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Joe gives the RNC its next ad.

"He is NOT spreading the wealth around!"

Posted by: Moe Lane

Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 12:00PM CDT


This wasn't pretty: then again, interviews where you're being asked to distinguish between your running mate's views and Karl Marx's rarely are. Head's up via Ace of Spades:

The interviewer is Barbara West, of Florida's WFTV News. The interviewee is, of course, Senator Joe Biden, who graced us with his trademark... thoughts. Some points to consider, Senator:

  • When you're pushing back on the perfectly accurate observation that your running mate is attached to the hip to ACORN... don't quote one of ACORN's talking points.

  • Umm... your guy thinks that "when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody". Do try to keep up, Senator.

  • I understand that you're not a drinker, Senator. Good: drunken oblivion is too easy an out for you for dealing with the fact that you had to tell the world that Obama's mistaken views on Iraq were better than yours, let alone John McCain's.

And, lastly: "I don't know who's writing your questions..." What a charming attempt to diminish a reporter who dared ask you questions that you didn't want to answer. And, just out of curiosity: would you have said that to a man?

Moe Lane

PS See also Hot Air for more amused commentary. The original video is here.


  1. Yes I saw that.

    izoneguy (link)

    Why is it that when Biden & Obama talk they are 99% lies? Someone should use this and edit video responses to everyone of Joes Blows lies.... Obama gave ACORN $800,000. Obama did say to Joe the Plumber that he (Obama) wants to spread the wealth around. I love when the reporter asks if Obama is like Marx and Joe says "are you kidding me?" and she says no.... Kinda like wraps up your ACORN's for the winter.

    As Bill Ayers once wrote - "Memory is a motherf*cker"

    1. agreed, edit to add other original footage

      JLenardDetroit (link)

      Right after every denial, add other news report footage that demonstrates each one is a LIE (report of Obambam having given ACORN $800k, Obama footage with Joe where Obama himself speaks the "spread the wealth" comments, etc...

      Would be great.

      RS:JLenardDetroit -/- MSM prepares Election night Spin/Narrative to continue Voting influence -/- Can we afford Obama SURRENDER doctrine? -/- Vote Psychology, Bandwagon effect -/- Went to Hockey game and Palin Rally broke out

      • Obama Lies, and your Bank account will Die! (4/15 Truthers)
      • Ignorance isn't Bliss, it is Expensive (costs us dearly every election)
      • NO to BI-partisanship, it is what keeps us "compromising" and giving in more and more to Socialistic tendencies
      • Yes to Presidential VETO, where has it been?
      • No to "Obama Bin Biden" ticket

      FAST TRACK OIL - NOW, NOW, NOW - Drill Here, Drill Now...

      • No Drilling ban, is only STEP ONE (Dem's can re-impose)
      • Fast Track on Leases/Permits IMMEDIATELY
      • Lawsuit protection to stop legal delays tactics of Enviro-Terrorists
      • FAST TRACK = OIL NOW (2-3 years) not 10 years away

      9/11 Day of Tragedy/Miracles / Web-Articles / Terror Strikes

  2. This is SHOCKING!

    bk (link)

    I didn't think he was giving any interviews! I'm SHOCKED!

    "He wasn't a benefactor, he was an organizer." heh heh

    "He's letting the middle class get back the tax cuts they used to have." Huh? They've never had lower rates than they've had with the Bush tax cuts.

    I hope Ms West doesn't mind it when her tax return accidentally gets leaked Monday.

    1. Joe Biden's a racist...

      Joe (link)

      He said "organizer" we all know that's code for "black"...

      1. An Article for all you Pants Soilers & Defeatists

        PaRep (link)

    2. What a Whiner

      ggross56 (link)

      It isn't surprising that team Barry whined when a reporter didn't toss Sen. Biden one softball after another.

    3. Now we know why

      IndependentfrMI (link)

      This is one of the reasons Biden isn't giving interviews.

  3. Phrase-parsing forehead-paralytic Joe makes me sick.

    29Victor (link)

    "We have not paid them one single penny to register a single voter."

    Every time he says "we have not paid Acorn" he qualifies it with "to register a single voter." And gives a look like the question is too stupid to even consider.

    Of course they paid them several hundred thousand dollars, just not "to register a single voter."

    I'm just so sick of him. He does the same thing to her here that he did to Palin in the debate. She makes a direct and true accusation and he gets all Eddie Haskel on her, just appalled that someone would even suggest it "No, Mrs. Cleaver. I don't know why anyone would say that I gave the Beav' a botox injections. I'm embarrassed for you that you would even ask that question."

    The whole reason for doing this is to make the questioner look like a jerk for asking the question while you go on to tell a bald-faced lie.

    The man makes me ill.

    I Am Joe.

    1. They paid ACORN to register...

      izoneguy (link)

      ...single voters multiple times!!! In an effort to gum up the works. They never imagined that a single voter would try to vote multiple times, but I am sure they did. They had people "moving" to districts for only the express intention of voting for Obama, not living there. Some of those people need to be moved to Ohio jail cells until after the 2012 elections.... If Obama slimes his way in I am sure he will let prisoners vote by 2012.

