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Editorial Policy

We know that you're busy UrbanBabyites, and you look to us for up-to-the-minute news on must-have products, cool events, smart parenting tips and everything else kid-centric. It's great to know that you value UrbanBaby's informative message boards, local resources and inside scoop on trends and happenings (delivered via UrbanBaby Picks).

As we continue to grow, add new features and host off-line events, we want to answer a few questions we are often asked. Namely, how can we do all of this for free? Here's the scoop on our editorial, advertising and registration policies:

Editorial Newsletters

UrbanBaby editors select and write the items featured on the UrbanBaby newsletters emails. We choose services, products and events we believe in, describe them in our own words, and share them with you. End of story. This content is not for sale.


Paid advertising appears at various locations throughout the UrbanBaby site and on our newsletters and is clearly marked as advertising.

We also occasionally send "Dedicated" emails, which contain special offers and messages from our advertisers. When we send out a "Dedicated" email, the subject line states "UrbanBaby Dedicated Email" to differentiate it from a regular UrbanBaby editorial newsletter.

You have proven to be a loyal, unique audience, and advertisers value you as a customer. Advertising is our main source of revenue and we believe our advertisers provide useful information and products to our audience (often in the form of special discounts).


We've set up a quick, easy-to-use registration check-in to visit our message boards and to take advantage of our free email programs. We don't want to lose you. We don't want to slow you down. We just want to learn how we can better serve your parenting needs. We also want our advertisers to appreciate our audience size and need to facilitate this important revenue stream.

If you haven't signed up, you can register now. Be sure to spread the word and tell your friends to sign up with UrbanBaby!

We want you to know that your personal information is handled in a secure and responsible manner and in compliance with our Privacy Policy.

We hope that you continue to find UrbanBaby a valuable and fun resource, and we look forward to providing you with our unique service. Thank you for your support.

We welcome all comments and feedback: .

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