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Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift
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    Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift Cheats
    Platform: Nintendo DS

    Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift Unlockable: Character Classes

    Below is a list of unlockable character classes, which are listed on the left. To the right of each is the name of the mission you must complete in order for that particular class to become unlocked.

    • Arcanist - The Nu Mou Nobles
    • Assassin - Veis Assassin
    • Beastmaster - Knowing the Beast
    • Cannoneer - The Bangaa Brotherhood
    • Chocobo Knight - Popocho's Chocobos
    • Dragoon - Kyrra Dragoon
    • Fighter - To Be A Fighter
    • Flintlock - Of Kupos and Cannons
    • Fusiler - Goug Consortium
    • Geomancer - Geomancer's Way
    • Green Mage - Green Dominion
    • Heritor - Gifted
    • Lanista - A Lanista's Pride
    • Master Monk - Complete Banbanga!
    • Parivir - The Eastwatch
    • Raptor - Instrument of Inspiration
    • Ravager - Ravager
    • Scholar - Treasured Tomes
    • Seer - Cat's Meow
    • Spellblade - To Be a Spellblade
    • Trickster - Sleight of Hand
    • Viking - Lord Grayrl!

    Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift Unlockable: Espers

    To unlock the Espers listed on the left, complete the corresponding mission listed on the right.

    • Adrammelech - The Moorabella Cup
    • Belias - The Camoa Cup
    • Chaos - The Loar Cup
    • Cúchulainn - The Odalia Cup
    • Exodus - The Jylland Cup
    • Famfrit - The Goug Cup
    • Hashmal - The Fluorgis Cup
    • Mateus - The Graszton Cup
    • Shemhazai - Of a Feather
    • Ultima - Hunted
    • Zalera - The Last Step
    • Zeromus - The Five Kings
    • Zodiark - A Lasting Peace

    Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift Unlockable: Libra

    There’s a special skill known as Libra, which has a different use in this game than most other Final Fantasy titles it appears in (it reveals traps on the field of battle as opposed to the statistics of a targeted enemy). To acquire it, start up FFTA2 with a copy of the original Final Fantasy Tactics Advance in the GBA port on your DS.

    Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift Hint: Luso's Journal Answers

    During the sequence with Luso’s summer journal, you can answer three questions in the following order to unlock different clan abilities from the get-go. The first answer is represented by A, the second by B, and the third by C.

    • AP Up +1 - B, C, C
    • Clan Up +1 - B, B, C
    • Evade Up +1 - B, A, A
    • EXP Up +1 - B, C, B
    • Gil Up +1 - B, A, C
    • Luck Up +1 - B, A, B
    • Power Up +1 - B, B, B
    • Smash Up +1 - B, B, A
    • Speed Up +1 - B, C, A

    Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift Hint: Recruit Frimelda

    To recruit the character Frimelda, complete the following chain of missions: Under the Weather, A Chill in the Night, Show of Strength, Hunted, and Memories Forged.

    Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift Hint: Experience Boost

    Before each battle, you’ll get to choose with advantage you want to give your crew (so long as you don’t break the judge’s rules for that battle). You should always, always choose an experience boost over any other statistical advantage. You’ll rarely (if ever) run into a battle where you should be challenged to the point that you’ll need a mild speed or strength boost, for instance, but experience is always a hot commodity that should be gathered when and where you can. Giving yourself an experience boost during each battle will let your characters level up quicker, and ultimately this will lead to an even stronger party that will never need statistical advantages in battle. Continue to repeat this process and you’ll be working with a really strong crew before long.

    Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift Easter Egg: Final Fantasy XII Cameos

    If, late in the game, you accept the mission to catch the Aerodome Prankster, you’ll see Vaan from Final Fantasy XII fighting in that battle as well. If you’re victorious, Penelo (also from Final Fantasy XII) will come out and talk to you.

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