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C&L Movie Review: W by Oliver Stone

Oh my name it is nothin'
My age it means less
The country I come from
Is called the Midwest
I's taught and brought up there
The laws to abide
And the land that I live in
Has God on its side.

With God On Our Side
by Bob Dylan

As the end credits roll marking the finale of W and the completion of director Oliver Stone’s troika of Presidential bio-pics (JFK, Nixon, W), the voice of another generation lashes out of the screen. Almost a half-century-old now, With God On Our Side recorded by Bob Dylan in 1963, served as a litany of American hubris and military actions which are philosophically defended by claiming to have God on the side of America.

The Iraq War can now be added to that list.

W is a far, far better picture than I expected. It is not as some critics have suggested, a black comedy. It is not a farce. While there are some loopy dream sequences and flights of fancy, it is a powerful, straightforward biography depicting the guilt-ridden son of a hugely successful man.

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Palin on SNL

*yawn* She showed in her Couric interview that she couldn't speak in an unscripted manner. But she showed last night that even with scripts, she can't talk either. This was a big blown opportunity to connect with a huge audience.

I gotta admit: John McCain can be pretty damn funny... well, when he's not accusing Obama of being an un-American terrorist sympathizer. Here is the second half of his speech. It started out rather mean-spirited but actually ended on a nice note when he shared some warm words about his opponent.

"I can't shake the feeling that some people here are voting for me. Nice to see you, Hillary."

"It's going to be a long, long night at MSNBC if I manage to pull this thing off. I understand that Keith Olbermann has ordered up his very own 'Mission Accomplished' banner. They can hang it up in his padded room."

Alfred E. Smith Dinner: Obama zings McCain

Obama at the Al Smith Dinner
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The campaign took on a lighter tone Thursday night as both candidates delivered hysterical, self-deprecating speeches. Here's the meat of Obama's routine. John McCain, FOX News, Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin: You are officially on notice.

"People tell me I share the politics of Alfred E. Smith and the ears of Alfred E. Neuman."

"But I have to say tonight's venue is not what I'm really used to. I was originally told that we would able to move this outdoors to Yankee Stadium. Can someone tell me what happened to the Greek columns I requested?"

"I must say I love the Waldorf Astoria. You know I hear from the doorstep, you can see the Russian Tea Room."

"It's an honor to be here with Al Smith. I obviously never knew your great grandfather, but from everything Sen. McCain has told me...the two of them had a great time together before prohibition. Wonderful stories."

"Now, recently one of John's top advisers told The Daily News that if we keep talking about the economy, McCain's gonna lose. So tonight I'd like to talk about the economy."

"While the collapse of the housing market's been tough on every single homeowner, I think we all need to recognize this crisis has been eight times harder on John McCain."

"Contrary to the rumors you've heard, I was not born in a manger. I was actually born on Krypton, sent here by my father Jor-El, to save the planet Earth."

"Many of you know I got my name, Barack, from my father. What you may not know is Barack is actually Swahali for 'That One.' And I got my middle name from somebody who obviously didn't think I'd ever run for President."

"I have never put lipstick on a pig. Or a pitbull. Or myself. Rudy Giuliani: That's one for you. I mean, who would have thought that a cross-dressing mayor from New York City would have a tough time running for the Republican nomination. It's shocking. That was a tough primary you had there, John."

"But I know Senator McCain agrees that some of the rumors are getting a bit crazy. I mean, Rupert the other, Fox News actually accused me of fathering two African-American children in wedlock."


The Daily Show: McCain IS Gollum

The Daily Show: McCain IS Gollum
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This was just too good to let slide, but with all the discussion of the bailout bill and the Vice Presidential debate, it got lost. On last Thursday's The Daily Show, Jon Stewart showed an absolutely schizophrenic appearance by John McCain discussing the bailout to prove once and for all, McCain IS Gollum.

We loves the bill! We hates the bill! We loves the bill… hates the bill!