      As Bill Ayers once wrote - "Memory is a motherf*cker"

    2. It depends..

      merkurfan (link)

      On what the meaning of is is..

      good lord, here we go again.

  4. thank God

    arcman46 (link)

    Thank God someone is starting to ask these guys some hard questions. It's just too bad that it took this long to happen.

    1. Well, the people are actually paying attention in these last few weeks

      zsmvf6 (link)


      "There are two parties: the stupid party and the evil party. I'm a proud member of the stupid party, but occasionally, we do things that are both stupid and evil - and we call that bipartisanship." ~Dinesh D'Souza

    2. Yeah, but look what he did.

      29Victor (link)

      He attacked her. Now the liberal blogs and the MSM can concentrate on the "stupid" questions that she asked instead of his stupid, stupid answers.

      I Am Joe.

      1. You think

        flyerhawk (link)

        Asking Joe Biden whether Barack Obama is a Communist, is a valid question?

        There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why ... I dream of things that never were and ask why not. - Robert Kennedy

        1. Translation: "Ow! Ow! Quit it! Quit it!" <NT>

          Moe Lane (link)


          I am Joe.

        2. Yes. There is every indication he is

          Tbone (link)

          and none that he isn't.

          Envisioning when all that is Left is the Right.

        3. Yeah, it is

          Darin_H (link)

          Marxist, but let's not quibble, instead we can count a few?

          First, spreading the wealth around sounds just like "from each... to each"?

          Well that's just straight Marxist, maybe we should go for something more subtle.

          Barack Obama's campaign has focused quite a bit on shutting down all dissent, whether it be overloading a radio station with spam callers (twice!), or having allies look into the background of a guy who happened to ask him a question, to wining about only answering 8 questions (one time) about Rezko. Or the revival of the Fairness Doctrine.

          Then there's the voter registration fraud, maybe we'll get to see some good old fashioned ballot stuffing!

          Mmmmm those sound just like a good comrade to me.

  5. Thanks for

    Terilyn Tatro (link)

    getting all the important news out Moe. I appreciate your posts. I can read them and understand better than I did before. Joe Biden is a great asset to Sen. McCain. LOL


  6. "I don't know who's writing your questions..."

    29Victor (link)

    Grrrr.... This man....grrrr.

    These are the best questions I've ever heard put to Biden.

    He says this to try to make her look bad for asking him tough questions. He says this to warn others that if they ask him tough questions, they'll get the same treatment.

    If the questions make you uncomfortable...attack the questioner.


    I Am Joe.

    1. Biden thinks he's being played by Borat

      susanne (link)

      I was so astonished by the stupidity of the questions that I googled the reporter. She is a HEALTH reporter. Hope she is better at that. Biden honestly thought she was joking at one point. Okay....let's try to get this through to the far right wing of a once respectable party: OBAMA IS A MODERATE. --If you guys keep this up, we will become a one-party system, the Democrat party. Personally, I believe in the wisdom of a two party system, you know, ying and yang, but you guys are acting CRAZZY!!!!

      1. Yeah, he's a MODERATE today.

        29Victor (link)

        Yesterday he was a far-left liberal.

        Tomorrow? I have no idea.

        I Am Joe.

      2. Susanne, one party?

        John_Wayne (link)

        If we end up with one party in this country, it will be because the leftist (read Marxists) in your party finally figure out how stop all political dissent once and for all. They are already floating many ideas... return of the fairness doctrine, national same day registering/voting, expanded government funding of groups like ACORN, etc. If Obama does win this thing, I wonder how you will feel about his leadership and the direction your party takes this country a year from now. Many Democrats were very disappointed with their golden boy Jimmy Carter as things ‘changed’ from bad to incredibly worse in the late '70s ushering in the Reagan era . You folks take this country too far to the left and don't stop the possibility of a populist backlash, you won’t see power again for a long time. I, like many others, see Obama as at least a Socialist if not a closet Marxists. Look at his associates! Look at his personal (in person) support for Odinga (a Marxist) in the last Kenyan presidential election. Come back to us in a year or so and try to make the argument that Obama is not a Marxist (if RS is even allowed to exist if he wins!).

        "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room" President Merkin Muffley

      3. Susanne, you may be shooting for one party, but it will be the communist party.

        Tim_Schieferecke (link)


        Tim Schieferecke

      4. Moderate Marxist, maybe

        1SGinTN (link)


        Tu Ne Cede Malis -Virgil

    2. Biden thinks he's being played by Borat

      susanne (link)

      I was so astonished by the stupidity of the questions that I googled the reporter. She is a HEALTH reporter. Hope she is better at that. Biden honestly thought she was joking at one point. Okay....let's try to get this through to the far right wing of a once respectable party: OBAMA IS A MODERATE. --If you guys keep this up, we will become a one-party system, the Democrat party. Personally, I believe in the wisdom of a two party system, you know, ying and yang, but you guys are acting CRAZZY!!!!

      1. Next time, susanne, try clicking the links.

        Moe Lane (link)

        A direct link to the station bio of the reporter in question was provided in the post. Sloppy of you.

