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10th July 2008, 06:35

DotA Allstars 6.53 released!

6.53, dota

DotA Allstars version 6.53 has been released, shortly after the release of Blizzards 1.22 patch, which caused Icefrog to quickly released a new 6.52 map as the previous were disfunctional with the 1.22 patch.

The important changes in this patch are the introduction of a new hero (the Goblin Clockwerk), a slight nerf to Soul Keeper and also the introduction of a multi-lingual map. The introduction of this new language tool means that there will not be different map versions for different languages, so players using different languages can still play on the same map.

It is possible to have only the English version on your computer and then join a game where the host is using the Russian map without needing to download it. They will see their own language while you will see your own language.

The first round of translated languages are:

China Chinese
Korea Korean

More languages will be added over time.

To download, visit
For a full list of changes, visit

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Comments (28)


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(1 day ago)  #1 shpongle
Goblin Clockwerk ftw!
"Where's the "Any Key" ?
(1 day ago)  #2 hellstar
It appeared in PizzSlice video 2steptohell... :) look funny, skill imba hack map lol..must try it =)
(1 day ago)  #3 heavenlol
Clockwerk doesn't really fit in DotA -.-
(1 day ago)  #4 Dust
Yeah nice bugfixes etc but this new hero....hmm a little bit sucky imo
Life is pain >.<
(1 day ago)  #5 Eisen-_-Hower
Clockverk is so funny :D
(1 day ago)  #6 ikoN-
+1 ^

The core-something-named skill is a bit fuzzy though.
Last edited by ikoN- at 10.07.2008, 11:17
(1 day ago)  #7 Stealer_
Lol lol... Nice Hero
Place for gamming, place for living
(1 day ago)  #8 RAAMZES
LOL new lycantrope kick wolves dont have bash anymore,but his second spell gives 44 on dmg to all heroes, his third now gives him 25% on ms and dmg LOL, and his shapshift now last only 16 sec but has maximum MS and cant be slowed if i understood that right...
(1 day ago)  #9 VBR
i dont like the new hero its like his ca combination beetween pudge(his ultimate),luna(first spell),furion(the second one) and tinker(the rocket spell),i for one don't like this one
Last edited by VBR at 10.07.2008, 13:07
(1 day ago)  #10 chenkai
new hero! gogo try it now
(1 day ago)  #11 C00L.Cool_csiga
This hero will rox with this new rocket skill, free sight vs 50mana?! C00L ^^ i like it, im looking forward to see it in some new tactics ^^
(1 day ago)  #12 Nie_Feng
hmm i think 6.53b is coming soon ^^
(1 day ago)  #13 sniperzreborn
i seen it in Cyber cafes. its a very funny and unique hero.
a mix of tinker + blink (dash style damage). cool =)
(1 day ago)  #14 EESTIPuppy
it will own man, owning in being banned everywhere.
(1 day ago)  #15 Lyter
Seen him played a few times now and he is a very very strong ganker, the ministun and rocket with the hook is awesome, only problem is the surround spell which seems a bit buggy, it appears extremely difficult to fit a hero in it and sometimes even puts a hero in there with the clockwerk on the outside of it.
(1 day ago)  #16 Scherlock
Very nice thing the translated languages! Good job!
"Every man shares the same captivity" - Sêneca (Life?)
(1 day ago)  #17 MaRiHuAnA-
the new hero is rofl the ulti range u can kill someone who is wtf where and rockets + wards is jungling counter#1 now
(1 day ago)  #18 FirE_on_IcE
New hero spells are useful, i guess he would be better as ranged but thats too much to ask;P
Lycan got pretty stronger still, ffs

Come what may..
(1 day ago)  #19 SG.trech
new hero sucks! argh!
(1 day ago)  #20 -DiwA-
It's been nice knowing Meepo... :( The skills of this Goblin -especially the 2nd one - will own him.
(1 day ago)  #21 JuFuMetalMercury
Lycan without bash just feels not as useful to me for some reason, he can't keep his opponents in one spot to take advantage of his insanely high damage.

New hero looks fun as hell, but I haven't tried him in game yet, so I dunno. That sight rocket sounds like an amazing spell though.
(1 day ago)  #22 KylinAlexLee
New Hero funny.
(1 day ago)  #23 mymFfrows

bugged hero?!
but it's funny
i'd like him!
don't translate dota to portuguese!
i didn't like some changes that they make in this version
bring the old lyncan back and
and release 53b!

thz a lot!

be the best
(1 day ago)  #24 RESTINPEE
the new hero is too strong but somehow his first skill is somewhat useless if you play against more than one opponent ;)
Last edited by RESTINPEE at 11.07.2008, 01:17
(1 day ago)  #25 tEsolomidplz
The new hero isn't too strong, he is just anoying. So easy to kill, a goblin look-a-like.
(23 hours ago)  #26 darknight240
The new hero is not easy kill.
He has really high hp.
You can't solo him cause of his first skill.
Rocket make it harder to gank him.
His ult can also be an escape skill.
Overall this hero is really Imbalance.
(17 hours ago)  #27 CdWSouless-Terror
Reworked Lycan is almost like a new chen with a much stronger late game.
(11 hours ago)  #28 Terrestris
Hmm what more to say this is sad, bug with runes has been fixed this will be really anoying to play with stable map 6.52e with graphics bug with runes for a half a year now till the new stable map will be announced, i think IceFrog should make a new stable map imho, cause now all the tournaments will be play in shitty 6.52e.

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