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MN-SEN: Most liberal paper in MN refuses to endorse Franken (D)

Star Tribune endorses Sen. Coleman (R)

Posted by: Adam C

Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 10:33AM CDT


According to Michael Brodkorb, tomorrow's Star Tribune has an endorsement of incumbent Republican Norm Coleman. This is quite surprising.

This would be like the NYT endorsing Rudy for GOV. The Strib is one of two papers that is more partisan and unreadable than the NYT (the St. Petersburg rag being the other). Maybe there is some appetite for not giving Ds absolute, unfilibustered power.

Note that the Strib refused to endorse Franken in the primary as well, saying:

Disgusted with the ever-present negative ads, predictable partisan unoriginality, well-polished pandering and meaninglessness of much of the political discourse, apathy besets voters leading up to the election — who cynically march into the voting booth on Election Day to fulfill their duty to check off the lesser of two evils.

Tragically, the very political archetypes for which citizens clamor routinely receive little support. But there is one candidate out there who threatens to break that mold this year: the Independence Party’s nominee — and one of its founders — for U.S. Senate, Dean Barkley.

The Barkley campaign strives to be “issues-based” and runs only positive ads. Among other principled ascetics vowed by Barkley is a refusal to pander. He countered Franken’s $5,000 college student tax credit proposal with discipline: “I’m not going to … promise tax credits and new programs because we’re basically $11 trillion in debt.”

Moreover, Barkley would contribute a necessary swing vote to a Senate hindering on a Democratic takeover. Checks and balances absent within government’s branches is as dangerous of a concept as checks and balances absent between government’s branches.


  1. Holy cow, Adam!

    eburke (link)

    I just climbed back into my chair after passing out. I live in MN and the Strib is the most partisan, hack, Dem apparatchik there is (my personal opinion is they rival the NYT). Their polls are so ridiculously biased that the Dem usually underperforms by 7 - 10 points. So for them to show Coleman up, and for them to endorse!

    This is like the sun rising in the west.

    "All that need be done for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

    1. what about this part

      Hoover (link)

      "Checks and balances absent within government’s branches is as dangerous of a concept as checks and balances absent between government’s branches."

      How scary could washington be if controlled by one party with a near filibuster senate? If the Star Tribune is worried, GOD HELP US ALL.

  2. Makes sense

    Augustine (link)

    From the outside, Franken seems to be running on a "if you hate Republicans, vote for me because I will cuss them out on the senate floor for you" platform. That would get old after a week.

    "Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against." - Fahrenheit 451

    1. Yes, but

      Adam C (link)

      most of us thought that is exactly what the Strib would love to see. Would you expect the NYT to encourage voters to vote R because the D would be too partisan and angry?

  3. New MN poll has McCain - 5 / Coleman +9

    Swamp_Yankee (link)

    And its a lame one time college poll by St. Cloud State University, which basically means that McCain is tied and Coleman is going to win by double digits.

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