
Review the rules on posting here.

For HTML help or questions, please go here.

Was my account transferred from RedState 2.0?

If you created a login on Redstate prior to April 14, 2008, your username is already in the system. Follow the instructions below to get a new password. (Your password could not be transferred to the Redstate Network system)

How do I get a new password for my userid?

Click here to visit the lost password page. You must use your email address to begin the password reset process. It takes just a minute, as long as your email on file is correct.

  1. You will be sent an email resetting the password and you must log in with the randomly generated password to reset your password.

  2. Log in with the new password.

  3. You will be presented with a form to change your password. Use the randomly generated password you were emailed as the "old" password. Put in as the new password whatever you want.

My email on file is not correct. Now what?

Please open a ticket at the Redstate Network Helpdesk. We will make every attempt to help you correct your account information as time permits.

How do I add a diary?

You must log in to create a user diary. Once logged in, click the "Create New Diary Entry" link under the masthead.

Why don't I see the "Recommend This Diary" button?

The button is now located under the title block of posts.

If you do not see it, it is because (A) you are not logged in or (B) you are looking at your own diary post. You are unable to recommend your own diary.

What the heck is Markdown?

Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).

For more information on Markdown, go here.