Health/Sci-The Times of India
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Humans owe their identity to 'junk' DNA

5 Nov 2008, 1951 hrs IST
What had been described by scientists as "junk" DNA is what gives humans their distinct identity.

Anti-frailty pill for elders

5 Nov 2008, 1950 hrs IST
A daily dose of an experimental drug has increased muscle mass in the arms and legs of healthy older adults, sans serious side-effects, suggesting that it may be effective in reducing frailty.

China commissions huge telescope

5 Nov 2008, 1947 hrs IST
China is commissioning a strangely shaped telescope in the forested hills northeast of Beijing that Chinese scientists said will be the world's most efficient tool for mapping the galaxy in three dimensions.

Autism linked with rainfall in study

5 Nov 2008, 1942 hrs IST
Children who live in the US Northwest's wettest counties are more likely to have autism, but it is unclear why, US researchers reported on Tuesday.

'Odourprints' too remain unchanged

5 Nov 2008, 0000 hrs IST
Your body odour, like your fingerprints, would remain distinctive even if you gorged on onions for several years.

'China top target for cyber criminals'

5 Nov 2008, 0000 hrs IST
Chinese computer users have become chief targets for online criminals, according to a security report released by Microsoft.

Mars minerals signal water presence

5 Nov 2008, 0000 hrs IST, KENNETH CHANG
Still puzzling over how warm and wet Mars may have once been, scientists are now seeing global mineralogical signs that the planet was at least occasionally wet for the first two billion years of its existence.

Dad at war makes kids aggressive

5 Nov 2008, 0000 hrs IST
Preschoolers with a parent away at war were more likely to show aggression than other young children in military families, according to the first published research.

Why parents are born and not made

4 Nov 2008, 2147 hrs IST
Parents don't take up children's duties on their own, it's the genes that guide them to take up different roles in kids' upbringing, finds a new study, which establishes the fact that different roles of mothers and fathers are influenced by genetics

Adult crime linked to childhood anxiety

4 Nov 2008, 1527 hrs IST
Being nervous, isolated, anxious or neurotic during childhood protects young men from becoming criminal offenders until they enter adulthood.
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