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Get Involved!

International Rivers is devoted to protecting rivers on an international scale, from the Amazon to the Zambezi. Through research, activism and outreach, International Rivers takes on powerful governments and industries that bulldoze their way through communities with destructive river development projects. However, we can’t do it without you. Here are some ways for you to get involved:

Join International Rivers

As a member of International Rivers, you add your voice to those of thousands of people around the world working to halt and reverse the destruction of the Earth’s rivers. International Rivers depends on the generous support of individuals and foundations.

Volunteer / Intern at International Rivers

Volunteers and interns are vital to helping accomplish International Rivers’s work. Past projects have included organizing a local protest, doing research for a report on dams in Central America, and helping out with mailings. If you have a few hours a day or a few hours a month to volunteer, please contact us and find out about how you can get involved.

Join our E–mail Update Lists

Sign up here to receive action alerts. When things are heating up in watersheds around the world, we’ll send you an update on the latest situation with info on what you can do. By sending faxes and emails to governments and institutions, we can support the struggle of communities fighting destructive river projects.

Organize an Event for the March 14th Day of Action

Every year, river lovers from dam–affected communities and environmental and human rights groups hold public events to celebrate healthy rivers and weigh–in on unjust development projects such as large dams. Whether it’s educating people about threats to your watershed, demonstrating against destructive dams or celebrating free–flowing rivers, we encourage you to get involved. Learn more about International Day of Action.

Be the Change

There are dozens of things you can do to protect rivers and watersheds, from reducing water consumption to writing letters to decision-makers to joining efforts to remove dams that have outlived their usefulness. Here are 20 ideas on ways to protect rivers and rights to get you started.