That’s an unfair joke…it’s an unfair joke because Gollum is an old man, corrupted by his quest for ultimate power and…oh.

Real Time New Rules
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Bill Maher has new rules for political "soulmates", gay French ambassadors, Amy Winehouse and any American who is considering voting for a candidate who seeks healing from witch doctors.

And finally, new rule: You can’t be President if you practice a violent, Middle Eastern religion and worship a genocidal desert god. Which is why Sarah Palin can’t be President. Now all the churches that Sarah Palin has attended, and she’s been to almost as many churches as she has colleges, have one thing in common: a belief that the Bible is literally true. She’s not “Country First”, she’s “Bible First”. And not just the New Testament. That’s the happy half of the book: the baby in the manger, Jesus doing magic tricks, long romantic walks on the water that turn into fishing trips with the guys and a generally positive message. Jesus, after all, preached love and forgiveness, not shooting wolves from an airplane.

The problem is Gov. Avon Lady, she takes the Old Testament literally too, and in that one, God is an insecure, rage-filled hybrid of Bobby Knight and Suge Knight. He’s been alive forever and He has anger issues. He’s like John McCain if John McCain could fart hail. He’s pro-slavery, pro-polygamy and homophobic and he’ll kill you for masturbating. More people get stoned in the Old Testament than in my Jacuzzi. That’s what I have to tell you guys… If there was a video of Barack Obama standing in front of his congregation being healed by a black witch doctor, this election would be over.

But there is that video of Sarah Palin.

By the way, for those of you keep track, Jane congratulates Bill for his "Religulous" kicking "An American Carol"'s tail on opening weekend. Considering that AAC wouldn't preview the film for critics, I think it's safe to say it's about as funny as the 1/2 Hour Comedy Hour.

Letterman Taunts McCain, Day 2

You don't stand up David Letterman for Katie Couric.  You just don't.

Is Alberto Gonzales going to be indicted over this?

Murray Waas, has a new piece out in the Atlantic that doesn't look real good for the President Bush or his former Bushie AG---Alberto Gonzalez:

The Justice Department is investigating whether former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales created a set of fictitious notes so that President Bush would have a rationale for reauthorizing his warrantless eavesdropping program, according to sources close to the investigation. <>

In reauthorizing the surveillance program over the objections of his own Justice Department, President Bush later claimed to have relied on notes made by Gonzales about a meeting that had taken place the day before (March 10), in which Gonzales and Vice President Cheney had met with eight congressional leaders—also known as the “Gang of Eight”—who receive briefings about covert intelligence programs. According to Gonzales’s notes, the congressional leaders had said in the meeting that they wanted the surveillance program to continue despite the attorney general’s refusal to certify that it was legal.<>

But four of the congressional leaders present at the meeting say that’s not true; they never encouraged the White House to sidestep the objections of the attorney general and continue the program without his on

Forgeries for FISA....

Barack Obama's bold economic recovery plan


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Make sure you buy: "The Shock Doctrine"

It's so chic of conservatives like Sullivan to blame the American people for the economic crisis, because as Sullivan stated on Real Time, millions and millions of people took out loans on homes that they couldn't afford. Yes, the Kudlow Thesis of the market housing crisis. Don't blame the lenders and grifters that came upon us like a biblical plague of locusts, blame the  people.

Naomi Klein, God love her, told him that it was the Wall Street profiteers that preyed upon society. His ideal conservative world is completely fictional. And as she says, what comes next is the real disaster. Today was Christmas morning to the fat cats on The Street, but what happens next to all the debt we the people have just incurred? Whoever is elected president will have a major role in deciding our fate. Sorry, I can't write the whole transcript, so watch the entire clip. 