        Look, I'm really sorry that your Party elite picked a Presidential candidate who picked a VP candidate who can't keep track of what the Presidential candidate says at any given time - but why are you taking it out on us?

        :holding up hand: It's a rhetorical question. Whatever the reason, just stop.

        I am Joe.

        1. One other thing: click *once* when hitting Post Comment.

          Moe Lane (link)

          I've yet to see a comment from you that was worth reading twice.

          I am Joe.

      2. only Castro, Chavez, etc... could consider Obambam a "Moderate"

        JLenardDetroit (link)

        Not even the Socialist Senator "Sanders" (who lists himself as an Independent is LEFT of the big BO (read: stench). Heck, Hilary is DEFINATELY more a Moderate than Obama.

        She may be earnestly and sadly so misinformed (or just blatantly Partisan and lying) to even think to make such a statement about Obama's positions. After all the screw-ups that have come from the ObamaBinBiden ticket have made lately to state/admit the true intent of what their administration would look/rule like (which is exactly as he ran, Leftist, during the Primaries). How anyone that pays any attention could believe he (BHO) is "Moderate" has to be a willing dupe (self delusional) at this point, or just a Liar (they are stuck with these clowns as their candidate).

        That interview was great and a perfect example of Socialists, er... "Progressives," having to carefully construct their sentences to be able to Lie while technically being correct (ala Bill Clinton sentence structuring and emphasis' and "definition of is" BS). "I did not spend one penny on fast food last week..." No, really, was more like $50, but it definitely wasn't just 'one penny' and the drive-thru's were slow not fast. It's like ObamaBinBiden think they are clever children trying to get out of a punishment from a parent for their misbehaving - and too many voters are like bad parents (lol).

        RS:JLenardDetroit -/- MSM prepares Election night Spin/Narrative to continue Voting influence -/- Can we afford Obama SURRENDER doctrine? -/- Vote Psychology, Bandwagon effect -/- Went to Hockey game and Palin Rally broke out

        • Obama Lies, and your Bank account will Die! (4/15 Truthers)
        • Ignorance isn't Bliss, it is Expensive (costs us dearly every election)
        • NO to BI-partisanship, it is what keeps us "compromising" and giving in more and more to Socialistic tendencies
        • Yes to Presidential VETO, where has it been?
        • No to "Obama Bin Biden" ticket

        FAST TRACK OIL - NOW, NOW, NOW - Drill Here, Drill Now...

        • No Drilling ban, is only STEP ONE (Dem's can re-impose)
        • Fast Track on Leases/Permits IMMEDIATELY
        • Lawsuit protection to stop legal delays tactics of Enviro-Terrorists
        • FAST TRACK = OIL NOW (2-3 years) not 10 years away

        9/11 Day of Tragedy/Miracles / Web-Articles / Terror Strikes

      3. Well if it came from

        IndependentfrMI (link)

        Google has it so it must be true!

        Obama's Utopia, oh how misdirected you are and will be when the promises of your leader don't transpire.

        Is it only for the Liberals to question not for you to question them.

      4. You have it backwards

        izoneguy (link)

        If the democrats keep it up we will have one hardened republican party and the democrats will cease to exist. If we could get rid of the democratic party America could save ONE TRILLION dollars per year. No democrats for 12 years and WE can balance the budget.

        As Bill Ayers once wrote - "Memory is a motherf*cker"

  7. One more Marxist paraphrase.

    29Victor (link)

    "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling a way to explain their frustrations."

    pretty much means the same thing as:

    "Religion is the opiate of the people."

    It is a common misconception that when Marx was talking about the "opiate of the people" (or masses) he meant that the ruling classes used religion to keep people stupid and compliant.

    But the full quote is

    Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.

    But what Marx was really saying is that when people are frustrated, angry, in pain or feel helpless, they turn to religion to comfort them and take away the pain.

    This is what Obama was saying in his quote as well.

    So, it's not surprising that Obama would not be surprised when people under stress clung to their Religion. It's what a good Marxist would expect them to do.

    I Am Joe.

  8. just sad

    Gary (link)

    That it takes a local newswoman to ask the questions we all want answers too.

    BTW----Joe got owned by her.

    What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? ~Bible~

    You know why there's a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one. -Rush Limbaugh~

    Only half the patients who go into an abortion clinic come out alive. ~Unknown~

  9. No more interviews for YOU!!

    GarWil (link)

    In an imaginary balanced and professional journalistic world, where reporters aren't all partisan Democrats, this is the kind of challenging interview Barry and Joe would encounter regularly, not just once in a blue moon.

    Note how shocked and perturbed he is that he isn't being given the usual fawning treatment.

    Where did this breath-of-fresh-air reporter come from? Heaven? Hope she enjoyed her last interview with a Democrat candidate.

    1. You were right...

      antisocial (link)

      Saw this on fox website.... Remarkable... How we can predict the mob's actions...

      The Obama camp then killed a WFTV interview with Biden's wife Jill, according to an Orlando Sentinel blog.

      "This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election," wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign, according to the Sentinel.


