Daily Kos

Email: achristianprogressive at yahoo dot com

Asian American liberal Christian entertainment lawyer living in Los Angeles.

Dean: An Indie Band Who Made It Big

Thu May 05, 2005 at 10:46:04 AM PDT

My impression is that some folks who really liked Dean during the primaries have become rather disillusioned with him after becoming DNC Chair. It reminds me of the old band line, "I liked Dean BEFORE he was cool." Or, even worse, "I liked Dean BEFORE he sold out."

As someone who initially liked Dean a lot, then couldn't stand him, and now loves him again, my own personal perception is that Dean himself hasn't changed much. Rather, it was my own perception that had changed, each time.

More after the break.

More Whoring By MSNBC & Russert on Social Security

Fri Feb 04, 2005 at 08:44:01 AM PDT

I know, I know, this is probably about as surprising as the existence of gambling in Las Vegas, but the completely blatant nature of it still surprised me.

First, let's start with the title: "Bush plays it smart on Social Security".  Wow, that sure sounds fair and balanced, doesn't it?

More in extended.

I Really Don't Care If Most Democrats Voted for Rice

Wed Jan 19, 2005 at 11:31:47 AM PDT

If you've been reading liberal blogs and websites over the past couple of days, you've undoubtedly noticed quite a bit of outrage and hand wringing over Condoleeza Rice's Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearings for her nomination to the cabinet position of Secretary of State.

I certainly understand that we live in an increasingly polarized society, and I lay much of the blame for that at the feet of the Republican party.  I draw the line, however, when I read people criticizing Barack Obama for daring to vote to confirm Rice and indicate that he hopes for her success.

More after the break.

More Proof Schieffer (Tonight's Moderator) Is Biased!

Wed Oct 13, 2004 at 01:05:27 PM PDT

In an interview published on the web just now:

On what Kerry has to do:

NORVILLE: Bob, I know you've seen all the polls... What's Mr. Kerry got to do to pull this one out come debate time?

SCHIEFFER: Hit a couple of home runs, I think, Deborah. I don't think there's any question.

"There You Go Again"

Thu Sep 30, 2004 at 11:41:32 PM PDT

That simply must be JK's response the next time Bush trots out his ridiculous, tired, repetitive nonsense about Kerry being an indecisive leader (or "mixed messages," or whatever Karl Rove line he's parroting at the moment).

Slam.  Dunk.


Iraq: Who's REALLY in Charge?

Wed Sep 22, 2004 at 07:12:51 AM PDT

So check out this gem on the front page of MSNBC.  The cover story as of the time of this diary is:

US Contradicts Iraqis Over Release of Woman


Now, contrast this with yesterday's (cough cough BULLSHIT cough cough) cover story, which is still highlighted as a subheadline today:

US Taking Supporting Role in Iraq



"Unfit for Command" Publisher White Supremacist Affiliate?

Tue Aug 17, 2004 at 08:41:16 AM PDT

Kudos to DemocraticUnderground.com and DUer MallRat for this information:

"Aug. 9 issue - It's hard for white separatists to get a date. And not just for the reasons that you think. Part of the problem is that there are no whites-only dating services, says William Regnery, publisher of The Occidental Quarterly, a magazine that espouses white nationalism and whose statement of principles calls for limiting immigration to 'selected people of European ancestry.'

Regnery's now preparing to enter the market-- he recently announced the idea of a racially exclusive dating Web site in a letter to subscribers. He says he's worried about the declining percentage of whites in the population and hopes a dating site would increase the number of white families, 'since the survival of our race depends upon our people marrying, reproducing and parenting.'

Such fears tap into the 'common paranoid fantasy' of white separatists, says Mark Potok of the watchdog Southern Poverty Law Center.

But Regnery defends the whites-only matchmaking idea, insisting that it is no different from sites run for Jewish singles. 'I'm sure you're familiar with JDate,' he says, naming one Jewish-dating site. 'It's huge, and there are a variety of other ones for ethnic, religious special-interest groups.' For now, Regnery's project has no domain name and no start date. 'This is still a gleam in the eye of the beholder,' he says."


DUer MallRat: William Regnery (to be accurate, he's William Regnery II, I believe) is the very same Regnery of Regnery Publishing, the house which printed, released, and pimped the Swiftboat Liars' book, "Unfit for Command."

This man, who espouses racial hatred and separatism, and his publishing company are also the proud publishers of Dennis Hastert's new book, "Speaker," Michelle Malkin's angry screed, "In Defense of Internment," Ann Coulter's "High Crimes and Misdemeanors," and Laura Ingraham's "Shut Up and Sing."


Spread the word.


Me: It's presently not clear to me whether or not there is a direct link, or an indirect link (father/son), but regardless, it's pretty fascinating and telling information, in my opinion.