Klein: The disaster is far from over. They've actually just relocated. The disaster was on Wall Street and they have moved the disaster to Main Street by accepting those debts and you said they didn't have to bomb, the bomb has yet to detonate.  The bomb is the debt that has now been transferred to the taxpayers so it detonates when, if John McCain becomes president in the midst of an economic crisis and says look we're in trouble, we have a disaster on our hands, we have to privatize social security, we can't afford health care, we can't afford food stamps, we need more deregulation, more privatization. The thesis of the Shock Doctrine is you need a disaster to rationalize these very unpopular policies so the real disaster has yet to come.The real disaster is the debt that is going to explode on the American taxpayers. And then they do economic shock therapy.

They had to step in, but I don't think they had to step in in the way they did. The reason why the stock market went up on Wall Street today is because it's Christmas morning. Imagine waking up and being told your credit card debits have been wiped out, your mortgage has been erased. There's a fairy godmother that has taken care of you. A guardian angel. But actually that's the tax payers.

With a smirk, Andrew gets pissed and chimes in

Sullivan:  You're favoring nationalizing the other companies.and most industries?

Klein:  No, I'm just saying. This is socialism for the rich. 

Maher: Why are you so hostile towards this?

Sullivan:  Because I think the fundamental thesis that she is proposing is wrong. I think the reason why we're in this situation is not demonizing a few individual companies, it's systemic. And part of the reason we have this is the American People. The American people since the 70's have had stagnating income, so they decided to get something for nothing. And the government never told them they couldn't. So we have the stock bubble of the 90's and now we have the real estate bubble in the 2000's. 

Klein: That's not why we have this.

Sullivan: And the government never told them they couldn't. Wall Street is to blame for giving these people these loans, but no one is ever forced to take out a bad load they cannot pay.

Klein: The reason why this bubble was allowed to inflate was not that the American people demanded it, it was spectacularly profitable for Wall Street. Just in bonuses last year, they handed out 33 billion dollars in bonuses...  The problem is we have crybaby capitalism where when the times are good they are preaching deregulation and when the times are bad they want the bail-outs. The problem I have with your argument is where is this ideal capitalism of which you speak?

Andrew, the lenders told them they could get the houses for nothing and then lied about how they would pay for it and what they would pay, then bundled the cash and passed it on... And it's not the government's role to tell people what they cannot do. That's why we used to have regulations and background checks and down payments and mortgage lenders to oversee the system. It weeds out the people that can and cannot afford a home. He tried to deconstruct her argument because apparently he wasn't getting enough air time at that point (he filibustered the entire show after that) with nonsensical rationalizations on the current state of affairs. I lived through it and saw it up close and personal. Yea, he supports Obama, great, but his conservative ideology is a sham.

Andrew Sullivan has been conned by a fictitious notion of what conservatism really is. He states his Utopian vision of conservatism, but leaves out the part where conservatives want to deregulate everything and get rid of oversight and government so they can reap a magical harvest of cash like they have been doing during the entire Bush administration. Now we are seeing the results of conservatism. It's a failure. Does Sully really believe that conservatism exists without the fat cats expanding their pie of wealth in America to 1920's or pre-New Deal proportions? They've been trying to undo the New Deal ever since it was instituted and by the way which brought the country back from the brink of destruction.

Do you want Barack Obama or John McCain to make these decisions? I think the choice is easy. Conservative rule rains Armageddon down upon our heads---whether it happens in two years or twenty. It's inevitable.

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If you ever wondered how it was possible that we could possibly have this close an election when the vast majority of the American people highly disapprove of the job George W. Bush has done, yet there is still a disconnect with John McCain supporters that his would be a third Bush term, look no further than what passes for political debate on this morning's Face the Nation.  My head is still hurting from the stupidity of it. 

Still playing to the media narrative that the selection of Sarah Palin should somehow bring women to the McCain camp, they bring on four female proxies--Kay Bailey Hutchinson and former Mass Gov. Jane Swift for McCain, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano and FL Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz for Obama--to frame the debate as Obama vs. Palin.  Strange that.  All this time, I thought it was John McCain running for the office.  You know, the same guy that calls his wife an unforgivable slur and laughs at Hillary Clinton being referred to as a b*tch, and now the Republicans saying they're going to call out sexism when they see it? Maybe my silly little female head got confused.