  10. Papers please.

    Midnightrain (link)

    Turns out the closest thing we'll get to an October surprise is an Orlando anchor actually asking Joe Biden a few questions.

    It's a mistake the Obama campaign won't repeat.

    I hope Ms. West's papers are in order.

  11. Great journnalism .... the way it should be done.

    Lwyrett (link)

    I wish that this interview could get air play nationally. Her questions are good!

    And it is unbelievable and shocking how easily Sen. Biden flat-out LIES! Same with the ads Obama is running!

    So, is Obama's infomercial Also going to a string of lies? Maybe he will have the ShamWow guy as a spokesperson. [Not to disparage the ShamWow Dude.]

    ~ ^-^ ~

  12. Asking tough questions

    JoeG (link)

    "I don't know who's writing your questions..."

    ow ow ow, I'm only supposed to get softballs or puffballs thrown at me during interview.

    "Is this a joke? Are you joking? Is that a real question?"

    He doesn't even know how to handle that one. Yes Sen Biden, spreading the wealth around is Marxism.

    1. Who is Joe Biden plagiarizing now?

      JLenardDetroit (link)

      Ok... "I don't know who is writing your Questions" should've been followed up by the Anchorette (said as joke with affection, relax) with "Fair enough! as I don't know whose answers you're plagiarizing... now would you care to answer the question?" lol

      Certainly no doubt she blew any chance of getting a job at CNN, MSlsd, etc... with those questions.

      RS:JLenardDetroit -/- MSM prepares Election night Spin/Narrative to continue Voting influence -/- Can we afford Obama SURRENDER doctrine? -/- Vote Psychology, Bandwagon effect -/- Went to Hockey game and Palin Rally broke out

      • Obama Lies, and your Bank account will Die! (4/15 Truthers)
      • Ignorance isn't Bliss, it is Expensive (costs us dearly every election)
      • NO to BI-partisanship, it is what keeps us "compromising" and giving in more and more to Socialistic tendencies
      • Yes to Presidential VETO, where has it been?
      • No to "Obama Bin Biden" ticket

      FAST TRACK OIL - NOW, NOW, NOW - Drill Here, Drill Now...

      • No Drilling ban, is only STEP ONE (Dem's can re-impose)
      • Fast Track on Leases/Permits IMMEDIATELY
      • Lawsuit protection to stop legal delays tactics of Enviro-Terrorists
      • FAST TRACK = OIL NOW (2-3 years) not 10 years away

      9/11 Day of Tragedy/Miracles / Web-Articles / Terror Strikes

  13. Can anyone find a link to the Gallup poll she quoted?

    Brian Simpson (link)

    I've searched Gallup's site to no avail.

    Government´s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidise it. ~ Ronald Reagan
    Visit me here for more of my musings.

    1. Americans overwhelmingly -- by 84% to 13% --

      rbdwiggins (link)

      Barbara West, pretty much verbatim, correctly states Gallup's poll results, and the question at the end of her statement.... spot-on.

      West: Sen. Obama now famously told Joe the Plummer he wanted to spread his wealth around.

      A Gallup poll showed 84% of Americans prefer government focus on improving economic conditions and creating more jobs in the U.S. as opposed to taking steps to distribute wealth.

      Isn’t Sen. Obama’s comment a potentially crushing political blunder?

      This is the actual statement from Gallup's poll release.

      When given a choice about how government should address the numerous economic difficulties facing today's consumer, Americans overwhelmingly -- by 84% to 13% -- prefer that the government focus on improving overall economic conditions and the jobs situation in the United States as opposed to taking steps to distribute wealth more evenly among Americans.

      Another exchange at the end of the interview struck me as very telling regarding the real disconnect Sen. Biden has with middle-class America.

      Even though he still pretends to be one of them, he apparently doesn't think like 84% of them.

      West: What do you say to the people who are concerned that Barack Obama will want to turn America into a socialist country much like Sweden?

      Biden: I don’t know anybody that thinks that except the far right-wing of the Republican Party.

      Sen. Biden, "I don't know anybody."


      “Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so.” – Ronald Reagan

      1. Much obliged

        Brian Simpson (link)

        It proved to be quite ellusive.

        Government´s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidise it. ~ Ronald Reagan
        Visit me here for more of my musings.

      2. Much obliged

        Brian Simpson (link)

        It proved to be quite elusive.

        Government´s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidise it. ~ Ronald Reagan
        Visit me here for more of my musings.

  14. the last question

    McPALINation (link)

    of your post just says it all...we may be invisible, but gain strength in the knowledge that we are watching and we are Joe! (and the "Joe Blows" izone--classic!)

    ...My grandfather was the "Millionth Yank"--he was killed fighting the tyranny of fascism, 24 days before the end of WWII. He IS Joe; so am I.

  15. LIAR!

    jonnot (link)

    I just love the way that Biden is attempting to completely "spin" the remarks that he made last Saturday and Sunday. He NEVER said that the next president would be severely tested within the first 6-months; he DEFINITELY DID say that OBAMA would be the one tested within the first 6-months. He never said that the response would at first seem to be an unpopular decision of the President's, but that Obama's decision would be unpopular. He was only speaking about Obama, and is now trying to spin this as EITHER candidate would get this supreme test. More "rhetorical flourishes", I suppose.

