:: jtextile

JTextile is in sourceforge

The source for JTextile is in SourceForge and I'll push a release with a .jar for download sometime soon. If you want to contribute, just leave a comment with your contact details and I'll add you as a committer.

The current source can be checked out by pointing your SVN client at

Applications that use JTextile

In the last couple of weeks I've received word of three different applications which all use JTextile from their respective developers:

Jreepad is an excellent free "personal database" program - it's a great way to organise all your personal notes, thoughts, tasks, recipes, memories...

What's more, it's open-source and programmed in Java, so that all may benefit from it! Much used on Mac OSX, Linux, Unix, and even Windows!

Databinder is a programming toolkit for assembling database driven Web applications. It brings together Wicket and Hibernate, so you can start using the best programming technologies today, without fussing over their configuration.

TextileMe is simple gui swing based application to write textile files. This application implements all known textile processors written in java (Textile4J, JTextile).

Three very different uses of JTextile there, but all are really good - I'm very pleased that JTextile continues to be so useful!

JTextile 1.2

A small bugfix based on a report from Nathan Hamblen to allow blockquote without the cite attribute like this:

bq. my quoted text

Obviously I broke this behaviour in a patch in 2003 and no-one noticed.

Download JTextile 1.2

JTextile demo now on

The JTextile demo can now be seen on so that people don't need to open ports on their firewall as well as still being on the original It's also a much cleaner URL.

JTextile 1.1

JTextile 1.1 was release in mid-2004 (I think). This is just a catch-up post :)

Download JTextile 1.1.

See the source

About JTextile

JTextile is a Java implementation of Dean Allen's Textile, a “humane web text generator”. It uses the GNU regular expression library.

JTextile was written by Gareth Simpson after prompting by me. We both patch it when necessary.

It is released under the same liberal open source license as the original Textile.

Currently JTextile does not support all of the original Textile syntax. The most obvious omission is support for tables:


Block modifier syntax:

Header: hn. 
Paragraphs beginning with 'hn. ' (where n is 1-6) are wrapped in header tags.
Example: <h1>Text</h1>

Header with CSS class: hn(class).
Paragraphs beginning with 'hn(class). ' receive a CSS class attribute. 
Example: <h1 class="class">Text</h1>

Paragraph: p. (applied by default)
Paragraphs beginning with 'p. ' are wrapped in paragraph tags.
Example: <p>Text</p>

Paragraph with CSS class: p(class).
Paragraphs beginning with 'p(class). ' receive a CSS class attribute. 
Example: <p class="class">Text</p>

Blockquote: bq.
Paragraphs beginning with 'bq. ' are wrapped in block quote tags.
Example: <blockquote>Text</blockquote>

Blockquote with citation: bq(citeurl).
Paragraphs beginning with 'bq(citeurl). ' recieve a citation attribute. 
Example: <blockquote cite="citeurl">Text</blockquote>

Numeric list: #
Consecutive paragraphs beginning with # are wrapped in ordered list tags.
Example: <ol><li>ordered list</li></ol>

Bulleted list: *
Consecutive paragraphs beginning with * are wrapped in unordered list tags.
Example: <ul><li>unordered list</li></ul>

Phrase modifier syntax:

_emphasis_             <em>emphasis</em>
__italic__             <i>italic</i>

*strong*               <strong>strong</strong>
**bold**               <b>bold</b>
??citation??           <cite>citation</cite>
-deleted text-         <del>deleted</del>

+inserted text+        <ins>inserted</ins>
^superscript^          <sup>superscript</sup>
~subscript~            <sub>subscript</sub>
@code@                 <code>computer code</code>

==notextile==          leave text alone (do not format)

"linktext":url         <a href="url">linktext</a>
"linktext(title)":url  <a href="url" title="title">linktext</a>

!imageurl!             <img src="imageurl">
!imageurl(alt text)!   <img src="imageurl" alt="alt text" />

!imageurl!:linkurl     <a href="linkurl"><img src="imageurl" /></a>

ABC(Always Be Closing) <acronym title="Always Be Closing">ABC</acronym>

In addition it:

  • Replace single and double primes (' and ") used as quotation marks with HTML entities for opening and closing quotation marks (‘’ and “”) in readable text, while leaving untouched the primes required within HTML tags.
  • Replaced double hyphens (--) with an em-dash (—) entity.
  • Replace single hyphens surrounded by spaces with an en-dash (–) entity.
  • Replace triplets of periods (...) with an ellipsis (…) entity.
  • Convert many nonstandard characters (Ÿúߊ?Œ) to browser-safe entities corresponding to keyboard input.
  • Apply block- and phrase-level structural tags automatically and at the discretion of the writer via quick tags.
  • Create hyperpnks and insert images via quick tags.
  • Define acronyms via quick tags
  • Wrap an <acronym> tag around runs of three or more capital letters automatically.
  • Convert (TM), (R), and (C) to ™, ®, and ©
  • Convert the letter x to a dimension sign: 2x4 to 2×4 and 8 x 10 to 8×10
- from "what does it do?" on the Textile homepage

known bugs

fixes and changes to date:


About JTextile

JTextile is a Java implementation of Dean Allen's Textile (

Previous posts

JTextile is in sourceforge
Applications that use JTextile
JTextile 1.2
JTextile demo now on
JTextile 1.1
About JTextile


March 2005 / March 2006 / May 2007 /

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