And when Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz throws down the gauntlet on all the GOP distractions and says that the truth matters and Gov. Swift opts to spin this into an inane deflection of whether Palin was actually in Iraq, wasting close to four minutes of airtime.  Wasserman Schultz holds her ground, pointing out that these embellishments to her record just show what a lightweight Palin truly is, but it's host Bob Schieffer that has to side with the Republicans by pointing out that Palin's actions 'have been alleged' to be less than her claim, but it's up to the voters to decide "the truth."

Um, Bob, isn't that supposed to be your function?  To help the voters know the truth from the spin?

Transcripts below the fold

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SNL: Palin and Clinton Exhort To End Sexism In The Campaign

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Amy Poehler brings back her Hillary Clinton with Tina Fey's eerily accurate Sarah Palin to castigate the media for their sexist coverage of the presidential campaign. Like Clinton, I'm a little surprised that this has become an issue now, especially after how much grief I got for complaining about it six months ago.

PALIN: Good evening, my fellow Americans. I was so excited when I was told Senator Clinton and I would be addressing you tonight.

CLINTON: And I was told I would be addressing you alone.

PALIN: Now I know it must be a little bit strange for all of you to see the two of us together, what with me being John McCain's running mate...

CLINTON: And me being a fervent supporter of Senator Barack Obama, as evidenced by this button.

PALIN: But tonight, we are crossing party lines to address the now very ugly role that sexism is playing in the campaign.

CLINTON: An issue that I am frankly surprised to hear people suddenly care about.

PALIN: You know, Hillary and I don't agree on everything...

CLINTON: Anything...I believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy.

PALIN: And I can see Russia from my house.

CLINTON: I believe global warming is caused by man...

PALIN: And I believe it's just God huggin' us closer.

CLINTON: I don't agree with the Bush Doctrine...

PALIN: And I don't know what that is.

CLINTON: But Sarah, one thing we can agree on is that sexism can never be allowed to permeate an American election.

PALIN: So please, stop Photoshopping my head on sexy bikini pictures.

CLINTON: And stop saying I have cankles.

PALIN: Don't refer to me as a MILF.

CLINTON: And don't refer to me as a "FLIRJ". I Googled what it stands for and I do not like it.

PALIN: Reporters and commentators, stop using words that diminish us, like "pretty", "attractive", "beautiful"...

CLINTON: ..."Harpy", "shrew", "boner-shrinker"...

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What is it about McCain ignoring the actual questions and answering questions never asked?  And of course, Bush golfing buddy Bob Schieffer never points out that he didn't actually answer question about why there are so few African-Americans in the Republican Party and how that might affect the long term outlook on his party but lets him instead go on a five minute, rambling non-sequitur about education vouchers. 

SCHIEFFER: I want to ask you about the composition of the...of the convention. There were 36 African American delegates out of 2300 plus delegates there. How can you survive as a party if you become just the party of white people?

McCAIN: We can't. We can't. I saw a bit of information the other day that by, I forgot, I think...don't hold me to it, 2042 or something like that, white Americans will be in the minority in the population of this country. We can't. We've got to reach out; we gotta do a better job. We have to have the Hispanic as well as the African American voters. I've traveled all over this country. I've been to places where there were literally no Republican votes. I have to convince them I'll be the president of everybody. And the Republican party has a job to do. And frankly, it's a job that also spills over into other issues. You've seen the generic ballot difference that we have...[..]

SCHIEFFER: So what are you going to do about that?

McCAIN: Oh, education, economy, small business, create, as I mentioned, civil rights issue of this century. Now everyone has equal access to a school. But what's the point of access to a failed school, or a failing school? We've got to give them more choice, more opportunity, all Americans. Because we know in low income America, the schools are failing, with the exception of NYC, now New Orleans and some others. But so, a quality education is really the dream of every parent. As you know in Washington DC, they have an experimental voucher system. Huge number of parents want to take advantage of that, thousands more than they have room for. So we got to provide the kinds of opportunities in education, one of the keys to it, help for small businesses, and get the economy back on its feet, don't raise the taxes, get it going again. Americans are hurting in a way that they have not hurt for a long time. I would probably argue to you that the 65 appearances - I hate to keep bringing that up - that we probably--you and I-never had a conversation when our economy was in greater difficulty than it is today.