    1. ?

      McPALINation (link)

      think maybe 4 or 5 (or 6, or 7--I just couldn't keep up) blinks per word uttered was a give-away too? She did such a great job--bet there was quite a few off-camera expletives to be a fly on the wall (phone-cam?) about when she was done with him...

      ...My grandfather was the "Millionth Yank"--he was killed fighting the tyranny of fascism, 24 days before the end of WWII. He IS Joe; so am I.

  16. Support this reporter!!!

    Fleischen (link)

    Email the TV station to express your support for this reporter. You can do so here:

    You know she's going to get hate mail and the Obamabots are going to want her fired.

    1. The only one that needs to be fired is Biden...

      izoneguy (link)

      ...people of Delaware - your Senator is an idiot. Please fire him!

      As Bill Ayers once wrote - "Memory is a motherf*cker"

  17. Hasn't it occurred to these idiots

    Vegas_Rick (link)

    That the great majority of the "middle class" is doing just fine? That many in the middle class don't like being told that their life sucks and that they need The One to fix things for them?

    I'm solidly middle middle class, and I'm doing just fine, thank you very much.

    I want to get to upper middle class status and then upper class status. And, while I know my tax rates will go up, the increase should not be prohibitive and discouraging.

    That is exactly what the Obamassiah proposes.

    Those who control energy, control society.

  18. Frankly....

    Veracitor (link)

    I thought Biden humiliated the hapless anchorperson. The questions were politically crafted and laughably extreme. Biden's answers were grounded in fact and appropriately scornful.

    But that's just my opinion.

    1. So, Biden's not knowing about Obama's spreading the wealth comment doesn't bother you?

      Moe Lane (link)

      Respond in the next post, please.

      I am Joe.

      1. Let's be truthfulI think we all know...

        Veracitor (link)

        I think we all know Biden was simply referring to progressive taxation.

        Republicans spread wealth upwards, and Democrats spread it downwards.

        Construing that as "socialism" is a a political contrivance and lame attempt at "gotcha" attack.

        But that's just my opinion.

        1. democrats spread [wealth] upward

          David Hinz (link)

          what an oxymoron.

          NO, democrats spread misery upward, by pulling everyone down.

        2. Was that a yes or a no, Veracitor?

          Moe Lane (link)

          I'll repeat the question:

          "So, Biden's not knowing about Obama's spreading the wealth comment doesn't bother you? "

          Because it certainly bothers me.

          I am Joe.

        3. I think you fail to understand the concept of 'wealth'

          johnCV (link)

          I think we all know Biden was simply referring to progressive taxation.

          Republicans spread wealth upwards, and Democrats spread it downwards.

          Wealth is the result of creating a product or service, marketing it and doing it in such a way that both parties gain benefit. The wealth garnered from such an enterprise belongs to those that actually created it.

          Redistributing wealth entails forcibly removing it from those that create it (tax) to give it to those that did not earn it (EIT,Welfare, Medicaid, tax 'rebates' etc.). Since wealth of any maginitude is not created by those on the lower end of the economic spectrum, it is not actually possible to spread wealth 'upwards' since it originated there in the first place. Wealth can really only be redistributed downwards.

          It's really an easy concept, but I see you have been to the Obama/Ayers/Alinsky school of economics, so you are excused from actually understanding how capitalism works.

          Construing that as "socialism" is a a political contrivance and lame attempt at "gotcha" attack.

          But that's just my opinion.

          Really. Taking money from one group to give to another more politically palatable group is not socialism? OK, you define socialism then - I'm can't wait to hear this. Here, let me start you off with a little ditty "from each according to his means, to each according to his needs".

        4. Progressive

          IndependentfrMI (link)

          Well, here we are another election and another word play. Liberals are no longer, now they are Progressive.

          They will progressively put me into the poor house with a increase in SS tax and probably raise the age of retirement too. Increase in income tax, sales tax, education taxes, medicare/medicaid, fuel, securitization, cell phone tax, internet taxes have I missed any others I'm sure I have. But you get the point?

          I'm tired of paying for the have nots. It's not my fault they can't get internet, cell phone, quality education, health/auto insurance or affordable homes.

    2. Don't do much independent research eh Veracitor?

      Vegas_Rick (link)

      If you did, this statement would never have been written:

      Biden's answers were grounded in fact

      Biden wouldn't know a fact if it pulled out one of his hair plugs.

      Those who control energy, control society.

      1. another Kowalski

        Vegas_Rick (link)

        Here's a tip:

        NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, LAT and MSNBC, to name a few, are NOT telling you the whole truth. I know you don't want to believe it, and as long as you keep the blinders on, you won't have to.

        Those who control energy, control society.

      2. VR he went back to Kos & asked around

        PaRep (link)

        what else did you expect him to do??

