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• Joseph John Thomson discovers negatively charged cathode rays ("corpuscles"), by measuring the charge/mass ratio through deflection in electric & magnetic fields

• "birth of subatomic physics"

• term "electron" coined by George Johnstone Stoney (1891), as the fundamental unit of electric charge (Stoney was a distant relative of Alan Turing)


• to explain spectrum of blackbody radiation, Max Planck postulates that electromagnetic radiation is quantized


• J.J. Thomson proposes the "plum pudding" model of the atom, in which the atom is composed of electrons surrounded by a soup of positive charge, to balance the electron's charge, like plums surrounded by pudding (a.k.a. "chocolate chip cookie model")


• Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden (in Ernest Rutherford's lab at U. Manchester) scatter alpha particles (4He nuclei) from a gold foil, and notice that on rare occasions (about 1 in 8000) the projectile comes right back!

• according to Rutherford, "It was almost as incredible as if you fired a fifteen-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you"

• leads to the downfall of J.J. Thompson's "plum pudding" model of the atom


• Ernest Rutherford ("father of nuclear physics", also quoted as saying "In science there is only physics; all the rest is stamp collecting") interprets the experiment as indicating the atom as a negatively charged electrons surrounding a small, dense, positively charged nucleus

• "Rutherford model" has an atom made up of a positively charged nucleus (composed of protons), with embedded electrons, surrounded by a cloud of orbiting electrons (to balance charge), as in a "planetary model" with electrons orbiting a sun-like nucleus

e.g. 4He has 4 p + 2 e in the nucleus (neutrons weren't discovered yet!), with 2 e in orbit around nucleus; 14N has 14 p + 7 e in the nucleus plus a cloud of 7 e

but an accelerating electric charge would emit synchrotron radiation, so that the electron would lose energy and spiral into nucleus!


• Neils Bohr postulates the quantum model of the atom, in which orbiting electrons exist in discrete energy levels


• birth of "spin": Pauli introduces a "two-valued quantum degree of freedom" in order to account for the emission spectrum of alkali metals

• Ralph Kronig (1925) suggested this was produced by the self-rotation of the electron, which Pauli criticized severely, noting that this would violate the theory of relativity -- consequently Kronig decided not to publish

• George Uhlenbeck and Samuel Goudsmit (working under Paul Ehrenfest) do publish a similar idea!

• later Pauli (1927) does embrace the idea, using quantum mechanics


• protons and electrons discovered to have spin 1/2


• P.A.M. Dirac postulates the existence of a positively charged electron, as a consequence of the Dirac equation


• Franco Rasetti (Caltech) finds 14N has spin 1

• problem for the Rutherford model, in which 14 p + 7 e nucleus would have spin 1/2 (14 p + 6 e ⇒ spin 0, final e gives spin 1/2)


• Wolfgang Pauli suggests the presence of a third, neutral subatomic particle, the neutrino (term actually coined by Enrico Fermi in 1931), in the nucleus (very light, non-interacting, spin 1/2)

• the neutrino is also introduced to explain the energy spectrum of beta decays of nuclei (14C → 14N + e + νe), in which the undetected particle carries away the difference between the energy and angular momentum of the initial and final particles

• because of their very weak interactions with matter, neutrinos weren't detected until mid-1950s


• Walther Bothe and Herbert Becker (Germany) discover that alpha-A (alpha ≡ 4He; A = Be, B, Li) collisions produce an unusually penetrating radiation, thought at first to be a form of γ radiation

• Irene Joliot-Curie and Frederik Joliot (1932, Paris) find that if this (unknown) radiation falls on hydrogen-containing compounds, it ejects high energy protons


• James Chadwick (Cambridge) shows that the gamma ray hypothesis is untenable, and suggests that the new radiation consists of uncharged particles ("neutrons") with mass similar to the proton mass
• Dmitri Iwanenko suggested that neutrons were spin-1/2 particles and that nucleus contained neutrons rather than electrons

• Francis Perrin suggested that neutrinos were not nuclear particles but were created during β decay (β ≡ e-)

• Heisenberg proposed that proton and neutron are two states of same particle, the "nucleon", with mass difference arising from electromagnetic interactions (⇒ "isotopic spin" or "isospin")


• Carl Anderson (Caltech) discovers "positron" in cosmic rays, which have the same mass as the electron but opposite charge


• Hideki Yukawa's theory of the strong force: nucleus held together by protons and neutrons exchanging massive "mesons" (or "mesotron")

• from the range of the nuclear force (inferred from the radius of the nucleus), mass of predicted meson ~ 100 MeV


• Carl Anderson and Seth Neddermeyer discover muon, with mass ~ 106 MeV, initially thought to be pion, but did not interact strongly with matter (hence was only a massive version of electron)

• puzzled as to how the unexpected discovery could fit into any logical scheme of particle physics, I. I. Rabi famously asked "Who ordered that?"


