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    Half-Life 2: Episode Two Cheats
    Platform: PC

    Half-Life 2: Episode Two Cheat: Portal Gun Hack
    This process modifies your game files, so make back-ups of the proper files and directories before attempting this hack.
    1. You need both Portal and Half-life 2 for starters. Install or re-install both games now.

    2. Back up your Portal directory. Unless you changed the install path, the directory is in ...\Steam\steamapps\(your_username)\portal. If you make a mistake during this hack, you may need to re-download Portal through Steam (or at worse, Half-life 2 through Steam).

    3. Download and install GCFScape if you do not have it already. This program allows you to access the cached game files for games using the Source engine.

    4. Head into the directory ...\Steam\steamapps\ for all the available GCF archives available. Open the file half-life 2 content.gcf via GCFScape. Click the hl2 folder on the left pane of the GCFScape Explorer window. Right mouse click maps and select the command Extract to place all the contents of the maps folder into the directory ...\Steam\steamapps\the_great_bundini\portal\portal. This merges Half-life 2 maps with the Portal map folder.

    5. Repeat the above step with the scenes folder via GCFScape.

    6. Boot up Steam to run Portal. Drop the developer console with ‘~’ (you may need to enable it under your keyboard options or enable it via the -console command switch on the executable's shortcut).

    7. On the developer console, type maps * to list all the available maps; this should inclde the Half-life 2 maps imported from the previous steps. Type map and then the name of that map (i.e., map d1_canals_01).

    8. Once the map is loaded and you can play, drop the console and enable the cheats for Portal by entering sv_cheats 1. Give yourself all weapons (including the Portal Gun) by entering impulse 101. You may need to input upgrade_portalgun to enable you to fire both portals.

    9. Enjoy the havoc. Note that this hack also works with Episode 1 and Episode 2. You will notice that while NPCs from Half-life cannot pass through portals, all other inert objects (including yourself) and weapons fire will pass through with no problems.

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    Half-Life 2: Episode Two Cheat: Cheat List

    Bring up the in-game cheats console during gameplay by pressing the tilde (~) key. Then, insert the cheats listed below for the desired result.

    • firstperson - Play in first person
    • give item_healthkit - Spawn a health kit
    • give item_healthvial - Spawn a health vile
    • give npc_alyx - Spawn NPC Alyx
    • give npc_barney - Spawn NPC Barney
    • give npc_citizen - Spawn NPC Citizen
    • give npc_kliener - Spawn NPC Kliener
    • give weapon_frag - Spawn a grenade
    • give weapon_pistol - Spawn a pistol
    • give weapon_rpg - Spawn an RPG
    • give weapon_shotgun - Spawn a shotgun
    • thirdperson - Play in third person

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