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Union of Democratic Control

U.D.C. pamphlets and leaflets 1914-1922

From Pressure Group Archives , Brynmor Jones Library, University of Hull.

The UDC was established during the first days of the First World War to work for parliamentary control of foreign policy and a moderate peace settlement. There was a belief in some quarters that Britain had been dragged into the war because of secret military agreements with France and Russia. The early leaders of the group initially called the Committee of Democratic Control, were Charles Trevelyan (the only member of the Liberal government to resign over the declaration of war), James Ramsay Macdonald, Arthur Ponsonby, Norman Angell and E.D. Morel. Morel became the secretary and initial driving force behind what was soon re-named the Union of Democratic Control.

The group was formally launched with an open letter to the press in early September 1914. The UDC's stated objectives were: parliamentary control over foreign policy and the prevention of secret diplomacy, a movement for international understanding after the war, and a just peace. A Committee of 18 members was established, including Arthur Henderson, J.A. Hobson and Bertrand Russell. Operations were initially based at Charles Trevelyan's London home, but offices were quickly acquired off the Strand, and later, on Fleet Street. Running costs were met from subscriptions, plus large donations received from several major Quaker business concerns. In late 1917 the UDC reached its maximum membership of some 10,000 individuals in over 100 branches. By 1918, 300 other groups (mainly co-operatives, trade unions and women's organisations) with 650,000 members were also affiliated to the UDC.

The UDC undertook a massive publicity effort in support of its aims. During the War, 28 pamphlets, 47 leaflets and 18 books were issued, plus a journal, The UDC (later re-titled Foreign Affairs). The pamphlets, in particular, were very successful, and the first 15 sold over 500,000 copies by 1915. The UDC also played a part in the terminal decline of the Liberal Party, especially after the formation of the Lloyd George coalition government in December 1916. Joining the UDC became a sort of half-way house between leaving the Liberals and joining the rising Labour Party. Morel himself started the War as a prospective Liberal Parliamentary candidate, but in 1918 joined the Independent Labour Party. Members of the UDC (especially Morel, with his Germanic name) were often harshly criticised for their views (and Morel was even imprisoned). But this was softened by two factors: the publication by the Bolsheviks after the Russian revolution of the secret treaties between Britain, France and Russia before 1914; and the first of President Woodrow Wilson's 'Fourteen Points', referring to 'open covenants openly arrived at'. However, the UDC's campaign to modify the Treaty of Versailles peace settlement was largely ineffective. Nevertheless, the UDC, established as a wartime phenomenon, continued to thrive after the War.

By July 1921 organisations affiliated to the UDC contained over one million members. Thirty members of the UDC were elected as Labour MPs in 1922, and in November 1922 Morel himself defeated Winston Churchill (then a National liberal) at Dundee for Labour. The first ever Labour government in 1924 included five members of the UDC Executive and eight members of its General Council - although not Morel, owing to personal animosity between him and the Prime Minister, Ramsay Macdonald. Again, in practice the UDC still had very little influence on government policy, except in gaining British recognition of the Soviet Union. ED Morel died suddenly in 1924 at the age of 51. The UDC was never really the same again, even though membership subsequently included the likes of Fenner Brockway and Harold Wilson.

From the 1920s the UDC concentrated its efforts on highlighting and offering solutions to problems in international affairs, eventually becoming a leading anti-colonial organisation. In the 1920s, it pressed for the keeping of peace by open diplomacy and a reformed League of Nations (to include Germany and Russia); in the 1930s, it challenged the growth of armaments and imperialism in China and East Africa; and in the 1940s it supported the struggles for independence in Asia and Africa. With the virtual disintegration of the British Empire by the mid-1960s, the UDC was eventually wound up in December 1966.

More information on the U.D.C. from Spartacus Educational.

From the inside cover of the first 16 pamphlets


1. No Province shall be transferred from one Government
to another without the consent by plebiscite of the population
of such province.

2. No Treaty, Arrangement or Undertaking shall be entered
upon in the name of Great Britain without the sanction of
Parliament. Adequate machinery for ensuring democratic control
of foreign policy shall be created.

3. The Foreign Policy of Great Britain shall not be aimed at
creating Alliances for the purpose of maintaining the "Balance
of Power"; but shall be directed to the establishment of a
Concert of Europe and the setting up of an International
Council whose deliberations and decisions shall be public.

4. Great Britain shall propose as a part of the Peace settlement
a plan for the drastic reduction, by consent, of the
armaments of the belligerent Powers, and to facilitate that
policy shall attempt to secure the general nationalisation of the
manufacture of armaments, and the prohibition of the export of
armaments from one country to another.

In pamphet 16a (July 1916) five points are referred to. Pamphlet 19a (August 1916) reads as follows:


To formulate and organise support for such a policy
as shall lead to the establishment and maintainence of
an enduring peace. For this purpose, to advocate the
following points, and take any other action which the
Council of the Union of Democratic Control may, from
time to time, declare to be in furtherance of such policy.

1. No Province shall be transferred from one
Government to another without the consent, by
plebiscite or otherwise, of the population of such

2. No Treaty, Arrangement or Undertaking
shall be entered upon in the name of Great Britain
without the sanction of Parliament. Adequate
machinery for ensuring democratic control of foreign
policy shall be created.

3. The foreign policy of Great Britain shall not
be aimed at creating Alliances for the purpose
of maintaining the Balance of Power, but shall
be directed to concerted action between the Powers
and the setting up of an International Council
whose deliberations and decisions shall be public,
with such machinery for securing International
agreement as shall be the guarantee of an abiding

4. Great Britain shall propose as a part of the
Peace settlement a plan for the drastic reduction, by
consent, of the armaments of the belligerent
Powers, and to facilitate that policy shall attempt to
secure the general nationalisation of the manufacture
of armaments, and the prohibition of the export of
armaments from one country to another.

5. The European conflict shall not be continued
by economic war after the military operations have
ceased. British policy shall be directed towards
promoting free commercial intercourse between all
nations, and the preservation and extension of the
principle of the open door.

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