Political Prisoners of the Empire  MIAMI 5      


English Edition











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Beyond the gray hairs
June 6.08
DESPITE a slight increase in the number of births in 2007, 1,149 more than the year before, the trend towards a declining population in Cuba will continue for the next two decades, if current behavior is not reversed.

Mary McCarthy or the joie de vivre
May 15. 2008
HAVANA, April 27, 2008
"Dear friends:
The barriers of inactivity and lack of motivation never existed in my life. I always managed to avoid people who transmitted depression or were fatalists, while I always went out to all those who, despite any difficulty or conflict, were capable of emerging gracefully and with more spirit from that state, thus making their lives a constant cycle of daily satisfactions.

Detecting breast cancer in time
November 30. 2007
"BREAST cancer has various risk factors, but the most important is age; in other words, that as women get older, they are more likely to suffer from it," Dr. María Caridad Rubio Hernández, a specialist in Genera Medicine and Oncology and president of the National Breast Cancer Program Working Group, informed Granma International.

We have to learn to live with a healthy mind
October 12. 2007
DESPITE the fact that they provoke more serious conditions than illnesses such as cancer or cardiac diseases, mental disorders continue to be profoundly ignored and pushed aside in the developing world.

A productive old age
October 12. 2007
ACCEPTING old age fearlessly, with its pain and its wisdom, seems to be the main motivation of thousands of Cubans who are studying in the classrooms of the University of the Older Adult.

Fire in the eyes of the young, light in the eyes of the elderly
August 31, 2007
ACCORDING to United Nations estimates, the number of individuals over 65 years of age is in excess of 600 million around the world as a result of, among other causes, declining birth and infant mortality rates and, above all, because of advances in medicine and surgery.

Grandparents, in good times and bad
August 23, 200
ACCORDING to the experts, the so-called ideal family is not defined by either the number of people who comprise it or by sexual orientation or even by specific roles played by its members; rather, it may be described in the way that all of its members share a relationship of protection and solidarity for growing and developing in each stage of life.

Always accompanying and supporting older adults
October 13, 2006
AGING can mean a decline in some or many of the functions and expectations that to a great extent keep alive the flame of desire, but it can also be a natural process, depending on how people have lived their lives, and their physical and psychological/social levels.

Always think about the senior citizen you want to be
September 15, 2006
IN recent years many specialists have occupied themselves in searching for an adequate and credible definition of the aging process and the concept of old age.

Swimming is good for your health and state of mind
June 30, 2006
SWIMMING is a sport in which almost all the body’s muscle groups are involved, making it one of the best and most complete activities that everyone can do, particularly older adults.

We must learn to grow older
June 30, 2006
AT what age does old age begin? Does it begin when we’re born or after adulthood? . They are two questions that have yet to be answered by many scientists when taking into account that aging is, perhaps, the most multi-factored and diverse process that exists, in which every cell in the body ages differently; at the same time, life expectancy is increasing with every year that passes.

Life expectancy in Cuba soon to be 80 years
May 19, 2006
AGING with health is the maxim of the 4th International Conference on Satisfactory Longevity: an Integral Vision, which took place in Cuba’s Hotel Nacional, sponsored by the Caribbean Medical Association and the 120 Years Club.

Cuba ratified as the country in which to live to 120
January 13, 2006
CUBA is a country with the conditions to live for 120 years with quality, as ratified in an international workshop on life expectancy at birth, organized in Havana with the participation of authorities on the matter from various countries. Professor Eugene Selman Housein, president of the 120 Years Club, gave a paper on public health care and cultural and social development on the island.

When food gets stuck
January 13, 2006

SOME people claim that they cannot swallow food because it gets stuck in their esophagus, thus interrupting its passage to the stomach.

U.S. obesity epidemic advancing
December 8, 2005
DESPITE national anti-obesity campaigns, the majority of U.S. schools are continuing to offer popular foodstuffs high in calories and low in protein.

Diabetics are not alone
December 1, 2005

DIABETES mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by excess glucose in the blood due to the pancreas not producing insulin (a hormone that converts glucose into energy) or insulin not being employed in an optimum manner by the body.

November 11, 2005
HEART palpitations are one of the most frequently reported medical symptoms because of the general fear that they might indicate cardiac disease. In many cases it is a false alarm, but all incidents should be monitored.

Heart attacks should not be taken lightly
November 4, 2005
EITHER due to deficiencies in the health system or for personal or family neglect, many individuals around the world with high blood pressure and other conditions that affect the heart, are not receiving the attention recommended for their illness.

