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LECC Minutes 02/05
Lutheran Episcopal Coordinating Committee, Las Vegas, NV February 6-8, 2005


Minutes of the Lutheran Episcopal Coordinating Committee (LECC)

February 6-8, 2005

Las Vegas, Nevada


Present for all or part of the sessions:


Representatives of The Episcopal Church (ECUSA): The Very Rev. Donald Brown (co-chair), the Rt. Rev. Stephen Miller, Ms. Emily Perow, the Rev. Dr. Al Moss, the Rev. Grant Abbott, the Rt. Rev. Carolyn Tanner Irish , and the Rt. Rev. C. Christopher Epting (staff).

Representatives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA):  Ms. Terry Bowes, the Rev. Nancy Curtis, , the Rev. Norman Wahl, Mr. Michael Trice (staff), the Rev. Gregory Villalon, Bishop Ronald B. Warren, the Rev. Dr. Duane Larson (co-chair),

Absent:  Ms. Midge Roof, Mr. Thomas Ferguson (staff), both of the ECUSA; and Bishop Andrea DeGroot Nesdahl, the Rev. Dr. Randall Lee (staff), both of the ELCA.

The meeting was opened with prayer on February 6, 2005 at 9 a.m. at the Alexis Park (non-gaming) Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, by Bishop Michael Pryse of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Lutheran Bishop of the Eastern Synod of the ELCIC.

Co-chair Duane Larson welcomed the Rt. Rev. Stephen Miller, the ECUSA bishop of the diocese of Milwaukee, as a member of the LECC.  He replaces the Rt. Rev. Leo Frade, who has resigned his position on the committee.

Common Session with the Joint Anglican Lutheran Commission in Canada

The Committee also welcomed the presence of the members of the Joint Anglican- Lutheran Commission in Canada. Anglican members present were Fred Hiltz (co-chair), Gay Richardson, Richard Leggett, Alyson Barnett-Cowan (staff).  Absent was Eunice McMahon  Lutheran members included Michael Pryse (co-chair), Cam Harder, Ilze Kuplens-Ewart, Sharon Villetard, and Paul Johnson (staff).  The Joint Commission was established in 2001.

The session began with introductions and sharing of roles.  Ron Warren, Christopher Epting, Alyson Barnett-Cowan, and Paul Johnson spoke about the effect of the agreements in place on the ELCA, ECUSA, ACC and ELCIC, respectively, profiling his or her church for the group and presenting current concerns of each church.  Richard Leggett presented the Canadian joint commission’s charter for the LECC members and Al Moss presented LECC’s charter for the JALC. 


To further communication, exchanging agendas and minutes (those of the JALC are not posted online), sharing protocols, inviting the other committee/commission to send a member of its body in the area to attend as an observer, if possible, and an annual meeting of the four co-chairs were propounded. 


Regarding pastoral care matters, arrangements with cross-bordering synods and dioceses and pastoral needs, and the placement of pastors, could be commonly reviewed.  Cross-border ministry to cattle ranchers, for example, was being discussed by Lutherans in a particular area; interest was expressed in how these kinds of efforts might be broadened in scope and geography.


Transitivity issues are more difficult.  These include the situation where Church A and Church B are in full communion, Church C and Church D are in full communion, and Churches A and C, B and D are in full communion with each other, respectively.   The question then arises as to the relationship between Churches A and D, and Churches B and C.   How do bilateral agreements affect the larger ecclesiological picture?   The constitutional ramifications are complicated.  The very character of ecumenism in all four churches is affected by this question and its discussion, which will need further reflection.


Finally, shared mission could include possible common youth ministries, ethnic ministries and urban outreach and training opportunities to reach out to recent immigrants.


The LECC and JALC expressed appreciation to each other for the discussion and took leave of one another after sharing in prayer. 