  19. Media

    dld1717 (link)

    One media person not in tank for Obama/Biden

    I am so sick and tired of AP having 4 stories a day on McCain/Palin all negative

  20. LOL Posters

    dld1717 (link)

    If we didn't already know it

    AP Headline:

    Biden: reliable running mate despite amid stumbes

    While today we get:

    Palin: Tension in Camp

    McCain: Blame Game Begins

    Palin: Pipeline Suggest Favortism

  21. It's amazing how differently folks can see the same video

    Siberian (link)

    The Kos Kids are happy with how Biden did.

    1. :pause: ...And? <NT>

      Moe Lane (link)


      I am Joe.

      1. Unbelievable

        bobbymike (link)

        This guy can be VP in less than a week.

        Mark Levin calls him the dumbest man in the senate. Despite how good the questions were there was no follow up, you could so easily make Biden look like a complete idiot.

        He has never had tough questions you can tell he is getting upset. I would love to question him I guarantee I could expose how stupid he is and I'm not that bright!

      2. he is exactly right...

        JLenardDetroit (link)

        ... The Leftist (and other predisposed to the same insanity) are more than happy to hear Evasions, Half-truths (or out-right lies), etc... from their candidates. They don't want any actual discussion of OBAMA's:

        • long list of ACORN ties
        • Real tax plans (as laid out during Primaries) and CLEARLY stated in his "spread the wealth" comment
        • running mates (Biden's) actual QUOTES/Comments, as opposed to his post comments Spin
        • carefully constructed sentences (as well as Biden's in this interview as we discussed here in this Diary) so as to allow his "followers" (yes, like a Cult) to believe what they prefer to believe than what is there.
        • etc...

        Remember, these are the "Feel good" types... Logic, truth, common-sense, and the like matter not; just what makes them "feel good" about themselves and that someone else will take care of everything so they never have to lift a finger.

        The Socialists, er... "Progressives," know all they have to have is the same basic Electoral map as the last 2 elections and STEAL Ohio [state is ripe with fraud, and already documented cases of ILLEGALLY CAST BALLOTS, not just Registration fraud] any way possible (and a few more would be gravy).

        RS:JLenardDetroit -/- MSM prepares Election night Spin/Narrative to continue Voting influence -/- Can we afford Obama SURRENDER doctrine? -/- Vote Psychology, Bandwagon effect -/- Went to Hockey game and Palin Rally broke out

        • Obama Lies, and your Bank account will Die! (4/15 Truthers)
        • Ignorance isn't Bliss, it is Expensive (costs us dearly every election)
        • NO to BI-partisanship, it is what keeps us "compromising" and giving in more and more to Socialistic tendencies
        • Yes to Presidential VETO, where has it been?
        • No to "Obama Bin Biden" ticket

        FAST TRACK OIL - NOW, NOW, NOW - Drill Here, Drill Now...

        • No Drilling ban, is only STEP ONE (Dem's can re-impose)
        • Fast Track on Leases/Permits IMMEDIATELY
        • Lawsuit protection to stop legal delays tactics of Enviro-Terrorists
        • FAST TRACK = OIL NOW (2-3 years) not 10 years away

        9/11 Day of Tragedy/Miracles / Web-Articles / Terror Strikes

        1. Joe Biden could have set his hair on fire...

          Moe Lane (link)

          ...and used the flames to ignite a puppy, and the Left would have applauded. I mean, what the heck else are they going to do, at this point? :)

          I am Joe.

  22. Good Questions But Pitiful Follow Up

    dvdmsr (link)

    Does no one know how to think on their feet?

    If I was this reporter I would have pushed Biden more. I would have responded to his pathetic with the following:

    Bush's tax plan devastated the middle class? How so? I now have a $1,000 per child tax credit thanks to Bush, and I'm in the middle class, or was this devastating because Bush made it available to wealthy people too?

    Obama wants to give the middle class an additional tax break, but why can't he do this without increasing taxes on others? Isn't this just fermenting the divisiveness?

    Obama wants to give back the tax breaks the middle class used to have? Which ones were these: the marriage penalty or the $500 per child tax credit that existed before Bush?

    In these troubled economic times, why not give 100% of tax payers, and not just 95%, a tax cut?

  23. Then next president...

    NightTwister (link)

    Barack Obama and/or John McCain.

    Did anyone else catch that?

  24. Obama/Biden has blacklisted this station

    bk (link)

    oops can I say that without being called a racist?

    Interesting that the lefties demand Palin spend 24x7 with the media, but will slap down the media if they get out of line at all.

    This is the sort of first amendment rights we have to look forward to in an Obama administration.

    1. I sent them a suggestion, hope you'll do the same

      JLenardDetroit (link)

      I went to the station site and emailed suggested story: Go to now non-existant diner that Biden has spoken of several times (PA) and broadcast from the location and ask ObamaBinBiden supporters whether Joe Biden is out of touch?

      RS:JLenardDetroit -/- MSM prepares Election night Spin/Narrative to continue Voting influence -/- Can we afford Obama SURRENDER doctrine? -/- Vote Psychology, Bandwagon effect -/- Went to Hockey game and Palin Rally broke out

      • Obama Lies, and your Bank account will Die! (4/15 Truthers)
      • Ignorance isn't Bliss, it is Expensive (costs us dearly every election)
      • NO to BI-partisanship, it is what keeps us "compromising" and giving in more and more to Socialistic tendencies
      • Yes to Presidential VETO, where has it been?
      • No to "Obama Bin Biden" ticket

      FAST TRACK OIL - NOW, NOW, NOW - Drill Here, Drill Now...