Alzheimer’s threatens Hispanics
October 27, 2005
IN the U.S., according to studies done in that country, Hispanics are the principal victims of Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive and incurable neurological disorder, and it is feared that in the first years of this century it will claim the lives of more than one million individuals of this minority.

Friendship helps us live longer
October 13, 2005
MOTIVATION is one of the factors for maintaining quality of life in older adults, and for aspiring to reach the age of 120 or more. And social relations are an example of incentive for older adults.

Iron: benefits and risks

October 6, 2005
IRON deficiency is one of the most extensive nutritional problems in the world, especially in developing countries and among low-income populations, although it is present in every country.

In search of new solutions for old problems
September 9, 2005
IN the fertile fields of genetics, the road to living longer could provide new solutions for old problems, or at least perpetuate the scientific search so that that progressive deterioration called aging is prolonged, along with a better quality of life.

Cardiovascular resistance, an advantage of physical exercise

August 18, 2005
IT’S not just older people who need to have an exercise program appropriate to their physical condition and age in order to enjoy good health and live longer and better.

Taking action in time is key
August 12, 2005
CEREBROVASCULAR disease is the third cause of death in developed countries, and its occurrence increases with age, becoming more likely in individuals over 65 years old.

A call in time may avoid consequences
July 29, 2005

URINARY obstructions or obstructive uropathy is characterized by total or partial difficulty in eliminating urine, which results in a series of structural and functional disorders in the urinary tract.

Scientists from 13 countries with Cuban centenarians
May 24, 2005
THE 3rd International Conference on Satisfactory Longevity had an emotional ending when experts from 13 countries attending the event shared some time with a group of Cuban centenarians and learned directly from those individuals about their experiences and motivations.

Overcoming changes in older adults
May 20, 2005
ACCORDING to experts, the older adult stage generally begins during the ages of 60-65, and at that time, physical changes take place due to wear and tear on the body’s cells.

3rd International Conference on Satisfactory Longevity
A lot can be done with few resources
May 19, 2005
THE representatives of UN agencies and the Pan-American Health Organization acknowledged the success of the Cuban public health system during the opening of the 3rd International Conference on Satisfactory Longevity, attended by scientists from 10 nations.

Who says I can’t move?
EVARISTO got up from the armchair to help his niece move some books, but she stopped him and lovingly said: "No Grandpa, sit down, don’t move. You’ve already done a lot for the family¼ now it’s our turn."

Sexual relations and the elderly
April 7, 2005
THE elderly can continue to have meaningful and enjoyable sexual experiences, according to a study on the sexual activities of this sector of the population by Cibeles Lorenzo Viego from the José Martí University Center in Sancti Spíritus province.

Insomnia: wanting to sleep and being unable to
March 24, 2005

ELDERLY people, retired or otherwise, workers subjected to the tensions of daily life, students preparing for examinations and other individuals are frequently affected by insomnia.

The Battle of Ideas contributes to longevity

February 17, 2005

THE cardiology project being developed in Cuba with respect to cardiovascular surgery will mean increased longevity and quality of life for patients.

More than 75 million octogenarians in the world
February 14, 2005
DURING this century, all the Latin American countries will record an increase in the percentage of their elderly, according to a paper by the Pan-American Health Office (OPS) at the International Meeting of Octogenarians in Havana.

•  Rare Centenarians Conference
February 14, 2005
FOR the first time in Cuba and possibly in the world, an International Centenarians Conference has just taken place in Havana, in which a group of men and women aged between 100 to 124 shared their experiences and responded to geriatrists’ and experts’ questions on lifestyle and other factors that help to prolong life.

Red wine aids longevity
February 11, 2005
BEYOND the popularity and pleasure of drinking wine, there is an unknown that many consumers would like to have clear: is it good for your health or not?

Heart resistance and advantages of exercising
January 27, 2005
WITH aging, a series of physiological and body changes occur. The elderly usually experience a significant decrease of strength and muscular mass as a consequence of long periods of inactivity.

A race against time
January 20, 2005
THE Latin American and Caribbean region, where a large part of the population lives in poverty, illustrates the paradox of the aging phenomenon that is of concern to experts because in the great majority of countries it is not accompanied by a better quality of life.

Double risk from noise: deafness and loneliness
January 13, 2005
RECENTLY we examined the effects of excessive noise, an increasing phenomenon of modern life, and one that is especially harmful for the elderly.

For more information: redac2@granmai.cip.cu


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Editor-in-chief: Frank Aguero Gomez / Editor: Gabriel Molina Franchossi
HOSPEDAJE: Teledatos-Cubaweb
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