• Stueckelberg introduces concept of baryon number conservation (actually, Pais in 1953 invented the term "baryon")


• Cecil Powell, Cesar Lattes and Giuseppe Occhialini (Bristol) discovered pion, with mass ~ 140 MeV, in atmospheric cosmic rays


• Rochester & Butler discover strange, "V" shaped tracks in cloud chambers, K0 → π+ π- decay (K0 was first known as V0, then as a θ0)


• Powell discovers charged kaon, K+ → π+ + π+ + π- (K+ was first known as the τ+)


• Carl Anderson's group discovers Λ → p π- decay; Λ as the first "hyperon"


• Enrico Fermi discovers Δ(1232) resonance in π p scattering


• Konopinski and Mahmoud introduce lepton number conservation: leptons created in particle-antiparticle pairs


• Clyde Cowan Jr. and Frederick Reines observe "inverse β-decay" process, νe + p → p + e+, confirming the existence of the neutrino
[Nobel Prize 1995]

• Raymond Davis Jr. (1955) does not observe reaction νe + n(37Cl) → p(37Ar) + e-; null result implies that ν and ν are different particles
[Nobel Prize 2002]

• Leon Lederman, Melvin Schwartz and Jack Steinberger (1962) demonstrate existence of muon-neutrino, in addition to electron-neutrino, through absence of νμ + p → e+ + n reaction
[Nobel Prize 1988]


• explosion of newly discovered particles (Δ, Σ, Ξ, ...), especially with BNL's first particle accelerator, Cosmotron (1952)

• Emilio Segre and Owen Chamberlain discover antiproton (1955)

• Willis Lamb in his 1955 Nobel Prize speech claimed that he had heard it said at one point that "the finder of a new elementary particle used to be rewarded by a Nobel Prize, but such a discovery now ought to be punished by a $10,000 fine"

• Enrico Fermi to Leon Lederman: "Young man, if I could remember the names of these particles, I would have been a botanist!"

• tidy garden of 1947 had grown to chaotic jungle by 1960, akin to chemistry before the Periodic Table


• Gell-Mann and Nishijima introduce "strangeness" quantum number, conserved in strong interactions, but not in weak


• T.D. Lee and C.N. Yang propose parity violation in weak interactions, to solve the "theta-tau" puzzle; confirmed experimentally shortly after by Mme. Wu
[Nobel Prize 1957]


• Murray Gell-Mann, Yuval Ne'eman: "Eightfold Way", classification of spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 baryons into SU(3)F octet and decuplet; spin-0 and spin-1 mesons into SU(3)F octets

• prediction of S = -3 baryon


• Ω (sss) discovered, confirming flavor symmetric classifications of the Eightfold Way


• Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig independently postulate fractionally charged constituents ("quarks" or "aces") to systematically account for quantum numbers of baryons ( qqq ) and mesons ( q q)

"Three quarks for Muster Mark", Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce

• Gell-Mann did not believe these were actually physical, but more like book-keeping devices

• Richard Dalitz (Oxford) took quarks as physical entities seriously, and developed quark model of hadrons

• Beg, Lee, Pais compute magnetic moment ratios, with μn / μp = 2/3, which agrees to 3% with experiment


• B. Sakita: problem with statistics for Δ++ (uuu): how can one have antisymmetric wave function with all 3 quarks in an S-wave, when the Pauli Exclusion Principle forbids two fermions to occupy the same quantum mechanical state?

• Oscar Greenberg (1964): "paraquark" model, quarks obey parastatistics of order 3; paraquarks obey both commutation and anticommutation relations

• Moo-Young Han & Yoichiro Nambu (1965): three triplets of quarks with integer charges
[ Re+e- = 4, 1/2 < Rnp < 2 ]

• William Bardeen, Harald Fritzsch & Murray Gell-Mann (1972, hep-ph/0211388): quarks have internal "color" degree of freedom
[ Re+e- = 3, 1/4 < Rnp < 4 ]


• Cronin & Fitch discover CP violation in K0 - K0 system


• deep inelastic scattering experiments at SLAC (Jerome Friedman, Henry Kendall, Richard Taylor) see scaling, or Q2 independence, of inclusive cross section, or structure function, confirming existence of point-like constituents (or "partons", as Feynman refered to them; "put-ons" according to Gell-Mann) inside nucleon
[Nobel Prize 1990]

• partons identified with quarks (Bjorken, Feynman)


• David Gross, Frank Wilczek, David Politzer: β function in non-Abelian SU(3) is negative; led to asymptotic freedom, and Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)
[Nobel Prize 2004]


• charm quark & J/ψ ( c c) discovered, by C.C. Ting (BNL, "J") and Burton Richter (SLAC, "ψ"); confirmation of quark model
[Nobel Prize 1976]


• charmed baryon, Λc ( udc ), and charmed mesons, D+ ( c d) & D0 ( c u), discovered


• τ lepton discovered by Marton Perl (SLAC)
[Nobel Prize 1995]


• bottom (b) quark and ϒ ( b b) discovered by Leon Lederman (FNAL); initial claim in 1976 was erroneous, statistical fluctuation, named the "Oops-Leon"


W, Z bosons discovered by Carlo Rubbia and Simon van der Meer (CERN)
[Nobel Prize 1984]


• top (t) quark discovered by D0 and CDF Collaborations (FNAL), completing the 3 families of quarks; as heavy as gold atom!