      • No Drilling ban, is only STEP ONE (Dem's can re-impose)
      • Fast Track on Leases/Permits IMMEDIATELY
      • Lawsuit protection to stop legal delays tactics of Enviro-Terrorists
      • FAST TRACK = OIL NOW (2-3 years) not 10 years away

      9/11 Day of Tragedy/Miracles / Web-Articles / Terror Strikes

      1. Joe Biden is out to lunch...

        1SGinTN (link)

        at the non-existent diner.

        Tu Ne Cede Malis -Virgil

    2. First Amendment Rights?

      GreenAces (link)

      To quote Mr. Biden: Is that a joke?

      McCain did the same thing after Campbell Brown dressed Tucker Bounds down, canceling his Larry King appearance. The difference being that Brown was pursuing a rational line of questioning, unlike Mrs. West's McCarthy-Lite Inquisition. The other big difference is how the interview resonated - let's see if people are talking about Mrs. West's feeble interview tomorrow.

      Face it - Biden easily handled this woman's questions, she had absolutely no comeback to his smack-downs of her far-right regurgitations.

      Candidates are free to choose who they do interviews with. For better, or worse.

      1. Is that a joke? Seriously?

        bk (link)

  25. He is Joe

    whatchamean_ (link)

    I find Biden entertaining. His foot in mouth style works in goofy kind of way.

  26. socialism

    whatchamean_ (link)

    We now have a socialized banking system and collusion between the private sector federal reserve and the US government. Looks like Bush, Berneke,Paulson and congress alread took care of the heavy lifting.

  27. The Anchor woman,

    RetiredFF (link)

    Barbara West needs to be commended for being a real journalist, haven't seen anything like this towards these lefties in decades. Keep up the good work!!!

  28. I hate to do this.

    merevaudevillian (link)

    I saw the interview and thought it was just an unusually harsh interview, but nothing "biased" or "unfair."

    Then I saw this same reporter's interview two weeks back with McCain. And... it's about as soft as possible. The first question is absurdly soft, basically teeing McCain up to attack Obama-ACORN.

    I don't read the bile at Kos et al., so I don't know if this point has been made. And, while I appreciate a good, tough interview, I far prefer a journalist who gives good, tough interviews to all sides.

  29. SO why would you bring up Kos them ??

    PaRep (link)

    MOBY MUCH ?????

    1. Relax on this one. <NT>

      Moe Lane (link)


      I am Joe.

      1. O.K . Moe <nt>

        PaRep (link)


      2. [Nah, retread. - ML]

        Mike Marable (link)

      3. [Nah, retread. - ML]

        Mike Marable (link)

        1. Moe's in bed you retread.

          Tim_Schieferecke (link)


          Tim Schieferecke

        2. interesting bit of propaganda ... lol

          JLenardDetroit (link)

          clear the moron hasn't read very much of anything and is AGAIN looking to be confrontational just to be banned AGAIN so he/she... IT... can go whining about it at DailyKrap and HuffingtonPuss

          RS:JLenardDetroit -/- MSM prepares Election night Spin/Narrative to continue Voting influence -/- Can we afford Obama SURRENDER doctrine? -/- Vote Psychology, Bandwagon effect -/- Went to Hockey game and Palin Rally broke out

          • Obama Lies, and your Bank account will Die! (4/15 Truthers)
          • Ignorance isn't Bliss, it is Expensive (costs us dearly every election)
          • NO to BI-partisanship, it is what keeps us "compromising" and giving in more and more to Socialistic tendencies
          • Yes to Presidential VETO, where has it been?
          • No to "Obama Bin Biden" ticket

          FAST TRACK OIL - NOW, NOW, NOW - Drill Here, Drill Now...

          • No Drilling ban, is only STEP ONE (Dem's can re-impose)
          • Fast Track on Leases/Permits IMMEDIATELY
          • Lawsuit protection to stop legal delays tactics of Enviro-Terrorists
          • FAST TRACK = OIL NOW (2-3 years) not 10 years away

          9/11 Day of Tragedy/Miracles / Web-Articles / Terror Strikes

  30. Gotta Love it...

    Andy Webb (link)

    "I don't know who is writing your questions"


    "Why are you not reading our script? Aren't you getting the Faxes?"


    "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." - Winston Churchill

  31. Station FIRED by a democrat, just like Mahoney's mistress

    GarWil (link)

    Yep, as expected:

    "This cancellation is NON-NEGOTIABLE, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election," wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign.

    Her (and her station's) last interview. This via Drudge Report in big red letters -- should get lots more attention now.

  32. Inconstant with ACORN statement.

    1stRichard (link)

    Obama was unpaid guest speaker for trainings and for volunteer community leaders.[showUid]=163&tx_irfaq_pi1[back]=P2lkPTE3ODU2&cHash=f90cc60f93

    “In the early 1990's, Obama accepted two invitations to be an unpaid guest speaker at trainings for volunteers community leaders organized by Chicago ACORN. He never worked for ACORN.”