Okay, McSame...obviously continuing Bush's policies will change the economy and the minorities' outlook on the GOP how?  Here's a helpful hint from someone who hopes you never step foot in the Oval Office:  if you really want to attract minorities to the GOP, you have to address these issues: (h/t Don Rumsfeld hater in the comments)

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Every time I turn on the TV and watch CNN and FOX (my hotel doesn't get MSNBC) every Republican operative controls the dialog and direction of the panel discussion and it's disgusting. Just one example---Hillary Clinton gave a brilliant speech last night, but every Amy Holmes-type talking head throws as much cold water on the speech as he or she can. The result is that the Dem talkers spend the rest of the time disputing the outrageous claims made and thus the GOP controls the entire framing and the entire segment. It's shameful that the networks are allowing this to happen. I saw Jeffrey Toobin tell Amy that she was out of her mind with some of her comments and the discussion continues to that end. Soledad O'Brien comes back and says "well, that was a lively discussion." Oh, no it was not. It's a calculated ratf&@k. This is going on all day and all night.

Why is the Democratic Convention being ruined by these creeps? And why do all the networks allow it to happen? Why do we need them on in force to counter what is supposed to be our event?

I'm in Denver and it's a completely different atmosphere. Party unison abounds, but you'd never know it from watching TV. Karl Rove acts like the biggest troll known to man---making sure to point out every little detail he dislikes. Well, his mission is to get McCain in the White House. But he's the expert that Chris Wallace goes to for his "unbiased" take.

Will the Democratic talkers be allowed to do the same to the Republican Convention? I think not. It will be viewed as being an incredible event.

Face The Nation: The Democrats Stay On Message!


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Bob Schieffer interviewed three Democrats on Face The Nation this morning and all of them were able to cut through the GOP talking points with ease. Governors Ed Rendell, Kathleen Sebelius and Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. did a fantastic job of speaking the truths about John McCain, his elite, lavish lifestyle and how out of touch he is with average Americans.

Schieffer plays a clip of John McCain being interviewed by Katie Couric in which he once again, shamelessly exploits his POW experience to make excuses for why he doesn't know how many houses he has.  Again.  But luckily, the Democrats make quick work of him. This is what we need to see and hear every day from every Democratic politician and pundit -- driving home the message over and over again, that John McCain would carry on the same losing policies as George Bush and to elect him would be a disaster for our country.

Jackson: "...We don't want him in the White House. He says he has seven kitchen tables, we don't want to give him an eighth kitchen table.We understand he has a wonderful life, this is a great country, but millions of Americans at this hour are suffering through a housing market that is collapsed. Housing foreclosures. So when John McCain gets up in the morning and leaves his house to lock his door, he has to shuffle through a number of keys to figure out which key works in which door, in which home he's at at any given time."

Rendell: "What concerns me more than not exactly knowing how many homes he has, Bob, and Jesse's right, it shows he's out of touch, but when he said in January that Americans have done well under the George Bush economy, he's so out of touch. Hardly any American except people who make five, six hundred thousand dollars plus have done well under this economy. Wages are down, everything else is up, Americans - middle class, working Americans are getting slaughtered under this economy. How could he have said that?"

Sebelius: "And he wants  to continue those policies.  I think that's the most terrifying thing, he thinks we have done well and he thinks more of the same will do even better.  That's what we have to let Americans know across this country. He- his top financial advisor talked about the fact that it's a mental recession, and we have a nation of whiners. I'd like him to come to towns across Kansas and Pennsylvania and Illinois and see what's really happening in communities."