Terms of Service


Earlier meetings had established three year staggered terms after the initial term of service to end in June 2006.  By lot, the following terms were set to end on June 30th of the stated year for present members, the assumption being that this date would be after the final meeting of LECC for that calendar year:



2006:  Ron Warren and Greg Villalon

2007:  Terry Bowes, Duane Larson and Andrea DeGroot Nesdahl

2008:  Norman Wahl and Nancy Curtis



2006:  Midge Roof and Carolyn Irish

2007:  Stephen Miller, Emily Perow, and Grant Abbott

2008:  Al Moss and Don Brown


Review of Current Multilateral Ecumenical Endeavors


Chris Epting led an informational discussion of the work and promise of larger ecumenical bodies, including the National Association of Evangelicals, Churches Uniting in Christ, the old COCU, the National Council of Churches, and others.  He reported on Christian Churches Together in the USA and how it is expected to further ecumenical cross-denominational work with churches who have not worked formally together in the other organizations.


Diaconal Ministry


LECC received with thanks a progress report on diaconal ministry.  Extensive discussion on the status of ELCA Associates in Ministry illustrated the importance of including their status in our joint consideration of the diaconal ministries of the two churches.  LECC plans to receive the full report in June, 2005 at its Seattle meeting.


Approval of Minutes from June, 2004 Meeting


Terry Bowes moved to approve the June, 2004 minutes.  The motion was seconded and the minutes were approved unanimously with minor clerical corrections.


Following up on LECC 2004 Resolutions


The Committee agreed that follow-up on the previous resolutions was desirable.  It was suggested that the ecumenical affairs officers check about the resolution regarding the joint meeting of bishops.  Duane Larson will amplify his report on LECC to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly for possible release in publications of both denominations.


Resolution Regarding Electronic Approval of Future LECC Minutes


Nancy Curtis moved that:


The minutes of the meeting of the Lutheran Episcopal Coordinating Committee shall be circulated electronically and approved electronically by the committee within the month following its meeting.  The minutes shall then be available for web site posting. 


The motion was seconded and passed.


Sexuality Issues


The Windsor report and the ELCA task force recommendations were explained by members of the churches to each other and discussed.  Possible ramifications within the different churches, as well as the effect of different polities, were considered in the conversation.



Episcopal Diocese of Nevada and Local Joint Mission


Bishop Katherine Jefferts-Schori; Bonnie Polley, deacon; Kay Rohde, priest at St. Christopher’s in Boulder City and a National Park Ranger;  Paul Colbert, priest at St. Luke’s Episcopal and Holy Child Filipino congregations; and Bob Nelson, canon to the ordinary, a priest who worked for the Federal Government for 34 years as manager of the Rocky Flats Plant were guests of the Committee.  They presented the Lutheran/Episcopal opportunities for joint mission in the Nevada area, where the ELCA shares territory with both the Rocky Mountain Synod and the Grand Canyon Synod.  The committee received the presentation with thanks.


2006 Anniversary Celebration in Washington, D. C.


Al Moss provided LECC with an update of the plans for the 2006 CCM anniversary celebration.  There will be a joint youth event on the Saturday prior to the celebration and a final report will be made at the June, 2005 meeting in Seattle.


Directions for Continued Joint Mission


The committee reflected on the presentation by the Diocese of Nevada from the previous evening.  The group discussed different ways each church body is providing for word and sacrament ministry in innovative formats, including team approaches, and expressed interest in learning more about these in the Lutheran-Episcopal context at future meetings.  The need for anti-racism training and moving beyond what has been accomplished in each denomination was seen as worthy of consideration for a future LECC participatory experience. 


Next Meeting in Seattle, June 20-22, 2005.


The next meeting of LECC will be in Seattle from Monday, June 20 through Wednesday, June 22, 2005.  The agenda will be worked on by Randy Lee and Chris Epting.  Possibilities for continued interface with the JALC, the report on diaconal ministry, and plans for the 2006 anniversary celebration will be on the agenda as well as other matters of common interest.  Suggestions about contacts were made.




The meeting was adjourned at noon on February 8, 2005 with prayer.


Respectfully submitted,


Nancy M. Curtis