Warcraft 3

06th July 2008, 10:00

Professional players on 1.22

With Blizzard's official launch of the highly anticipated patch 1.22 for, has managed to get hold of several professional players on their views of the patch by posting a list of five questions to them.

The following questions have been asked:

  1. What are your general impressions of the new patch?
  2. What do you like about 1.22?
  3. The tower repair rate has been nerfed, but do you believe that Human is a much weaker race than before?
  4. What do you think about the changes made for Undead?
  5. Blizzard has heavily nerfed the Night elves. Was it REALLY necessary?
  6. No changes made for Orcs. Your opinion?
  7. What are your thoughts on the new maps?
  8. What other changes would you like to see in Warcraft 3?

Answers are listed on the following pages in accordance to the questions.

 Next Page : Q1 

Comments (2)


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(3 days ago)  #1 JadeTang
really nice interview.
Like bliz saying, the Staff of Preservatin and the repair rate of mini tower are fixed as bugs not imbalance factor.

Moon is IMBA
(3 days ago)  #2 ag3nt
you asked top elves, top orcs, top undeads

but why not top humans (sky, tod, infi, th000)?

  • 1
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Professional players on 1.22
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