    Obama was part of a law firm that represented ACORN.[showUid]=164&tx_irfaq_pi1[back]=P2lkPTE3ODU2&cHash=70db6b1bd6

    “After law school Obama joined a civil rights law firm in Chicago and was one of the attorneys there who successfully represented a coalition of groups including ACORN in a legal case that won better enforcement of the National Voter Registration Act in Illinois.”

    In 1992, Obama ran a successful voter registration drive in Chicago for Project Vote, but Is Project Vote ACORN now it is but not officially then?[showUid]=165&tx_irfaq_pi1[back]=P2lkPTE3ODU2&cHash=3f8df5cd0c

    “In 1992, Obama ran a successful voter registration drive in Chicago for Project Vote which helped 150,000 people register to vote. At that time, Project Vote had no more connection to ACORN than it did with dozens of other national and local organizations with which it partnered on local registration drives. In 1994, over a year after Obama left Project Vote, ACORN and Project Vote began working much more closely together.”

    Citizens' Services, Inc got over $800,000 for recruitment and training of canvassers for ACORN.[showUid]=166&tx_irfaq_pi1[back]=P2lkPTE3ODU2&cHash=d3bd22c3b8

    “Obama For America did contract with a political consulting group called Citizens' Services, Inc. for Get Out The Vote work in early 2008 for over $800,000. A small amount of this money was subcontracted to ACORN for recruitment and training of canvassers.”

    ACORN is endorsing Obama[showUid]=167&tx_irfaq_pi1[back]=P2lkPTE3ODU2&cHash=744969d2ed

    “Obama for America contracted with Citizens' Services Inc., a national non-profit political consulting firm, for GOTV field services during the primaries. Citizens Services Inc. performs these same services under contract to a variety of candidates and ballot measure campaigns, labor unions and public interest organizations. CSI did sub-contract with some ACORN staff for a short period to help supervise door-to-door canvassing in this program, but this was a fairly small expenditure in the overall contract.”

  33. She could have been a little tougher

    GreenAces (link)

    ..after all, she completely forgot to ask Joe when he stopped beating his wife.

  34. This whole "spread the wealth around"...

    LiberalNutJob (link)

    ...Right Wing meme is such an absurd straw man.

    What do you think ALL taxes DO?

    They "spread the wealth around"... your streets, your schools, your bridges -- and they always have.

    Sheesh. <-- (That's a respectful "sheesh," btw. :-) )

    1. I don't mind paying for my streets, my schools, my bridges...

      izoneguy (link)

      ...I do have a PROBLEM when I have to give MY money to MY NEIGHBOR who does not work and does not contribute to my streets, my schools, my bridges...

      As Bill Ayers once wrote - "Memory is a motherf*cker"

      1. Well, hey....

        LiberalNutJob (link)

        ...I'm with you there.


      2. 555

        Tim_Schieferecke (link)


        Tim Schieferecke

    2. Tell it to Biden...

      Moe Lane (link)

      ...he's the one who isn't keeping track of current affairs. :)

      I am Joe.

    3. Streets, bridges, sewer systems, military, these things are mutually beneficial for all citizens.

      Tim_Schieferecke (link)

      Explain to us how holding people down with the welfare system only to raise children that turn out in much higher numbers to be criminals benefits society? That is classic wealth redistribution. Your strawmen that roads and bridges are somehow to be comparable with welfare is pathetic.

      Tim Schieferecke

      1. You're equating something I did not...

        LiberalNutJob (link)

        ...and then attributing the idea to me.

        Whether that's a failure of reading skills, rhetorical skills, or logic, who's to say?

        But it certainly doesn't wash.

  35. Oh poow wittle Joey.

    Stephen (link)

    Did we get our widdle feewings hurt? Guess he took his ball and went home.

  36. If Obama wins I'LL bet he will try to.....

    DavidS1787 (link)

    try to silence people that ask him or his Staff hard questions. Just look how the Obama campaign responded to the questions Biden was asked!

    Here Is What I believe would happen under an Obama Administration.

    1. Have the FCC pull the licences of TV or Radio Stations that ask his staff hard questions at press confrences and strip the credentials to come and cover the white house.

    2.The Fairness doctorine would comeback.

    a. He would silence descent critics like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Hugh Hewitt.

    I believe this would be the end of the 1st. Amendment as we no it.



  37. If Obama wins I'LL bet he will try to.....

    DavidS1787 (link)

    If Obama wins I'LL bet he will try to.....

    try to silence people that ask him or his Staff hard questions. Just look how the Obama campaign responded to the questions Biden was asked!

    Here Is What I believe would happen under an Obama Administration.

    Have the FCC pull the licences of TV or Radio Stations that ask his staff hard questions at press confrences and strip the credentials to come and cover the white house. 2.The Fairness doctorine would comeback.

    a. He would silence descent talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Hugh Hewitt.

    I believe this would be the end of the 1st. Amendment as we no it.



    corrected Post!

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