trying to enjoy it. While I'm playing though, all I can think about is wanting to play something else."

Posted on: Nov 14, 2008

KOXM Podcast 141 is Now Available!

WORDS BY: Ryan McCaffrey

We’re all too happy to shout out our love for the first-person parkour thriller Mirror’s Edge from the rooftops as it releases this week. To celebrate, we interview senior producer Owen O’Brien, who gives a refreshingly candid and interesting interview that touches on the challenges of developing an “outside the box” kind of game, releasing a new IP in the most crowded time of the year, why in-game heroine Faith doesn’t have double-D breasts, and a whole lot more. Oh, and we’ve got more copies of Age of Booty to give away too, courtesy of Capcom! To listen, click the "Podcasts" tab at the top of the page, subscribe for free on iTunes (search for "OXM" in the podcasts section), or just click here.


Great as usual, but strangely clearer than it has been in the past.

Good job with the podcast. Can't wait to go get a copy of Mirror's Edge.

Great podcast guys!
Oh and Ryan and Dan both of you guys need to appear on Gamesradars Talkradar podcast! It's HILARIOUS!

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